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GIO (Interracial Rockstar Romance)

Page 39

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“Like what?” I gestured to the chair for him to sit on and went over to my desk, not ready to sit down. “She’s going to be a legend. I’m sure that’s why you’ve kept her hidden for so long. Any lyrics she puts on paper would make a million. I’m sure you’ve made some hits off her.”

He sat down. “Hid her away? Where’s this coming from?”

“With her talent, she should already have a deal.”

“I want her deal to be right for her.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Is that it?”

“Where are you going with this?” Ru rose. “You look a bit odd over there like you’re thinking about something else.”

“I’m offering her a deal. Take it.”

“Why don’t you focus on the album and see how it goes? Get that done and we’ll talk.”

I crossed my arms across my chest. “What are you waiting on, Ru? What’s the hold up?”

“Look. Sure, there’s been tons of labels that have wanted her, but...come on, man. You see her.”

“What the fuck does that mean?”

“She sounds like sex. She has the body. They’re going to want her to go in the obvious direction, but that’s not Simone.”

“No, it’s not.”

“If we’d signed the prior deals, they’d want her half-naked and shaking her ass in some video talking about getting drunk and sucking dick.” He looked me dead in my eyes. “Am I lying?”

“You have a point.”

“So, I’m trying to get her respect level up in the industry. I have her writing songs.”

“That she hasn’t gotten credit for.”

“Did she say that?” He frowned.

“Is it true?”

“There was a situation in our first year. She put her foot down. I caved.”

“No, you did your job.”

He let out an exasperated breath. “What the fuck, Gio?”

“I want her as my personal songwriter.”

“We did that. The contracts signed. All we’re waiting for is the end of your little probationary period.”

“Fuck it. Take the probationary period off.”


“Why not?” I shrugged.

“She’s been sick the whole time. If you want her this bad, then it’s not for her voice. I doubt she’s sung anything since she’s been here.” He walked over to my side of the desk.

I stepped to him. Barely half a foot lay between us.

Anger rode his voice. “Did you touch her?”

“No. What about you?” I asked. “Have you tried?”

“I haven’t and even if I had, that’s none of your business. She’s my—”


He shook his head and adjusted his jacket. “I think you need to calm your hormones down before you lose a songwriter. The ink isn’t dry yet. We have plenty of time to back out of the deal. Nothing has been started.”

“I’ve already bought songs.”

“But you haven’t started the contract on the album.”

“She’s not going anywhere or ending the deal.”

“I never took you for a betting man.” He backed up and dusted off his arm. “I think you should relax and focus on the music and less on my relationship with Simone. It’s business, Gio, nothing more, nothing less.”

“I want her for my label.”

He smirked. “This label that you’ve just created in the past minute?”

I said nothing.

“You know what? Show me the contract and the money and we’ll see what happens. Other than that, you’re just talking with your dick.” He walked off. “And keep your dick away from my singer.”

“She’s not yours.”

He paused and turned around. “I’m here to keep things professional.”

“Fine. Make sure you stay out of our way.”

“As long as it’s just music, I’ll be nothing more than a shadow. In fact, I’ll be a ghost.”

I stalked around the desk and closed the distance between us. “Make sure you’re a ghost that doesn’t haunt. I don’t want to see you unless I have to.”

“Hey.” He raised both of his hands. “Where’s all the anger coming from? I’m the one that should be mad. You had her out in the snow—”

“Stay quiet and hidden, Ru, before I have you escorted off the property.”

“And Simone will be leaving with me.”

I laughed and shook my head as I walked around him. “Now, I definitely didn’t take you for a betting man.”

He called after me. “You keep it professional and we won’t have to deal with each other.”

“I am, and I will. It’s been nothing but professional.”

He followed me. I could feel the anger radiating off him.

“Since you’re keeping it so professional, where is she?” he asked.

I smiled. “In my bedroom.”

“You motherfucker.”

He grabbed my shoulder. I twisted around, slammed him into the wall, and held him there.

“Calm down. There hasn’t been any sex, any kissing. The doctor wanted someone to watch over her. She slept in my bed. I remained in the chair across from the bed. Period. Ask her if you don’t believe me.”

He shoved me away. “That better be the fucking case.” His chest rose and fell like he’d been running. “What’s up with the fucking aggression, Gio? Are you ready to even make an album? Do you have Jason’s problems?”

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