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Max (Cold Fury Hockey 6)

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"Feel good?" Pull out, slam back in.

Again I nod viciously and grunt like an animal when he bottoms out.

Max's hand runs up my spine--under my shirt, over my bra strap--gently stroking my skin, even as he pulls out and drives back in with brute force, with one hand still holding tight to my hip.

It glides all the way up until his strong fingers grasp the back of my neck. I hear a low hum from deep within his throat as he pulls back once again, his cock slowly sliding out of my wet channel, pausing just a moment so he doesn't slip free.

His hand tightens on my neck. His fingers dig down into my hip.

Then he drives into me harder than ever and I cry out in pleasure because he just exploited some magical spot inside of me.

With him pinning me by my neck and hip so I can't move, Max sets a brutal pace on my body, tunneling in and out of me forcefully. I want to turn my head to look at his face. In my imagination he's flushed red and his eyes are pinned to my ass as he watches his cock pistoning into me.

But I can't because I'm held in place by strong hands, and I realize...I'd rather have that. I'd rather have him controlling me in this moment, letting him finally take something he wants, all with the knowledge I've driven him to this almost animal state.

"You okay?" Max rasps out as he fucks me. he throws himself into me.

"More than," I manage to get out in between grunts and pants.

"You feel so good," he manages to huff as he slides the hand from my hip to between my legs from the front. The pads of his fingers find my clit and he presses down on it, creating a friction against it from within as he thrusts in and out of me.

It comes out of left field, catching me by surprise. An orgasm to end all orgasms, it seems to reverberate through every square inch of my body all at once and with a force so brutal I open my mouth to scream but I can't because I'm robbed of air.

I shudder hard and my pussy contracts involuntarily around Max's cock and I know he feels it because he falters a moment before pulling out almost all the way and hammering home one last time, where he roots himself deeply into me.

My name seems to rip free of his throat, one long groan hitting each syllable. "Julianne."

He grinds against my ass as he comes, his fingers loosening and contracting around my neck seemingly in sync with the bursts of semen I know are filling the condom up.

I can hear Max suck in a deep breath and then his hands go to the back of the cushion to rest beside mine. He lowers his body until his stomach and chest are pressed to my back and he nuzzles into my neck.

"God, Jules," he whispers in a way that tells me he's robbed of breath too. "You make me crazy."

"In a good way?" I whisper back with a smile.

"In the best of ways," he says, then presses a kiss to my cheek before he straightens up.

I'm wrecked so I just stay in my position as he pulls out of me, but when he mutters a harsh, "Well, that's just fucking great," I pull myself up and turn to face him.

"What's wrong?" I ask, and then follow his gaze, which is pinned on his dick, surprisingly still thick and long.

Aside from the beauty of his cock, I gape at the condom, which has a huge hole in it starting from the top and tearing halfway down his shaft. His semen is leaking out and a large drop falls to the floor just as I feel a trickle start to run down my inner thigh.

"Oh, shit," I whisper in astonishment.

His eyes raise to mine and they're filled with disgust. "Did I just hurt you?"

I jerk with surprise, a baffled look on my face. "What? No!"

"I fucked you so hard I shredded the damn condom, Jules," he spits out as he stares down at the mangled piece of rubber, contempt for himself evident in his tone.

Oh, my God. The look on his full of consternation and befuddlement. Me standing there gaping at him with my pants in a stranglehold around my knees and Max's joy slipping down my legs.

My hand flies to my mouth and I manage to clamp it over my lips just as the first snicker works its way out. But it's not enough to hide it and Max's head snaps up and his eyes narrow onto me. "You think it's funny?"

My eyes crinkle with amusement and I pull my hand away, giving him a chastising smile. "I think the way you look right now is fucking adorable."

Max rolls his eyes at me and mutters, "The condom broke, Jules."

"Yes, it did," I agree and then I can't help but sigh. "And that was the best fucking I've ever had in my life."

"Seriously," he asks as he eyes me with wonder. "That's all you have to say?"

"Um," I say as I bat my eyelashes at him. "I'm on the pill so chances of me getting pregnant are slim to none. And I'm clean so there's nothing for you to worry about."

