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GIO (Interracial Rockstar Romance)

Page 84

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With his other hand, he tore open my bathrobe and then loosened his hold on my neck. “I’m tired of playing with you.”

I gasped in air, coughing and leaning my head to the side. More tears fell from my eyes as I trembled under him.

He separated the robe and caressed my thighs. Bile rose in my throat. I knew if he touched me anymore, I would vomit all over him. And I didn’t care. I just wanted to break free. I wanted to get out. Escape. Stop this. Stop him. This was wrong. It wasn’t fair.

Ru lowered closer to my face and brushed his lips along my neck, making me cringe. I pulled away, turning my head and searching for some way to get out of there—scissors, a pen, anything to grab and stab him with.

Ru drew in a sharp breath. “I can’t wait to taste you.”

A sob left me. “Ru, please don’t do this.”

“You’ll love it. I just have to show you. That was my problem. I hid it.”

“Okay, but...” I tried to catch my breath and not cry anymore. “This is a lot to take in. Can you give me time to think?”

“Maybe we’ve thought about this too much.”

“But I just...need a minute...I have to go to the bathroom.”

Anything to let me go. Say anything. Make him think I won’t go anywhere and then run. Hit him with the lamp or chair. Fight. Get out. It’s going to be okay.

With a swiftness that caught me off-guard, Ru brought his lips down to mine, hard and painful in not a kiss, not a peck, but more of a brand, some sort of way to think he was making me his. I struggled against him, scared he’d choke me again, but physically unable to feel his mouth on mine. Vomit rose, and I coughed it out.

At least that stopped him. He scrunched his face in disgust, freed my hands, and wiped some of the spit-up off his lips.

“I’m just nervous.” I wiped my mouth. “Just let me go to the bathroom and calm myself. This is all a lot for me to take in.”

He stared at me for a minute, saw the greenish-brown spot on the bed next to my face, and nodded. “Okay. Just go wash yourself off in the bathroom. I’ll remove these blankets.”

Shaking, I whispered, “Thank you.”

“I love you, Simone.”

My heart hammered in my chest. I forced myself to say the words. “I love you too.”

When he broke away and let me up, it was hard not to punch him or spit in his face. I felt violated, degraded, and confused. But I had to focus on getting out of there.

Ru’s gaze focused on me, burning and intense, but not with hunger or love. It was absolute conquest, an evil predator trapping prey. He watched me as I walked to the bathroom, not even looking in the direction of the bedroom door. In this moment, it was so far away. If I ran for it, he could catch me before I got close enough. And would my screams reach anyone? I’d already yelled, and no one had come.

I grabbed the bathroom door’s knob and twisted it.

“This week seems bad, but in the end, it will be good for us. All of it.”

I opened the door and nodded.

“Gio ended up bringing us closer together.”

I swallowed, walked inside, and closed the door behind me.

I need something. Anything. Razor? Plunger? Is there a window I can climb out or—

Ru opened the door, holding the same glass in his hands that he’d been trying to give me earlier. “Are you okay?”


“Drink this.”

“I don’t know if that will be good for my stomach. What is it?”

“A little brandy to calm your nerves.”

“It’s early in the morning, Ru.”

His voice held an edge. “Take it.”

I reached my hand out, grabbed the glass, and sipped the bitter liquid.

“Go ahead. Finish it all.”

I sighed and swallowed the rest. “Can I go to the bathroom now?”

“Yes.” He backed out of the room and closed the door.

I took my time sliding the shower glass back. A regular man’s razor sat on the ledge. I didn’t think it would do much, but it was all I had. There was no plunger behind the toilet. I felt dizzy but kept pushing on. None of Ru’s hair products were big enough to slam him with. I did grab his cologne, thinking I could spray it in his face and sting the shit out of his eyes.

Then I’ll kick him in the balls, slice him with this razor. Do whatever to get the fuck out of here.

I turned around, armed with my weapons, ready to launch out screaming and attack him. But my walking felt slower than normal like I was moving in quicksand. I stumbled toward the door. My vision blurred. My lips felt numb. No. I reached out for the doorknob, thinking it was closer to me, but I just grabbed thin air. It was further away.

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