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Ripple Effect (Effect 1)

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Adam nodded but didn’t respond. Brandt sounded sad, and I realized that he must have lost someone he loved.

Maybe that was what caused him to need an intervention?

It made sense now why I hadn’t seen him with any girls. He was such a decent guy, and I wanted him to get his happily ever after.

Adam got in the car, encapsulating us in our own world.

As we pulled out of the lot, I asked, “Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise if you’re up for it.” He was glancing my way and looking down at my hand as he drove.

“I am. As long as we’re together, that’s all that matters.” My actions from two days ago felt foolish. I should have known to get all sides of the story before reacting. “I’m sorry I ran like I did. I should have faced you and dealt with it.”

“I should have told you what was going on with my family. I won’t make that mistake again. I can assure you of that. There’s no more running from what I’ve been afraid of. You’re getting all of me, baby.” His hand moved to the top of mine as he spoke.

His touch calmed me.

“Were you unsure of what we were? Is that why you didn’t tell me about your parents’ anniversary party?” I looked down at his hands as I began running my index finger along his skin.

The blinker came on, and Adam pulled off onto the side of a dirt road. He put the car in park and then turned my way.

“I want to get this all handled before we get to where we are going. I don’t want you mistaking what I’m telling you because of lust. The moment we’re alone, our need for each other is going to take over.”

“Okay.” I knew he was right.

Adam pulled his glasses off of his head and tossed them on the dashboard before looking straight at me. “I was afraid of getting hurt and of also hurting you. Our relationship exploded, and I had no control over it. You came into my office, wanting to try the sex-club thing, and from that moment, you owned me. From the first time that I had you, I craved you on a level I never knew before. I fought it. Everyone, meaning my family, always thought I was waiting on the sidelines until Selena and Jake broke up. When he didn’t propose to her like he’d promised, it was evident that he was using her. Until you, I refused to put myself out there again. You captured my heart, Ainsley. I knew I loved you before Selena came to visit me, but in that moment, something freed me that allowed me to admit it to myself. I was using the hurt from my past as an excuse to protect myself, which almost cost me you.”

I understood what he was saying. I had been cautious with him about my triggers of fighting also. It wasn’t until I’d seen him handle himself with Tyler that I knew he could control himself in a moment of anger.

“It makes sense. Are you going to tell them about me now?”

He nodded. “Yes. I told my sister I was going to their party. It’ll be the first family get-together I’ve been to in four years. I want you to come with me. Will you go?”

“I’d love to. Are you sure?” Part of me was still afraid he was reacting to me leaving, so I had to make sure.

“Ainsley, I’ve never been surer of anything in my life. Jake is—”

I put my fingers to his mouth. “It doesn’t matter what Jake does. I’m yours completely.”

He kissed the part of me that was touching his lips. “I believe you. I’ll never hide anything from you again, regardless of what it is.”

Running my fingers along his cheek, I said, “I believe you.”

He leaned into my hand. “That’s all I can think of right now to tell you, but if you ever have questions, ask me. There are no secrets between us. Is there anything else you want to ask?”

“No, but I promise I will. You know that I thrive on honesty.”

“I do, baby. Let’s go spend some time together.”

“Yes, just me and you, no one else.”

Adam turned the car around, and we drove into the city. We were both quiet and a little introspective as we passed mile marker after mile marker. I leaned over the console putting my head on his shoulder. It wasn’t the most comfortable position, but my body wanted to be near him. There was a peace that settled in over us as we held hands. After some time, we pulled up to a tall white stone hotel, the Mandarin Oriental in Atlanta. I sat up, stunned at where we were.

I turned to Adam. “We can’t stay here. It’s one of the nicest hotels in Atlanta. We can go to your place.”

He got out of the car without responding and gave the keys to a valet. Adam came over to my side and opened the door.

I stood up. “Adam, really—”

I was silenced as his mouth descended on mine, and my focus ignited into a need for him. I had been without his affection for over two days, and I was starved for him. The way his tongue was moving in my mouth made me think he felt the same way. My hands began traveling down his chest.

