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GIO (Interracial Rockstar Romance)

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She stayed and continued to hold me as I turned on the water. “You’re spoiling the shit out of me.”

“Good.” I looked at her. “That was the plan.”

Our faces were barely a few inches from each other. I saw her gaze looking around my face, falling on my lips and cheeks, slipping down to my chest, and then landing on my cock. She bit her bottom lip.

I whispered, “What’s on your mind?”

“You’re a very sexy man.”

I licked my lips. “And you’re a gorgeous woman. I haven’t been able to keep my eyes off you. Even when I found you in the car, sprinkled with snow and drops of blood, I couldn’t help but...”


“I couldn’t help myself. I wanted you. Bad.”

Chapter 9


Love is

a friendship set to music.

~Joseph Campbell

He wanted me?

With my arms still around his shoulders, I stared at him in shock.

Oh my.

Desire covered that gorgeous face. His gaze locked on mine, touching my skin, my cheeks, my lips.

I glanced down and noticed his cock pressing against his pants and my thigh, hard. I yearned to touch it, slink my fingers up and down his length.

He breathed me in. “Was it too forward?”

A shiver of desire ran up my spine. “No.”

“It is what it is.” His gaze turned intense as he continued to drink me in. “I don’t make it a habit to become aroused from the women I plan to work with. I’m sure you’ve heard my name around the industry, but if you’ve ever asked, no one would tell you a story about me sleeping with a singer that I worked with. Not even with the top female producers.”

“I’ve never heard anything like that about you.”

“Yet, here we are.”

“Yes.” My nipples stiffened. “Here we are.”

If I acted on my craving, I could press my lips against his, but I could tell he was just as unsure about how to handle this attraction as I was.

Steam rose. The scent of lavender swirled around us. He kept me close to him while he turned off the tub.

The water stopped and silence gathered among us. He pierced me with his gaze.

“We should proceed with caution.”

All I could mutter was, “Yes.”

“I really want to work with you. I love your music, your voice. I think your writing is creative and diverse. You’ve made a new sound, one that’s fresh and exciting. I don’t want to jeopardize what we could become. I wouldn’t want to stop all of the amazing music we could create.”

He took my breath away and shocked me even more than his earlier confession. While it was great that he desired me, it was more touching that he saw my talent and loved how my brain worked.

And then he whispered, “But...”


“I don’t think we can ignore this either.” He didn’t have to point to this or draw a picture. I felt it moving through me, this nameless sensation linking me to him. I felt it the moment he walked in and wished me a good morning. I felt it as I lay in his bed and wore his shirt.

What we would share would be more than music, more than what we’d ever had before. But I’d shoved it to the back of my head. How could I know this? How could I assume that this man would feel the same way?

Yet, he sat with my arms on him, taking his time, holding himself back, giving me time to let his thoughts sink in.

I slowly pulled my arms away from him. “I feel the same way. I have always respected your music. Some of your songs hold beautiful memories for me. It’s like you were with me the whole time, walking with me hand-in-hand, singing to me, giving me the lyrics I needed to make it another day.”

He slipped his hands to my hips and didn’t touch further, never moving from that spot. Careful, gentle. Yet his cock jerked a little and rubbed against my thigh. My mouth watered, wishing I could suck his cock into my mouth.

“And...” I cleared my throat. “I’m definitely attracted to you. But I must admit that I’m a fan. I’ve always been attracted to you, so on that level, we’re fine.”

He raised his eyebrows. “But?”

“I need to get to know you. Like I told you before, I haven’t dated anyone in several years. I’ve just been focused on my music.”

“Of course. And now you’ll be focused on your music and me.” He said it like there was no other option to consider, smooth and sensual, yet confidence dotted each word. “There’s nothing wrong with giving this time, Simone, as long as you’re willing to explore the possibilities.”

“I am.”

He inhaled my scent again. “Good.”

I took my time rising from him. “Thank you for bringing me in here.”

“Of course.” He turned around while I got ready to take off his big shirt.

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