GIO (Interracial Rockstar Romance) - Page 38

Anger rose in me. “You should always get the credit.”

She sighed, looking embarrassed. “I know. And I know you’re wondering why I’m still with him.”

“I know why you are. He did what most do. But he still gave you opportunities that many couldn’t get you. Your name still got out there to grab my attention and he did do that, at least.”


That doesn’t mean that he won’t be hearing from me.

“Has he booked studio time for your music?” I asked.

She looked away. “We’re still in the development stage. I have a vocal coach that comes twice a week.”

That’s not enough. It’s just a pacifier.

She should’ve had her own stylist, choreographer, and producer. She should’ve been in the studio Monday through Friday working on an album to entice record labels. Basically, he had this gold mine—this gorgeous woman with this amazing voice and writing talent—tucked away in Brooklyn writing hits for him.

She looked at me with a neutral expression on her face. “What are you thinking?”

“He could do better. When I heard your music, I wondered why you weren’t already out there. Now I know, it’s not you, it’s him.”

She tucked curls behind her ear. “He and I will have to sit down and talk about this.”

“I should be there.”

She turned away, walked over to the bed, and sat down. “I can handle it, but I would appreciate it if you told me what you think he should be doing so that I can present it to him.”

So independent. So, take charge.

“You’re right.” I nodded and crossed my arms over my chest. “It’s your career. You should hold the reins. I’m sorry, but I can be protective of my friends.”

“That’s sweet.”

“One day we can sit down and talk about where your career should be heading and some of the ways to get there. The vocal coach is good, but you need your own studio time. Feel free to consider my studio as your place to write your own music, songs that won’t go on my album.”

She opened her mouth and closed it.

“So, wait a minute.” I scrunched my face in confusion. “How did you produce the songs you gave me?”

“From my living room.”

“Your living room?”

“Yes. I turned it into a personal studio. I have microphones and everything hanging around. I have soundproofing layers on certain walls to not disturb the neighbors too much. But then we all have an agreement that I can play as much as I want between 8 am and 3 pm.”

“And all of this is from your living room?”


“You were going to be a star regardless of Ru or me. You have too much audacity. I don’t think you’ll ever quit.”

“I won’t.”

“Then I’m going to enjoy watching you fly to space.”

David knocked at the door. “Sir, we have a guest.”

I held my hand up so he wouldn’t say more. “Thank you. I know. I’ll take care of it.’

Simone didn’t need to know that Ru had come. Hopefully, I could get him to leave and we could continue our time together.

David nodded and backed away.

“David,” I said. “Please, get Simone some lunch as I deal with my guest.”

“Yes, sir.”

I looked at Simone. The urge to hold her, kiss her, make love to her coursed through my blood. But I couldn’t make that move. She needed time and so did I.

Soon. I just have to take care of Ru first and let us get to where we need to be.

“I’ll be right back.” I licked my lips and left the room.

It took no time to get to the bottom level. Downstairs, Ru stood, scanning the space around him. David and Chucky carried in his bags.

How long does he think he’s going to stay?

Ru smiled, showing all his teeth. “Beautiful place.”

“Thanks.” I extended my hand.

He shook it. “And Simone is fine?”

“Yes, the doctor said she just needed to rest.”

“Good. Where is she?”

“We have some things to discuss first.” I gestured to my office on the east wing.

“Things to discuss?”

“Yeah.” I walked off, doing a good job of holding in my annoyance.

Ru followed on my right. “I found the deal’s wording clear.”

“Good, but I wanted to extend it.”

“Extend it to what?”

“I’ve been wanting to start a record label,” I said. “IMG has been annoying me about it monthly. I think now’s the time.”

“It would be. You’re on top. You’d be able to sign some good artists.”

I looked at him. “Simone would be the first one. The Queen of Blue Records.”

“Blue Records?”

“I just thought of the name right now. It might change.”

He shook his head. “I don’t know about Simone. Maybe, let’s see how your idea comes together. But hey man, I have some other acts that could really add some flair to your label. Perhaps—”

“I want Simone.” I opened the door to my office.

He followed me inside. “I understand, but she’s still new to the industry. She still has a lot to learn.”

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024