She had a hand on the door handle when Jonas pressed a hand against the roof of her car, leaning the side of his body against the door so she couldn’t get inside.
“Whoa…We’re not serial killers.”
She didn’t believe him, especially when she was trying to open the door but couldn’t due to him blocking it with his body.
Mika jumped when Jonas yelled out the bartender’s name.
“Are me and Hammer serial killers?”
“Nah, they’re cool,” he yelled out before waving to a car that was parking next to his truck.
“He could just be vouching for you so you’ll give him a cut of the money.”
“What money?”
Her head spun when she realized Hammer had moved up behind her, effectively sandwiching her between the two men.
Jesus, she didn’t need to be told she was in hot water; she felt it nipping at her vagina.
“The money you’re going to rob off me.”
“You think we’re going to rob you?”
Looking into Jonas’s clear eyes, she was beginning to doubt the usual, sound judgment that she was so proud of. Then she shook herself free of his memorizing hold on her as she watched a raven-haired woman wearing a raincoat go inside the bar.
It took her a second to realize he was addressing her and that he was still waiting for an answer.
It was easier to keep her eyes on Jonas. Somehow, he seemed the least threatening of the two.
“Why?” His expression gentled even more.
“That’s obvious.”
“Not to me. How about you, Hammer?”
She didn’t turn her head to look back at him this time. A woman could only take too much temptation before throwing caution to the wind and taking a chance, not only with her wallet but with her body.
The sound of a motorcycle coming from up the road had all three of them watching as a lone biker pulled into the parking lot. She couldn’t help staring as the biker got off his bike and removed his helmet.
What the hell? When she got home, she needed to tell all her female friends that they should pack up and move to Kentucky. Her attention returned back to the men next to her. Tennessee’s men weren’t anything to sneeze at either.
“Are you going to tell us why you think we’re serial killers or wanting to rob you?”
The biker about to go inside the bar stopped at hearing Jonas’s raised voice.
“Do you mind?” she hissed. “This is embarrassing.”
Jonas turned his head, seeing that she was embarrassed about the biker overhearing them.
“Shade.” Jonas raised his hand in casual greeting.
The man gave a curt nod before continuing inside.
“You know him?”
Mika wanted to lick her lips. Getting ahold of her libido, she raised her chin toward the doorway the biker had gone through. “Why didn’t you ask him if you were serial killers? You didn’t have a problem asking the bartender.”
Jonas’s smile curled higher. “Shade likes to fuck with people. I didn’t want to take the chance of him getting a kick out of scaring you off me and Hammer. We’re really nice guys, aren’t we?”
“I haven’t decided yet.”
“It was more a rhetorical question for Hammer.”
Mika laughed, her nervousness easing a tiny bit.
“Why don’t you tell us why you think we’re serial killers?”
“Don’t forget the robbing part.”
Mika could feel Hammer’s breath on the nape of her neck as he moved closer to her back.
Jonas tilted his head to the side as he waited for her answer.
“I’m just going to be honest here. Normally, men like you two don’t give me a second glance.”
“And because we’re interested in you that makes us serial killers?”
“Or about to rob her?”
Mika swung around to look at Hammer, then answered, “Yes.”
“We’re not.” Hammer had stated almost innocently as if those two words alone should convince her.
“How am I supposed to know that?”
“How do you know that Harvey wasn’t?”
“I don’t.”
“But you were going to spend the night with him?”
She tightened her lips. She wasn’t going to answer that question. It was none of his business what she was or wasn’t going to do with Harvey.
“How about this?” Jonas spoke, directing her attention back to him. “We have a couple of hours before Mick opens the bar again. You drive back to the motel, and Hammer and I will go grab a movie, and we can watch it in your room. If we don’t kill or rob you, then we’ll save you a trip back here.”
He thought he was being funny, and it was everything she had not to laugh at his sense of humor.
“I know I’m going to regret this, but okay.” Deep down, she felt as if she was safe with these two men, and she hadn’t been wrong yet on her assessment of men’s characters. It would suck if she was wrong this time and died so far from home.
Jonas gave her a wide smile. “What’s your room number?”
“All right, Hammer and I will get the movie and meet you there.”
Hammer moved around her to go with Jonas to a dark Escalade that was parked not far from hers.
“Don’t you want to know what kind of movie I like?”
Hammer turned, walking backward as he talked. “Either a comedy or a romance. I think you’ve been watching too many horror movies.”
“I prefer action.”
Hammer and Jonas both stopped walking.
“We do, t
Mika flushed at the double meaning.
“Just get a comedy. I need a good laugh.”
Shaking her head at their disappointed expressions, she got inside the car.
As she pulled out of the parking lot, she saw Hammer behind the wheel as they took the road toward town.
It was only a few feet from the bar that the road turned into a winding curve. Pressing her foot down on the brake pedal, she took it slowly, seeing the spinning blue lights of a patrol car. Inching ahead, she saw Harvey bent over the trunk of his car with a deputy handcuffing his hands behind his back. Mika had no sympathy for him.
“I bet he wishes he called the cab.”
Mika paced back and forth in her motel room, talking out loud to herself, something that had become a habit since she arrived in Treepoint.
“You have lost your mind? Not only have you invited two strangers to your room, but you need to quit talking to yourself.”
Her self-criticism came to a halt when she heard a sharp knock on her door. Frantically telling herself that she wasn’t going to open the door, she felt her feet moving. Even as she was yelling at herself not to do it, she found her hand turning the doorknob. She opened her mouth to tell the men that she changed her mind and was going to have an early night. However, her good intentions bit the dust at the sight of the striking men.
It was hard to choose which one she was more attracted to. Jonas seemed the friendlier of the two, while Hammer seemed more no-nonsense. They were both tall, but Hammer had about two or three inches on his friend. They both looked to be in their late-thirties. And both had dark hair, though Jonas’s had more curl in his than Hammer’s.
Opening the door wider, Mika allowed them inside, coming to the conclusion that she would watch the movie with them, then send them on their way.
As she said that to herself, she knew in her heart that her plan was doomed for failure. What woman in her right mind would turn down two gorgeous males just to go to sleep?
Wiping her sweaty palms on the side of her jeans, she tried to appear as if she was used to having two men in her motel room.
“What movie did you get?”
Jonas raised two plastic cases. “We got Avengers and Bohemian Rhapsody.”