Ripple Effect (Effect 1) - Page 41

I complied and opened my mouth, and then the champagne slowly trickled in. The bubbling liquid was cold and deliciously sweet. Some slipped out the side of my lips, and a trail of champagne started making its way to my breast.

“I think you spilled some. Let me help.”

His tone caused my stomach to flip-flop as he shifted his body to sit between my legs on the small curvature of the Tantra Chair. My feet were slightly behind his back on the upward hump of the chair, leaving my silk-covered sex the focal point.

Adam unbuttoned a few buttons from my corset, which allowed my breasts to begin spilling out. My nipples hardened at the cool breath he blew across them. As he scooted forward against me, I felt his erection along my lower abdomen. He was naked. He was so close but so far away from being inside me. I wanted our connection, that feeling of oneness and belonging.


Cold liquid began dropping on my nipple, and his mouth quickly started lapping it up as soon as it would touch my skin. Goose bumps began to form on my body as Adam sensually took control. I loved completely giving myself over to him. He moved to the next nipple, abandoning the champagne, and sucked it into his mouth.

Pulling back slightly, he murmured against my skin, “My mark is getting light on you, Ainsley. It’s time to freshen it up a bit.”

I moaned as he started sucking the part of the inside of my breast that had been marked since our car sex in the parking garage. With how hard he was sucking, this mark was going to last for a long time. I reveled at the thought of having it with me. I imagined touching it in the morning. The tender pain that would occur had me wrapping my legs around Adam, encouraging him to suck harder.

He pulled back and put his lips against mine as he spoke, “I think it’s time you see one of the advantages to this outfit that you look so fucking gorgeous in. I’m about to take you, mark you, and make you mine again, Ainsley.”

“Yes.” My voice sounded as if it was a prayer on my lips, wishing it to be true.

Snaps erupted in the room as my sex became bare. The fabric was still on me. I had noticed how the underwear snapped in the middle, and this was most definitely an added bonus. Adam’s tip teased my entrance. I tried to move my hands, to grab him and pull him into me, but they were tied. I gave a frustrated grunt as Adam’s hardened length barely slid in.

“You’re greedy for my cock to be in you. I can feel how you’re trying to pull me in.”


He moved farther in, and I tried to use my feet to encourage him. He was seated in the part of the chair that dipped, and there was no moving him from this angle.

“Please, Adam. Please.”

In one quick movement, he pushed in so deep that I called out incoherently. My body instinctively started moving as my feet used the small hump as leverage.

I love this chair.

Our bodies were in a dance. Each time he entered me, the penetration became deeper.

“That’s right, baby. I can feel you tightening around me. Take me, take all of me.”

He removed the blindfold. On the down stroke onto Adam’s dick, my body erupted with Adam’s. We rode out our orgasms as his lips touched mine softly. Our eyes stayed connected, and we were one.

As our breathing began to level out, Adam put his forehead to mine. “Thank you for giving yourself to me completely, Ainsley.”

“You’re the only one, Adam.”

In this moment, he owned me body and soul.

It was Friday. Later tonight, Nora and I were going to head to Club Envy to hear The Thrillhammers play. This would give us a little girl time together before our guys joined us. I had wanted to meet Jude, and he was going to come an hour or so after we got there. At that time, Adam would join us.

Adam and I were in my bedroom. He leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “If you need anything at the club, ask anyone. They’ll get it for you.”

I continued to brush my hair. “Adam, that’s not necessary.”

“I know that, but I wanted you to know.” He slipped on his gray T-shirt, obscuring his fine body. He chuckled. “I like how you look at me.”

“Well, you’re pretty easy on the eyes, if I do say so myself. I’m going to put my hair up before we end up in activities that will for sure make me late. I don’t want Nora walking in on me taming the one-eyed snake.”

He smirked and started putting on his shoes. On my way to the door, I glanced back, and he gave me a wink.

“At least it’s not those cockblocking books stopping us this time.”

I shook my head while giving Adam an endearing smile, and then I went to the bathroom. In the end, I decided on a simple updo for the night of dancing I had ahead of me. I pulled my simple black halter dress off the hanger and slipped it on. The dress fit my body like a glove. I always got a lot of compliments when I wore it. I had gotten a bargain on this when the department store was having a major sale.