"I fucked you so hard," he grits out again, seemingly unable to get past that, "that I shredded the goddamned condom. I've never lost control like that. Never had that happen to me before."

I grin at him impishly. "I take that to mean you're clean too, right?"

"Jules," he growls at me, but I see the tiniest of curves to his lips. "I'm being serious. And of course I'm clean."

I take a hesitant, waddlelike step toward him, careful not to trip and fall on my face because my legs are so constricted. "I'm being serious too, Max. That was awesome and I'd like to do it again, just like that and soon. Although, I do feel like we should write this condom company and tell them their product sucks and that it can't hold up to the big, power cock of Max Fournier. Who knows, maybe they'll reformulate the product and then offer you an endorsement deal."

"Jesus, you're fucking cute," he says as he smiles at me, then brings a hand to the back of my head to pull me in for a kiss.

I readily return it.

When he pulls away, he says, "Let's get cleaned up and head to bed."

"We going to do this again?" I ask with my head tilted.

"Damn right we are," he says quickly. "And I guess this means we can dispose of the condoms, right?"

"They're not worth a shit anyway," I say in agreement.

Max laughs and kisses me again. I wobble slightly but manage to stay upright.

"What did I do to deserve you?" he asks in wonder.

"All the right things, apparently," I tell him, but I'm smiling hard on the inside because I'm the one who's been granted a miracle when this man was brought into my life.

"Okay, we have chocolate concrete with brownies," I say as I push the cup of ice cream across the tabletop to Levy. "Plain vanilla with caramel sauce for Rocco, and a banana split for Annabelle."

I parcel out the ice cream and then spoons and napkins. It's a required treat after we spent the last few hours roaming around the Durham Life and Science museum, looking at bears and wolves and lemurs, walking through the butterfly house and playing on all of the outdoor equipment.

I'm completely fucking wiped but the kids still look like they have a ton of energy.

They dig in, dipping their spoons in and then pulling out massive globs of ice cream and assorted goo that's way too big for their mouths but still somehow manages to fit in.

I smile as I watch them and then give a quick check of my watch. Jules should be getting home within the hour and I'd hoped to have the kids all fed, bathed, and ready for bed by the time she got there, but we're running late.

We're running late because we had a seriously awesome fucking day today, and well...who wants to stop the awesome?

I didn't think today would be as great as it turned out because if I'm being honest with myself, I'd rather be spending it with Jules and not three kids, who are very cute and a ton of fun, but they aren't who I want to be spending the majority of my day with. The weekends are special opportunities for me and Jules because her schedule is far too hectic during the week to spend much time with me, and my weekends are hit or miss depending on our travel schedule. It's sad to say that most of the time Jules and I are bonding via phone calls and FaceTime, which isn't without merit. We've had conversatio

ns that have lasted a few hours at a time, which I know if we were together we'd spend it fucking, so in a way we're getting to know each other even better.

Jules and I have shared so much over the phone, and it's safe to say she knows more about me than anyone in my life maybe except my parents and siblings. I definitely know all about her too, which includes deep talks about death, loss, and grieving. We talk about Melody a lot actually.

She's also let me know how scared she's been these past months, having lost her best friend when Melody died, and not having anyone else to depend on. I learned all about her dad, whom she loves, there's no doubt, but who you can tell is completely undependable. He's on the road so much that he only sees Jules every few months and usually only for a few days at a time.

I was gone most of this past week with a three-game road trip, and thus I'd really, really wanted to have Saturday to spend with Jules. Sunday we have a home game, so that blows most of the day, which meant Saturday was my golden opportunity.

But then Jules told me last night, before the team boarded the plane to return to Raleigh, that Olivia and Stevie had invited her for a spa day with them, and she wanted to know what I thought about it.

And I most definitely had thoughts.

My initial and most selfish thought was "no fucking way" because I wanted Saturday with her, even if that included the kids, which it would.

But my second thought, and the one that ultimately felt right, was that Jules could really use a day off. She's still working essentially two jobs, between the nursing home and painting at night, and she basically runs on fumes. A spa day of relaxation would do her a world of good, and "spa day" didn't truly mean all day. It was really only about four hours and they'd booked it for the afternoon, so I could spend time with Jules that morning.

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