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Ripple Effect (Effect 1)

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Brandt turned as I spoke, “I’ll be in my office. I need to get Ainsley set up in the system. She’s requested to be anonymous, so I’ll let you know what name she chooses.”

A smile spread across his face, and then he pointed to the screens. “I bet it’s eating you alive with how much she’s affected you. I saw all I needed to see to know it’s true even if you deny it.”

I flipped him the bird and walked toward my office. Low mood music played, which made my dick ache for someone I hadn’t even had yet.


I took a seat behind my desk and grabbed my phone from my pocket. I pulled up Ainsley’s number and texted her.

Me: It’s Adam. Did you make it home okay?

She responded almost immediately, which made me smile.

Ainsley: I did, and I have your number now. I hope your problem is getting solved.

Me: It’s ongoing. I’ll see you at eight. If you can come sooner, let me know.

Ainsley: Will do. I’ll see you tomorrow, PB.

Me: PB?

Ainsley: Pleasure Buddy.

I chuckled. She was ever surprising.

Me: I can’t wait. I’ll do my best to fulfill that nickname.

Ainsley: You’d better, or I’ll have to nickname you DB.

Me: DB?

Ainsley: Defective Buddy. We need to work on your acronyms.

I had just taken a swig of beer that Nora had brought me, and I nearly choked.

Me: Challenge accepted.

Ainsley: Good. I’ll see you tomorrow. I have to finish my paper. Night.

Me: Night.

I frowned at the phone. Part of me was disappointed that she had ended the text. Being each other’s fuck buddies didn’t mean I couldn’t be friendly with her.

Being comfortable with each other only increases the moments of pleasure.

Shit, I sound like some fruitcake talk show.

Taking another swig of beer, I looked at the mountain of paperwork I needed to complete.

Instead of working, I opened Ainsley’s file again. She was beautiful, and I couldn’t wait to see what she looked like without the wig and additional makeup. I pulled up the computer to make sure I still had a room reserved. Brandt and I always kept at least one room reserved for our use, and we’d release it the day of if it wasn’t needed. As of late, I hadn’t seen any action, and my dick was ready for it.

Tomorrow night could not get here soon enough. Forcing thoughts of Ainsley aside, I closed the file and started pulling everything I could find on Roach from my files.

I turned on the radio, trying to calm myself as I made my way to the club. I wasn’t a virgin, but tonight felt different. I felt like I was about to embark on a journey, for better or for worse. I hoped it wasn’t the latter. The time was ten till eight, and I was going to be a few minutes late. Nora had a younger sister, Emilyn, who I adored and helped watch some days when their mother wasn’t able to get off work and Nora had to bartend at the sex club. Between Nora’s school tuition and their mother’s medical bills, I knew things were tight, and I did what I could to help.

At the stoplight, I texted Adam.

Me: Hey, I’ll be there just after eight. My obligation ran long. Sorry.

Adam: It’s fine. Thanks for letting me know. I’ll be outside, waiting for you.

Me: Okay, PB or DB. Your name will be decided at the end of the evening.

Adam: Oh, it’ll be APB!

Me: We shall see.

Adam: Don’t you want to know what the A stands for?

Me: Awful?

Adam: No! Get your ass here, and we’ll find out.

Me: It’s on its way.

I smiled at the thought of him making up acronyms. I considered the possibilities—amazing, awesome. My mind was drawing a blank at other A words. For some reason, creating a semi-friendly rapport helped me bridge some semblance of knowing him prior to having sex with him. I had never had unconnected sex before with a stranger, and I wondered if I’d freeze in the moment. My mind needed to connect the dots and somehow make it non-prostitute like.

At five after eight, I pulled into the parking lot and looked one last time in the mirror.

My pink wig from last Halloween and my heavier makeup helped hide what I really looked like. When I looked back out the front windshield, I saw Adam jogging out the door and across the street to me. He had on a white branded T-shirt and jeans. My mind tried to make my body get out of the car, but I couldn’t stop staring at his body, and he made it to my window. I wanted to trace every tattoo on his arms and figure out what each meant.

The moment our eyes met, we smiled at each other, and that small gesture helped ease my nerves.

We do have some sort of connection—physical at least.

On the outside, I knew I looked calm and collected. It was how I had survived all those years of hearing my dad beat my mother from down the hall. Each night, I would dread when the sun went down, wondering if that night would be a silent night or one filled with muffled cries and screams. After the beatings, my dad would always come to my room to see if I was awake. I would lay there, motionless, giving the impression I was sound asleep, fearing what would happen if he thought I was awake. Then, each morning, my mother and father would pretend to be a happy family. My father would tell us what his plans were for the day as my mother would limp around the kitchen. Finally, out of the blue, my dad had found greener pastures after receiving a huge promotion at work. He’d left us for a younger woman, and I was grateful for it because I hated him. I never felt weaker and more pathetic in my life for not fighting, protecting, or standing up for my mom. It was an eternal regret I would carry forever. My mom still didn’t know that I was aware what had happened to her all those years.

Adam opened my car door, and I stepped out.

His eyes shot down to my wrist to see the white band. “You remembered.”

“Of course I did.” I started digging through my purse for the check I had written out prior to leaving my apartment. Pulling it out, I handed it to Adam. “Here’s my first month’s membership fee. Do I need to sign anything else?”

Adam looked at the check in my hand with almost contempt. Keeping a passive face in place, I pushed it forward slightly. He went to speak and then closed his mouth. We were in yet another silent standoff.

I am not going to lose this round.

We stared at each other for a minute. The silence didn’t bother me like most people. I embraced it. Silent nights had meant that my father was leaving my mother alone and not hurting her.

Adam grabbed the check and stuffed it in the front pocket of his jeans. His chocolate eyes searched mine as he said, “You’re officially a member. Are you ready?”

“Lead the way, Pleasure Buddy. I hope I don’t have to rename you.”

He chuckled. “It’s highly unlikely.”

I smiled, and the inner tension within me began to lessen. He grabbed my hand and walked me to the side door that Trigger was guarding. It was Wednesday night, and the place was busier than it had been last night.

As we approached the door, Trigger gave us both a nod. “All’s good, Adam. I’ll let Brandt know if I run into any problems.”

Adam nodded. “Thanks, Trigger.”

I glanced over into the bar area where some people were making out while others were drinking. One guy had his hand creeping up a woman’s leg, and I glanced away. The sensual music had my pulse climbing, and I looked back. We had stopped without me realizing it. Although watching the couple touch each other felt like I was invading their privacy, I wanted to see how far they would go in public. My eyes were drawn to the couple as the man’s hand drew closer and closer to the edge of the woman’s skirt.

Adam’s mouth was at my ear as he whispered, “Does that turn you on, Ainsley?”

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