I was adding a bit of lip gloss when Adam walked by and asked, “Are we going to stay in our room at the club tonight?”

“Like all night?”

Adam put both his hands on the doorframe. “Yes, so I can peel that dress off of you and make love to you all night long. You’re sexy, Ainsley.”

I walked up to him and ran my hands along his chest. “Will you be watching me on the monitors until Jude gets there?”

“All. Night. Long.” He kissed me between each of his words.

A slight thrill went through me from knowing Adam would be watching me. The doorbell rang.

I yelled from the bathroom, “Come in!”

The walls were thin here. I heard the door open.

Nora called out, “Hey there, guys.”

I walked out to the living room, and Adam followed. Nora had on ripped red hose with a black leather mini skirt. Her shirt was black with slashes that showed red underneath the open areas.

Nora put her glass down. “Hey, chica. You’re rockin’ it. Are we ready to have some fun tonight?”

I shimmied my hips. “I’m ready.”

Nora gave Adam a cheeky smile. “Thanks for loaning your girl out for a bit until Jude gets there.”

He laughed. “Damn straight, she’s my girl. Tell your man friend to hurry to the club, so I can get her back.”

I giggled at that idiotic term. “I’m never going to escape that nickname.”

Nora responded, “No, Adam’s not. It’s a great word.” She turned to Adam. “Take a chill pill. You get her almost every day. It’s time to share. Sharing is caring.”

“Nora, I’m grandfathered in on the sharing is caring rule. I don’t have to share. I’m excluded from that rule when it comes to Ainsley.” Adam turned his attention to me, leaning down and giving me a kiss. “I’ll see ya at the club. I’ll be watching. Be good.”

I bit my lip. “No promises. I’ll see you there.”

He gave me another chaste kiss before walking to the door. Nora and I went back to my bedroom to get my shoes.

She sat on the edge of my bed. “So, no confessions of love yet?”

I found my comfortable strappy black heels and sat down next to Nora to put them on. “No. I’ve almost said it a couple of times, but I catch myself. I meant what I said about not pushing him, but when he does romantic things or looks at me like I’m the only thing that exists, it makes it hard not to say it. I feel that I do, but he’s not ready to hear it. I don’t even need for him to say it back because I can sense how he feels about me.”

I loved times like this with Nora when we were able to catch up. She was always on the go lately with all

her jobs. Plus, she had her new guy, Jude.

“I get it. I do. I think it’s good that you aren’t hung up on all that, but I think your man friend is feeling the same way. You’ve got his dick in a choke hold.” To emphasize her point, she took her index finger and made a ring around it with her other hand.

I pushed her backward, and she lay on the bed in a fit of laughter, saying something incoherent, which caused me to start laughing. As the giggles subsided, we both lay on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. It was a reflective-type silence.

Nora was the first to speak. “How’s your mom?”

“I spoke to Jason, and she’s doing good. She wants to have a session with me at the end of the thirty days when she can have visitors. It’s only three weeks away. I’m anxious to see how she’s doing, but I’m nervous about what she’s going to talk about.”

“I understand.” Nora stood as if she was starting to feel claustrophobic.

“How’s your mom’s new boyfriend?” I asked.

“Oh, he seems all right. You know how Mom is. She meets and falls hard for the guy, and then he leaves when he realizes Emilyn and I are part of the package or when she gets sick. I guess it’s part of the joy of being a single mom. She had her doctor’s appointment yesterday, and she’s still in remission, so no sign of cancer.”

I stood up and gave her a hug. “That’s wonderful. I knew Nancy was stressed about going back to the doctor when she came to pick up Emilyn the last time.”

Nora started pacing. “Earlier this week, Mom and I updated her Will with the lawyers, just in case. She didn’t want Emilyn ending up in a state facility if her parents decided to come out of the woodwork and try to claim her.” She stopped in the mirror and fixed her lipstick that wasn’t out of line. “Okay, enough of the heavy. We need to go have some fun, let off some steam, and pull out our inner wild girls.”

I stood and grabbed my purse and keys. “Do you mind if I ride with you? I’m going to stay at the club tonight.”

“Of course not. I think Jude is being dropped off by a friend, and then we are going back to his place afterward.” She shrugged. “We’ll see.”

Not having a definitive plan was the Nora way.

Tags: Kristin Mayer Effect Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024