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Hollywood Temptation

Page 17

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Colt made a strangled sort of noise, then coughed loudly and cleared his throat.

Perfect. Her legs had done the trick.

“Okay, you’ve got me. Every Wednesday I work at Helen’s House. Seacliffe does a lot of charity work for women and kids who’ve been victims of domestic abuse.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Unfortunately, lots of these women—and some of the kids—need plastic surgery after they’ve been injured. None of them have health insurance. So we do the best we can to help.”

She visibly sucked in a breath. “I’d heard people around here mention Helen’s House. I just wasn’t quite sure what it was. Do all of you help out, or is it just you?”

He nodded slowly. “Helen and her husband were the original founders. Everyone who has become a partner at Seacliffe since then has known that it’s part of the deal. We all have our own reasons for helping out.”

“What’s yours?” Her voice was barely above a whisper, as if she were almost afraid to ask.

His gaze swept across the room as he considered his answer. How much should he tell her? His gut instincts about Selena were good. But then again, it might be that he was just blinded by the simmering attraction between them. He wasn’t ready to tell her anymore. His eyes didn’t meet hers. “Like I said, it’s personal.”

Something crossed across her face. He couldn’t tell if she was hurt or just curious. It was time to change the subject.

He lifted his head and smiled. “So, Selena, I love the accent. You told me you were on a working vacation. How long are you planning on staying?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “I’m not too sure. I worked for a few years in Scotland but my company got taken over by another and they,” she lifted her fingers in the air to make air quotes, “downsized.”

“You were part of the downsizing?”

She nodded. “Me and another hundred people. I tried for another few jobs but wasn’t lucky, so I came over here. I thought there would be more opportunities.”

“And now that there isn’t, you might want to leave LA?”

She looked out over the beautiful ocean. “I’m not sure. I was so happy when I’d made plans to come here. I mean, who wouldn’t want to come to a place that looks like this?”

“I’ve got to say, I love it here now,” said Colt.

“You weren’t brought up here?” She looked surprised. People generally were when they realized Colt wasn’t an LA native.

He paused for a second. “I was brought up a few hundred miles from here. I moved to LA in my late teens.”

If he’d any doubts before, they were instantly banished. Her curious stare fixed on him. “I thought you were LA born and bred.”

“It feels like it now. I can’t imagine staying anywhere else.” He paused, then asked, “So what’s the story with you and the shoe-thrower? I take it you’re not together anymore?”

Now he was the curious one. But her entrance had certainly been unique.

She let out a long huff of air, “No. We’re definitely not together now. Mark was a nice enough guy, it just didn’t work out between us.”

“Really? That’s all you’re giving me?” His eyebrows lifted in amusement.

She met his gaze. “That’s all I’m giving you.” She took a drink of her soda. “Now, it’s my turn. I’m assuming there’s no Mrs. Travers?”

It seemed he wasn’t the only one that could do a rapid change of subject. But he liked that. Give a little, get a little back. Just enough that both players could keep the other interested. He could play that game. “Absolutely not.”

“Why not?”

His eyes concentrated on hers, his voice low. “I’ve been waiting to find a fellow sci-fi fanatic. Most women don’t appreciate my likes and dislikes.”

She gave a visible shiver that made him smile. Her fingers trailed down the side of her glass. It was icy cold but he could almost sense the heat running through her body right now. She tilted her head to the side, exposing the paler skin at the side of her neck. “Well, the sci-fi thing is probably a one-off. I’m sure we’ve got nothing else in common.”

He pushed a little further. How much could he get to know about Selena? How much would they both be willing to reveal? “That sounds like a challenge—and I’m not so sure. Let’s see.” He raised his eyebrows in query. “Star Wars or Star Trek?”

“Is this a pop quiz?”

“It’s a getting-to-know you quiz.”

She grinned. “What’s the prize?”

He didn’t answer, just licked his lips.

She shifted in her chair; it wasn’t his imagination—she understood the hidden implication entirely. “Star Wars, every time.”

He frowned, and she laughed.

“Was that the wrong answer? I like Stargate, too, if that’s any help. Oh, and Doctor Who.” She winked at him. “I’ve even been to a convention.”

“Really?” He sat up straighter in his seat. “In that case, I might make an exception for you. Let’s try something else. Okay, mornings or evenings?”

There was no hesitation. “Evenings. I’m definitely a night owl. What about you?”

They were complete opposites. “I run along a few miles along the beach every morning before it gets too busy.” He paused then added, “But I’ve been known to do a twilight jog, too.”

“Any vampires?”

He laughed. “No, there’s never any vampires on Malibu beach. Anyhow, I prefer mornings.”

She shuddered. “Oh no. I can’t think of anything worse. I like my coffee fix before I even get out of bed.”

“I’ll remember that.”

He couldn’t help but tease her.

She gave a little tug at her shirt, unfastening the top button. Colt’s gaze was unwavering. He was enjoying seeing her flounder.

“So, Selena…” He leaned a little close

r across the table, lowering his voice. “Bedroom habits—are you a neat freak or a messy girl?”

She couldn’t speak. Her eyes widened at the shock of his question. He liked her more and more. He moved back and let out a laugh, obviously reveling in her reaction. “Do I get an answer?”

She lifted her glass and gulped down some soda. She rested her fingers near the open button of her shirt, twiddling it between her finger and thumb. “Oh, I’m definitely a messy girl in the bedroom.” She smiled wickedly, watching his eyes fixate on the button. “I’m betting you’re a neat freak.” She waved her hand. “You have that aura about you.”

He nodded. “Guilty as charged.”

“Then it seems we’re complete opposites.”

His response was instant. “You know what they say, opposites attract.”

She hesitated. This flirtation was skyrocketing.

But the heavy silence between them was quickly broken by the waiter sitting plates down in front of them. “Bon appétit.”

Colt’s eyebrow arched. “Bon appétit.”

Selena let out a sigh as she watched the steam curl up from her burger and fries.

Colt didn’t waste any time. He’d already cut his burger in half and was loading salad into the bun. “Oh lighten up, Selena.” He waved his hand at her fries. “Go on, you know you want one. Live a little.”

The waiter’s presence had broken the sexual innuendo between them.

She picked it up and took a bite.

“Thank goodness. I thought I was going to have to tie you down and force feed you. Strawberries, chocolate, champagne…” He was teasing her again. It was fun, and he liked it.

“Now there’s an offer I’ll need to consider.” His mind exploded with a whole host of indecent thoughts—none of which were suitable for a spa restaurant in the middle of the day.

Colt spoke carefully. “Until your stitches come out, you’re still officially my patient. It puts you well out of bounds.” He was trying to keep the tone light, as if he were half joking about it. But he wasn’t. Not for a second.

“You’ll be taking my stitches out in the next thirty minutes. What happens then?”

Was he really doing this? Flirting with a member of staff and thinking erotic thoughts while she ate some fries? He’d never had a lunch date like this in her life.

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