Ripple Effect (Effect 1) - Page 10

Before she had a chance to delve deeper into the reason behind my sleep deprivation, which happened to be her, I asked, “Want to go to the bar and get a drink? I believe we still have a date with the Tantra Chair.”

She looked up at the ceiling, and I noticed she was twirling her ring on her right finger.

“Can I ask you something first? But I don’t want you to think I’m looking for compliments?”

“Ainsley, you can ask me anything.”

She took a deep breath and looked toward me. My guard went up slightly as I wondered what she was going to ask. It was still hard to read what was going on inside that head of hers.

“Am I handling this okay? This is completely out of my element, and I want to make sure I’m doing this right. You won’t hurt my feelings if I should be doing something differently with the whole sex-without-strings angle.”

This was her insecure side, and I wondered what had made her that way.

“How do you feel right now? How does what we’re doing make you feel?”

Her pale blue eyes got a faraway look in them as she thought. Her focus shifted to me as she said, “I can’t think of anything but amazing, more than amazing actually. I can’t describe it, but it’s the freest I’ve ever felt.”

“Then, you’re doing it perfectly. When you’re here, think about the now. Nothing outside these walls matters. The here, the now, our connection, our pleasure—that’s all that matters. This is our escape from reality.”

She rose and gently pressed her lips to mine. “Thank you.”

The kiss felt too intimate to me, and I pulled back quickly before settling down on the pillow. “Did anyone bother you tonight? I’m sorry I wasn’t there to meet you in the parking lot.”

“No, no one bothered me. Trigger had Snake show me to your office.”


She yawned, and it was contagious as I followed. My eyes began to feel heavy. Listening to Ainsley’s even breathing had my eyes shutting, and I drifted off. I was still so tired.

“Adam? What time is it?”

My body was wrapped around Ainsley’s. Peering over to the clock, I groggily said, “It’s after three.”

She started to move, and I automatically pulled her closer to me.

“Adam, I need to go home. I was supposed to leave at midnight. I have to be at work at nine.”

Realizing what I was doing, I let her go. Shit, I was cuddling. I might as well put a pink pansy-ass bow on my head. I turned on the lamp.

Moving off the bed, she went to gather her clothes in the dim light from the light I’d turned on. I followed to find my own clothes. We dressed to the sound of the ticking clock.

Ainsley was about to put on her T-shirt when she giggled. “I think I’m going to need to borrow one of your shirts, Adam. Um…I guess we were a bit excited.” She giggled again as she held up her shirt.

It was torn up the middle.

I had been crazed out of my mind to get inside her. “Shit, I’m sorry. Let me find you something.”

Heading into the small closet, I grabbed a red T-shirt off the hanger. “This will be a little big, but it will keep you covered.”

She took it from me and slipped it on. “Thanks. I just need something to get home in. I’ll wash it and bring it back to you.”

“That works. I’ll get you a new T-shirt.”

She bit her lip. “It’s okay. It was fun having you want me like that.”

I grabbed her hand, and we left the room. We made our way through the club that was alive.

Her insecure comments from before still bothered me.

Did whatever asshole she was with before not make her feel desired and wanted? Fucking moron.

Trigger was standing post at the VIP door.

As we walked past, I said, “I’ll be back in a bit. Let Brandt know.”

“Sounds good, man. I will.”

Three loud assholes were hanging out in the parking lot. They were eyeing Ainsley as we walked by. Instinctually, I pulled her closer to me in a possessive manner. Over my shoulder, I looked them over as we walked. It looked like one was about to say something until he made eye contact with me.

Good choice.

As we approached her car, I veered us to the passenger side. “Let me take you home.” I was going to try to take the nondemanding route, but in reality, that wasn’t an option.

“It’s okay. I’m about twenty minutes from here. I’m a little tired, but I’ll be okay. College student, remember?”

She began rummaging through her purse and pulled out her keys.

Lightly placing my hand on hers, I said, “It’s late, and I’ll feel better if you let me. I’ll have a car come by and pick me up.”

