Ripple Effect (Effect 1) - Page 4

Adam stopped right in front of me. We spent so much time looking into each other’s eyes, trying to get a glimpse of what the other person was thinking. There was no way I would take a free membership as that would make me feel cheap.

“I’ll bring a check tomorrow when I come at eight. Is there anything else I need to bring?”

Adam’s brows creased again, but a smile formed as he held up the white bracelet for me to take. “Be sure to wear this when you come. It says you’re taken and will keep anyone from approaching you. I don’t do relationships, but I sure as hell don’t share either.”

I took the bracelet and gave him back the black one. “Does this mean that you won’t be sleeping with anyone else while this arrangement lasts? I won’t share either. You’ll find that I’m not a pushover, Adam. I like an even playing field.”

His grin grew wider. “I won’t be fucking anyone else besides you. I’m hard as a rock from thinking about how many different ways we are going to have each other.”

I liked playful, hot Adam. The way he threw sex out there so casually turned me on since it had always been more clinical in my past relationships.

“Good to know. I can’t wait to start this little adventure. I’d better head out. You have a problem to take care of, and I have a paper to finish up for school.” My voice was steady and unaffected even though my body felt like it was hanging on by a thread.

Adam put his arm on the small of my back. I wanted to look at the intricate details of his tattoos that encased his arms, but I only glanced at them prior to looking ahead. The words Carpe Diem were done on the inside of his right bicep that I had seen earlier while we were in the Afterburn room. I wondered what the story was behind all his different tats.

As we made our way to the door, Adam began talking, filling the silence, “When you get here tomorrow, if I’m not at the side entrance, have Trigger find me.”

“The guy who was at the door with the blond hair when I came in with Nora?”

“That would be him. He’ll be aware you’re coming. Don’t enter without him or me. I need to make sure everyone knows you’re mine.”

Those last words were exactly the reason I needed to be sure to pay for a membership. The word mine had a lot of meanings. I had a feeling the definition I was used to attaching was not the same as Adam’s. He opened the door for me, and we entered the sex club again.

As the hour grew later, I could tell things got a little steamier out in the open. Couples were now cozied up on the couches, whispering to each other with hands roaming. The interior designer had done a good job of setting the mood as the iridescent lights cast faint hints of color on the frosted glass. Low, mysterious music played that had me wanting to make out with Adam.

Nora was behind the bar in full bartender mode. She saw me and gave me the call-me signal. I gave a little nod her way, confirming I would. I loved Nora’s free spirit and how she always went with the way the wind blew. Some people thought she was a little much, but she was one of my best friends. Nora was about my size, but she had enough gusto to seem like a linebacker on a football team. Her blonde hair was done up messy, but I could still see the streaks of purple that she had added last week. She would change her hair color frequently, depending on her mood.

Nora and I had met at the library where I worked part-time. A few years ago, I had helped her find some books she was looking for, and from there, we’d become friends over time. It took me a while to open up to people and trust them. Nora was the most loyal friend I had ever had besides my mother. Plus, she never pushed me to talk if I didn’t want to. She liked to keep her feelings below the surface, too, not exposed for all to see what was going on.

Adam and I approached the door, and Trigger gave me a slight smile.

I said, “Night.”

He responded, “Night.”

I figured Adam would say good-bye to me at the door, but he continued out into the night.

I broke the silence between us. “I’m in the lot across the street. You don’t have to walk me to my car.” Escorting me to my vehicle had more of a date feeling than was necessary given our arrangement.

Adam’s hand flexed against my back. “I know. It’s something I want to do. With the drunk crowd from the bar area, I don’t want you running into any problems. Just because we aren’t dating doesn’t say I don’t want to make sure you’re safe.”

My head hurt from the conflicting statements. Those were things a boyfriend would say.

Focus on the facts, Ainsley. “Thanks. Do you have a lot of problems on the bar side?”

We started crossing the street to my old silver Camry. It wasn’t new and flashy, but at least the car was mine. My mom had cosigned the loan for me as I’d refused to have anything to do with my dad.