Breaking the kiss, he pulled back. “I want some uninterrupted time with just us. I want it to be special, so we never forget it. Tonight is our first night of forever.”

“I’d love that.” My insides jumped with happiness.

After we walked through the glass doors, a woman greeted us, wearing a gold and black suit. “Here you go, Mr. Ryker. Please insert the key card into the elevator and push the button for the ninth floor. You’re in room nine-one-nine. All arrangements have been made. Please let us know if you need anything.”

He took the key. “Thanks. Please make sure we are not disturbed.”

“Understood.” Her hand was displayed to show the way to the elevator.

We entered the elevator, and the doors closed. Adam brought me closer to him as we ascended toward the ninth floor. We got off the elevator, turned left, and headed to our room. Adam didn’t say a word as he put the key card into the door. He turned the handle.

Before pushing the door open, he turned to me. “We’re about to lose ourselves in each other. I need to feel you.”


He opened the door, and I gasped.

I love him irrevocably.

Standing behind Ainsley, I watched her reaction as she took in the room. A canopy had been added to the bed. Rose petals were sprinkled in a trail from the door. Lighting had been adjusted low. Flameless candles were on every surface. The windows had sheer curtains, and the skyline of Atlanta was set against the twilight of the evening. The room smelled of Lavender.

She turned to me. “This is beautiful. I love this. I love you.”

“I love you too, Ainsley. I’m so sorry I almost lost you, lost us.”

Her fingers came up to my lips, “Shh, love always finds a way. Now, there’ll never be any doubt that our feelings are real for each other.”

There had never been truer words spoken.

I pressed closer to Ainsley, staying only a breath away from touching her. “Is there anything else you need to know, baby, before I make love to you?”


My hands went to the edge of her shirt and pulled it over her head. Her pants followed. I was transfixed on watching her as her toned body was illuminated in the light.

I took a step back, shucking my shirt and pants off. She took off her undergarments. We stood there, staring at each other, bared to each other.

“Ainsley, you’re gorgeous.”

She was mine, only mine. I planned on keeping it that way…forever.

She took a deep breath, “Thank you.” A blush crept on her face.

I began to slowly prowl towards her as she backed up towards the bed. The hotel had changed the sheets to silk. I loved how her body felt against mine with that material surrounding us. The back of Ainsley’s knees hit the bed and I got close enough for my erection to touch her stomach.

Without losing eye contact her hand came down and began stroking me. The warm touch of her fingers massaging my stone dick was heaven. I bent down to taste the sweet nectar of her lips.

The kiss was slow and savoring as my thumb caressed her cheek. I leaned her back on the b

ed and scooted us up to the middle, surrounding us in silk. Pulling back and sitting on my heels in between Ainsley’s legs, I started at her feet and kissed my way up the inside of her thigh. Her body began twitching underneath me as it bowed off the bed, anxious for me to make it to my destination.


Pulling my head back, I watched my girl squirm for a second before answering, “I know.”

Wanting to make sure she was ready, I licked her core savoring her essence before making my way to her navel. Ainsley began writhing beneath me as my cock brushed against the inside of her leg, knowing it was close to where it wanted to be, inside Ainsley.


Around her nipple, I murmured. “I know.”

This would be a night I would forever remember as I gave someone my true heart for the first time. My mouth found her lips. Ainsley’s tongue came out and tempted me closer. It worked as mine entered her mouth and tangled with hers. I lined my dick up, teasing her pussy a little.


I finally gave her what she wanted as I sunk into the tightest, warmest, most exquisite place on earth. She fit me perfectly as I slid in and out of her slick heat. Her hands ran down my back as if she was trying to memorize my body.

Ainsley’s legs wrapped around my ass as we both got closer to the most perfect ending. An ending that pushed everything else aside, except for the one person that meant more to you than any person in the world.

We came as we swallowed each other’s cries of bliss. As I finished coming within her, I rolled to the side and brought her close to me, legs entwined.

“This does feel like the first night of our forever.” Her words were shy.

I brought her closer to me. “It is our first night of forever. I love you forever, baby.”

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