Ainsley yawned again and nodded, releasing the car keys to me. Opening the door for her, she got in and laid her head back. She was exhausted. Going to the driver’s side, I got in and started her small car. It smelled like her, and my dick started to liven up.

Down, boy. We are not inside the club.

Ainsley hit a few buttons on her GPS. “This will take you right to my apartment. I’m in unit nine. You can park in either parking spot for my apartment.”

She yawned again and closed her eyes. Ainsley fell back asleep before we even left the parking lot.

After following the directions, I found she lived in a typical college housing unit. Buildings of bland colors with no shrubbery were lined up side by side in the complex. I pulled into the lot. Her unit was on the ground floor. Without awaking her, I first went to her apartment door and found the door key on her key ring. Walking through the door, the place was slightly illuminated by the stove light she had left on. The living room, kitchen, and eating area were all one room. Looking down the small hallway, a bathroom appeared on the right side, and her bedroom was on the left. There was nothing extravagant in the simple apartment.

Heading back to the car, I got her out and carried her into her home. Being careful not to bump Ainsley into anything, I went to her bed. The covers were already pulled back from not making the bed this morning.

Gently, I set her down. “Ainsley, baby, I’m going to take off your pants, so you can sleep better, and I’ll set your alarm for seven thirty.”


She was gone. I took off her shoes and then slipped her pants off her body. Seeing her like this had me wanting her again. I had wasted all my damn time with her tonight sleeping.

Son of a bitch!

Covering her back up, she moaned and said, “Thank you, Adam.”

Just the sound and knowing how I could have her screaming in pleasure was enough to make me step toward her.

Shit, I’m in her home. I can’t do this in her home. We can only fuck at the club.

I turned and walked out of the room, needing to break the connection. I had almost broken one of my cardinal rules.

Sex is to only happen at the club.

It was what kept partners from getting all dopey-eyed at the thought of having something more. I pulled up the app on my phone to call a cab and put in the info. Locking the door from the inside, I stepped outside to wait. At least if I was locked out of her house, I wouldn’t be tempted to say screw it and bury myself in her.


I started pacing as I waited.

I was going to have to work on redrawing the boundaries that I had let blur.

My alarm was buzzing. Blindly reaching over, I hit the snooze button. Pushing myself off the bed, I went to my bathroom across the hall and flipped on the light. I wanted more sleep. Grabbing my toothbrush, I put the toothpaste on it and began leisurely brushing my teeth. When I glanced in the mirror, I saw Adam’s shirt on my body, and I froze, remembering him bringing me home and kissing me good night. Confusing emotions swirled within me as I rinsed out my mouth. At times, over the last two days, it’d felt like what Adam and I were doing was beginning to become more.

No way. He was clear. This is just fun. No attachments.


sp; Turning on the shower, I pulled off his shirt and set it aside before getting underneath the cascading hot water. I’d refused to smell the T-shirt because I knew it would smell like Adam. I was glad I had been half gone to the world last night when he brought me home. Knowing how badly I’d wanted him, I might have tried to do something to have more sex with him while being outside of the club walls. That was against his rules, so it had been for the best. The way he could make me feel was beyond anything Jarrod had. Jarrod had always been more concerned with himself versus me. Most of the time, I had been left unsatisfied, and I would have to finish myself off. After being with Adam, I could feel the difference in how he would take care of my needs.

Getting out of the shower, I combed through my brown hair. Next, I put on a little blush and mascara. Normally, I used very little makeup, except for when I would go to the club. My hair was straight as a board, so I normally didn’t use a hair dryer. It looked the same, regardless if I’d dried it or not. Then, I put on a light summer dress.

My phone rang, and I was slightly disappointed when I saw my mom’s name flashing across the screen. I had hoped it would be Adam, but I quickly pushed the thought aside.

“Hey, Mom.”

“Hey there. I haven’t heard from you in a couple of days, so I was checking up on you.”

There was no way I was telling Mom about what I’d been doing at Club Envy. It was one of the reasons I had not called her.

“Just studying and working, you know me.” I gave a little shrug even though she couldn’t see it.

Tags: Kristin Mayer Effect Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024