There Is No Light In Darkness (Darkness 1) - Page 9

“Hey, Aimee. Blakey,” Aubry says, smiling. “Is there any food leftover? I’m starving.”

“Do you even have to ask?” I smirk. “You know I won’t let you starve. Aimee, is it okay if I leave you with Aubry for a little while? I’m not feeling so good. I think I may have over done it with the wine,” I say as I get up to clear the plates. It sounds like a lame excuse and I hope neither of them call me out on it.

“You overdid it with the drinking? No way,” Aubry deadpans. He’s such a dick sometimes.

“Yeah, whatever. Just be a gentleman and take care of Aimee while I lay down for a little while. Aimee, is that okay? I’m sorry to leave you hanging,” I say even though I know she’s elated that I’m leaving them alone.

“No, it’s totally fine. Go. I hope you feel better,” she replies quickly. I see Aubry raise an eyebrow at her quick response. I fail to stifle my laughter as I walk toward my room, leaving them chatting.

After I lock my bedroom door behind me, I run to the desk on the other side of the room and open the envelope from the attorney’s office again. Sure enough, it’s signed Mark Lewis. I need to meet this man in person. I try to shake away the thoughts I keep having about Aimee and the drumming of her fingers. It is a total coincidence I tell myself repeatedly. Total coincidence—except I don’t believe in coincidences.

I lay down with the black velvet box in my hand until Aimee knocks on my door to let me know she’s leaving. I toss the box under my pillow and open the door to her smiling face. I laugh and link arms with her as I walk her to the door.

“I’ll call you tomorrow,” she says as she hugs me goodbye. “Thank you!” she whispers loudly.

“Don’t thank me yet,” I reply as we air kiss on both cheeks.

When I walk back to the living room, I see that Aubry’s door is half open, so I peek in.

“Aub?” I call out.

“Come in,” he shouts from his in-suite bathroom.

I walk in and look around at his messy room before I plop down on his comfortable bed. Aubry’s room is bigger than mine, but the view from mine is much nicer and I have a small balcony, which I love since I have a little set up for my organic vegetables there.

“So what’d you guys talk about?” I ask as I bite down on my lip to keep from smiling.

“Oh, you know, nothing of importance. We set up a sex date for next week. Other than that not much,” he says in a serious tone.

I wrinkle my nose as I sit up. “What?” I ask as I turn to face him.

He breaks out in laughter. “Just kidding, Blake, damn. I told her I’d call her next week so we can go have dinner.”

“Why next week?” I ask confused.

He exhales harshly. “I don’t know, Blake. I just need time to think about shit. She seems like a nice girl, and she’s hot as fuck. I don’t wanna fuck it up with her.”

I walk over to him and give him a hug. “Good. I think you guys would be good together.”

He kisses the top of my head. “I love you, Cowboy. Thank you.”

I smile up at him and go back to my room. Once I’m lying down, I call Cole’s phone.

“Hello?” answers a female voice.

I bite down on my tongue to suppress the urge to growl at her. “Hey, Erin. It’s Blake. Is Cole available?” I say as politely as I can. Why is she answering his phone?

Erin Kelley is a Sports Illustrated model. She’s landed the cover—twice. I hate her. I hate her perfectly non-frizzy wavy platinum blonde hair. I hate her skinny, tall, gorgeous body. I hate her lively blue eyes. Most of all, I hate that she has him.

“Hey, Blake,” she replies cheerfully. “He’s in the shower right now. Do you want to leave a message, or do I tell him to call you back? I haven’t seen you in a while. I heard you had a relaxing weekend.”

Oh yeah, and I hate that she’s so damn nice to me.

“Yup. My weekend was pretty uneventful, which I was glad for. Just have him call me back. It’s not that important though. Thanks.”

“I’ll let him know, but I’m sure he’ll call you back anyway,” she replies kindly.

Ugh. Why can’t she be a bitch? It would be so easy to wish bad things on her if she was a bitch. I know why I hate her. I hate her for the same reason Cole hates Russell. The thought of Cole hating Russell makes me smile.

“Thanks again, Erin. Good night,” I reply, smiling into the line. Not that she can see it, but I know she’ll hear it.

Tags: Claire Contreras Darkness Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025