Adam still hadn’t answered my question as we made it to my car.

He turned me and leaned toward me, causing my back to touch the driver’s side door. “Normally, no, we don’t have many problems. You’re gorgeous, Ainsley, and I don’t want you to be harassed by some horny ass who’s had too much to drink. You’re exclusively mine, and I protect what’s mine. I run a tight establishment here, but that doesn’t mean sometimes people don’t step over the line, especially where alcohol is involved. Always make sure I know when you’re coming, so someone can be on the lookout for you, okay?”

What the hell am I supposed to say to that?

I reminded myself that he wasn’t the bring-you-flowers kind of guy. We were using each other’s bodies, and that was it. I guessed that didn’t imply he had to be a total asshole. He could still be a gentleman.

“Okay. I’ll let you know prior to coming over. I’ll need your cell phone number. Or do you want me to call the club?”

His fingers came underneath my chin, and he raised it until my eyes met his. “I’ll text you with it in a bit. I’ll see you tomorrow. If you can come sooner than eight, then text me. I’ll clear my schedule for you.”

“I’ll try. I don’t get off from the library until five, and I’m helping a friend out for an hour, so I won’t be available until a little after six.”

Without warning, his lips came down on mine, and he kissed me again. My body automatically reacted to him. I arched into him as the need from earlier came back full force. Adam’s hand went to my hips, and he pushed his erection against me. I was two seconds away from asking him to take me back inside when his phone vibrated. He pulled back from the kiss and leaned his forehead against mine. We were both slightly out of breath.

“Fuck. I need to get back in the club. I can’t wait to spend time with you tomorrow, Ainsley. It’s all I’ll think about until then.”

“Me, too. Good luck with your problem.”

Adam stepped away and I opened up the car door.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said.

I gave him a shy smile and said, “Tomorrow.”

He closed my door and jogged back across the street. He stopped and turned around as I cranked my car. I pulled out of the parking lot, and I could see that he continued to watch me until I was no longer visible to him. This type of arrangement was definitely foreign to me. He was thoughtful, and I believed he was going to be a generous lover. The problems were making sure I kept it businesslike and didn’t read too much into the small gestures. My heart had already been bruised from being used and cheated on by Jarrod, and I needed to make sure I kept it safe because Adam was the more dangerous type to have feelings for. He could permeate my mind, my every thought, my existence.

I reminded myself, he was just a lay. We’re just pleasure buddies. This is no-attachment sex.

That was what I kept telling myself as I made my way home to my apartment.

After I watched Ainsley’s brake lights disappear, I turned and went into the club.

Fuck me, I want her.

The way she’d responded to me as I’d kissed and touched her was incredible.

Shit, I need to stop thinking about her.


; I never thought about a woman for this long after I had sex with her, and I hadn’t even had Ainsley yet. She was invading all my thoughts. I’d have her tomorrow night. Right now, I needed to get my head in the game and focus on the problem at hand—the picture-taking prick.

I walked back to the door and spoke to Trigger, “Let Brandt know I’m on my way.”

“Will do, Adam.”

Trigger was pulling out his walkie-talkie when I stopped and turned toward him again. I looked around and noticed a few people were standing about.

“The new girl will be back tomorrow. Don’t let anyone lay a hand on her. She has a white bracelet. She’s going to be anonymous and hasn’t picked her name yet. ”

He gave me a smirk. “I figured you’d end up wanting her. I’ll make sure either Snake or I have her until you’re able to get up here. She’s a hot piece of ass. Hell, I was going to go after her the minute that black bracelet came off.”

“Don’t, Trigger. Don’t talk about her like that, or you and I are going to have problems. She’s taken. End of fucking story.” The growl in my voice was evident.

Trigger raised his hands in a surrendering motion. “I meant no disrespect, man. It won’t happen again. I know the rules.”

I nodded and then started making my way back to the security office where we kept all the monitors. My mind was working on overdrive as I thought about my outburst of possessive behavior. I scrubbed a hand down my face.

Why the hell did that comment from Trigger bother me? I need to figure it out.

Tags: Kristin Mayer Effect Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024