Ripple Effect (Effect 1) - Page 35

I mentally scoffed at the word home.

We had never had a home. Being here again, after what had happened last night, made the bile in my stomach turn, causing an acid flavor in my mouth.

Jason spoke, “Christine, Ainsley has prepared a letter for you that she’d like for you to read.”

My mom smiled. “I’d love that. I need to set the meat out for tonight’s dinner in twenty minutes. Gerald requested pork chops and mashed potatoes.”

My eyes closed, and I took a deep breath as I prepared to read my letter to my mom. I prayed it would take root and bring her back to me. Having her stuck in the past pained me. I opened my eyes and turned to face my mom. It was as if I was staring at a broken version of myself as her pale blue eyes met mine.

She gave an encouraging look. “Go ahead, sweetie. I’m listening.”

I cleared my throat, unfolded my letter, and tried to blink the words into focus since tears kept trying to take over. After the fifth try, I started seeing what I had written. Tears from when I had written it earlier stained the paper.

I looked down and began to read.

I finished the letter and looked at my mom. She was blinking rapidly as if the real world was trying to break through. A tear streamed down her face. I said a silent prayer that my words had penetrated her thoughts.

“You knew what was going on?” Her shocked voice tore through me.

A sob escaped me. “Yes. I’m so sorry I didn’t help you.”

Jason came into the conversation with a soothing tone to his voice, “Christine, I’d like to take you to the center. It’s a place to teach you how to cope and heal with what has happened to you. Will you accept this gift?”

My mom scrunched her eyes shut as if she was battling within her own mind. What she’d thought was her reality was turning into fiction.

“Ainsley, baby, we’re here.” Adam’s voice brought me out of my deep reflection.

I turned toward him. “Sorry. I was thinking about when I read my letter to my mom this morning and how I had to watch her struggle as she tried to reclaim what was real. Jason was unbelievable as he slowly coaxed her into agreeing to go. I hope they can help her. He’s going to call me tomorrow to update me on everything. I hope she’s in the best hands.”

Adam looked down at my right hand and smiled. I followed his gaze and saw I was touching my grandmother’s ring. I knew that was my nervous tell.

“Brandt said this guy was the best.”

“Thank you for calling him. Please tell him how much I appreciate it until I’m able to see him again.”

“I will.”

Looking down at my hand, I asked, “Do you want to read my letter to my mom sometime?”

He gave me a smile. “I’d love to, but there’s no pressure, Ainsley. I understand how personal it can be.”

“I want you to.”

He kissed my hand.

I looked out the window and saw a blue-and-white striped awning with the words Nubiance Spa printed in black. It was the premier spa in Atlanta. Two green spiral trees in stone planters were placed on each side of the door. My mom’s friends used to talk about coming here for massages. I looked back at Adam and then back at the spa, wishing that I could afford a massage here.

“Let me give this to you, Ainsley. It’s a gift from me to you.”

Turning back to him, I said, “Thank you.”

I was too tired to argue, and quite frankly, I was grateful for his thoughtfulness.

Adam smiled at me as he got out of the car and came over to my side to let me out. “After this, I’m going to order food to be delivered to the house. We’ll have an easy night in. I was thinking we could order in from your favorite Italian place, Luigi’s.”

“I’d love that. Thank you. Thank you for everything.”

“You’re welcome. I would do anything for you, Ainsley.”

His words warmed the chill that had been in my body since yesterday. As he opened the spa door, the eucalyptus smell from the spa began to invade my senses and tension ebbed from my body. White candles were lit throughout the room.

A beautiful Asian woman in a white wraparound dress was standing beside the counter. Her skin was porcelain, and she had pale red lips. Her black coal hair was done in a bun. “How may I help you?”

We walked up to the counter.

Adam addressed her, “Appointment for Ainsley Pearson. My name is Adam Ryker. I called earlier and made all the arrangements.”

She gave him a smile. “Yes, Mr. Ryker. We’ve made all the arrangements you requested. Miss Pearson will receive the premier package.”


I was glowing inside with how thoughtful Adam had been.

The receptionist walked around the counter. “Miss Pearson, please follow me, and I’ll show you to your room to change. Fresh cucumber water will be delivered to you momentarily.”

“Thank you. I’ll be right there.” Before leaving, I reached up and kissed Adam. “You’re the best. I think you definitely deserve something special for this.”

He caught on to my sultry tone and gave me a crooked grin. “I’ll hold you to that.”

“I’m sure you will.”

Feeling lighter from the day’s heavy emotional weight, I walked behind the receptionist. I pushed away all my thoughts for what the future held aside. I was going to lose myself and be in the moment.

My mom is safe.

I was in heaven as the masseuse massaged my body. A waterfall was in the room. I listened to the water cascading down the wall. Low soothing sounds came through the speakers lining the room. The masseuse’s hands were magical as the oil glided over my skin while she worked through the tension in the muscles.

I wish I could afford to do this every week.

All too soon, the woman gently said, “Please rest for a few minutes, Miss Pearson. I will come back with a refreshing mango drink.”

I sleepily said, “Okay.”

A door lightly opened and closed. The ambience absorbed into every fiber of my being as I rested and existed. My mind was shut down, at ease, and void of worry. The door opened, and internally, I groaned, dreading that my spa time was over. I tried to savor the last few minutes before the masseuse gave me my drink.

Then, the blanket was lifted off my feet and up to my butt.

Oh, maybe, it isn’t over yet, and Adam added something. He deserves a huge thank you after this is over.

The blanket was brought down from the top of my back, exposing it. Only my butt was covered now. Light touches trailed across my back, and they felt familiar. It was Adam’s touch. I bit my lip and started to turn my head. His hand came to the back of my head and stopped my movement.

“Stay put, baby. I’m going to make you feel even better.”

I gave an appreciative moan as he walked toward the other end of the table. His fingers brushed the soles of my feet. They curled while a delicious tingle spread to my calves and up my leg. He left a trail of fire as one of his hands moved to the inside of my right leg before making its way farther up my body, inch by inch. My sex clenched as I anticipated his touch.

“Adam, I need you.”

“You’re mine, Ainsley. I’m going to take care of you first, and then I’m going to take you.”

I moaned as my legs moved wider apart, beckoning him inside. He shoved his fingers in deep as his thumb touched my clit. I began moving over him. I grabbed the sides of the table and lifted myself until I was on all fours and could move back over his fingers with force.

“Fuck. Do you want it hard?”

Breathily, I panted, “Yes…”

I turned his way for the first time, and I noticed he was naked. His defined muscles and tatted arms had me craving him.

“Ainsley, I’m going to take you rough from behind, and then I’m going to make love to you on this table.”

“Just hurry.” I had turned into a crazy, wanting mess, and I didn’t care where we were at the moment.

I need him.

I want him.

Tags: Kristin Mayer Effect Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024