Ripple Effect (Effect 1) - Page 38

Brandt didn’t comment as we walked toward the security office. He knew I was right, but he liked hiding behind the work versus dealing with what was really bothering him—Nikola.

I was leaving the interviews for the security position. We had one good candidate out of the four we had talked to. Matt had a background in law enforcement. The ones from the staffing agency had been a no go. The agency said they had a few more for us to talk to, so we would see what we ended up with for potential employees. At least we would have someone, so I wouldn’t have to deal with that shit when Brandt couldn’t do it again.

I looked at the clock. Ainsley should be off work and on her way over by now.

Between what had happened with her mom, her studies, and watching Emilyn a couple of times this week, we hadn’t been at the club together in over a week. I still couldn’t escape the name man friend from Emilyn, Nora, or their mom, Nancy.

Getting back to our new room, I put Ainsley’s congratulatory gift on the bed. Technically, it was for me, too.

My phone vibrated. It was Ainsley.

Ainsley: I’m on my way. Had to stop and get something. Be there in ten minutes.

Me: What did you stop and get?

Ainsley: A surprise for you. I hope my Pleasure Buddy is charged up and ready. I’ve missed being at the club.

Me: Hell yes, I am. Hurry your sweet ass over here.

Ainsley: Yes, sir!

Her calling me her Pleasure Buddy reminded me of when we’d first gotten together. Things had definitely changed. I positioned the champagne bucket off to the side of the Tantra Chair. Then, I grabbed the silk piece of cloth and put it in my back pocket. Giving the room one last look, I was pleased with how it had turned out. Ainsley deserved to be treated special.

Walking toward the exit, I glanced into the lounge area. Trigger was helping arrange tables as Honey Pie was trying to hang all over him.

He looked my way. “Hey, Adam. Snake should be at the door in a second. Nora needed help in the cooler, and asked if I could help with the tables. Snake locked the side entrance since no one was there. He has the handheld monitor if anyone does come.”

Trigger and Snake knew I liked someone at the door all the time. They had received an ass chewing for not being there the night Ainsley had a near run in with the drunkards. I checked my pocket for my keys in case Snake wasn’t there yet when we came back to the door.

“Sounds good. I’ve got my keys. I’m going to get Ainsley. Consider me unavailable unless it’s an emergency.”

Trigger gave me a cocky grin as Honey Pie’s hands were getting higher on the inside of his leg. I had never messed with her as she was one who wanted multiple partners. As I thought about it, most of my partners no longer came here once we had gone our separate ways even though they were welcome to.

Grabbing his walkie-talkie out of his back pocket, Trigger said, “I’ll let them know, but I’m pretty sure they figured that one out.”

I shot him the bird, and he laughed.


As I walked out the door, Ainsley was getting out of her car across the street. I wished she would park closer, but I wasn’t going to press it. She gave me a little wave before pulling out a gift bag with that tissue paper stuff that people put in presents. She walked over and met me. Her blue eyes pierced me. The outside world and traffic faded when she came near me.

I gave her a kiss. “What’s in the bag?”

“A present for you. You can open it when we get to our Afterburn room tonight.” She gave me a wink.

Little did she know we were headed straight to our own room.

“Congrats on finishing your classes. Are you ready to celebrate?”

She nibbled my lip as a familiar Ford Explorer pulled into the parking lot. My arms were around Ainsley, and her back was to the parking lot as I brought my mouth to her ear. Right before I spoke, I recognized who was driving. It was my sister, Jessica.

Fuckity, fuck, fuck.

I didn’t want her to meet Ainsley yet. I wasn’t prepared for Jessica to go back home and blab to the family that I had a girlfriend.

I tried to sound unaffected as I softly said, “Let’s get inside.”

Ainsley took my hand and started leading us to the door. I looked back. Jessica had parked, and she was getting out of the vehicle as Ainsley and I cleared the entrance. Snake was there.

“Baby, hold on. I need to talk to Snake for a second. Will you wait for me by my office door? Don’t go in.”

Ainsley gave me an adorable grin and shook the bag with my surprise as she walked backward. “Sure. Your surprise will be waiting.”

“I’ll be right there.”

The moment she was out of earshot, I spoke to Snake, who had gotten off the bar stool, “Jessica is outside. Hold her at the door, and I’ll be back in a minute.”

“Will do.”

Shit. I do not want to have this conversation with Jessica tonight.

I jogged back to the office where Ainsley was waiting outside.

“Is everything okay?” she asked.

A few stray pieces of brown hair had escaped her ponytail, and I tucked them behind her ear. My mind was going a million different directions.

I readjusted my baseball cap. “I have a small issue to handle, and then it’s me and you, baby. Will you wait for me at the bar?”

Ainsley was watching me closely. “Would it be better if I came back later? I don’t want to get in the way of your work.”

“Fuck no. Just give me five minutes, and then it’ll be us for the rest of the night.”

She leaned up on her tiptoes and gave me a kiss. “Now, that sounds like a fair trade-off. Take as long as you need. I’ll talk to Nora. I don’t want to be in the way.”

We started walking to the bar. The place was starting to fill up. I looked over and saw that douche bag Tyler was here.


This night was not going as planned. We should have been in our room. I gave Tyler that don’t-you-dare-think-about-it look and then turned to give Ainsley a quick kiss.

“I’ll be right back.”

She smiled. “I think you’re going to owe me an extra orgasm for making me wait. Did I mention I don’t have any panties on?”

Nora started coughing, and Ainsley’s face reddened when she realized her friend had overheard what she said. My dick was hardened. Ainsley was about to see what happened when you stoked the fire.

Loudly enough for Nora to hear, I responded, “This man friend is good for at least two extra orgasms after making his girl wait.” More lowly for only Ainsley to hear I said, “I’ll be exploring to see if you’re telling the truth when I get back.”

Ainsley pushed my shoulder. “Stop. Go. Hurry.”

She was giggling. As I walked away, I heard Nora say, “Well, hot diggity dang, someone is getting lucky tonight.”

I smiled to myself as I walked up to the side entrance.

Yeah, we’re both getting lucky tonight.

Snake nodded. “She’s right outside.”

Slapping Snake on the shoulder, I said, “Thanks, man.”

I walked outside as the sun was starting to set in the late afternoon. Jessica was leaning up against the wall. Her long brown hair was pulled up into a messy bun on top of her head. She was wearing a casual red summer dress.

She pushed off the wall. “Hey, how are you doing? I know you’re busy, but I need to talk to you.”

My sister was sweet and always tried her best to keep the peace in the family.

“Hey, I’m good. I know I haven’t gotten back with you on the anniversary party. I will soon, I promise.”

She checked her phone. Her brows crinkled. She was upset about something. “I’m meeting some friends in ten minutes for dinner a couple of blocks away. I saw you standing outside, and I figured I’d tell you the news in person. I’ve been debating on how to tell you all day.”

Cautiously, I prompted her to continue, “Okay, I’m listening.”

Jessica began chewing her lip. “We have a mess with the family on our hands.”

“Are Mom and Dad okay?” My mind began trying to go in a million different directions, and I willed it back into focus. It never did any good to react with emotions until I had the complete story.

She nodded. “Yes, yes, they’re fine. They’re trying to talk some sense into Jake.”

The mention of his name made me mash my teeth together. I took a deep breath. Jessica knew how I felt about even mentioning him.

Tags: Kristin Mayer Effect Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024