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GIO (Interracial Rockstar Romance)

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And Gio? What about him?

I decided in that empty hospital room that I would never let him go. It would be hard at first. Illogical things sprang to my head. I blamed myself for him being in jail. If I’d only listened to him, we wouldn’t be in this predicament. If I’d only let him help me, maybe things would’ve been okay. I knew it was crazy for me to feel that way, but deep in the crevices of my mind, I still wondered how true those thoughts were.

A knock came on my door. Midnight poked his head in. “Your nurse said you were up. Are you okay for a few visitors?”

“Yes.” I rose into a sitting position. “Yes. What’s going on with Gio? Are they going to let him out? He’s been in there for days.”

“I brought his lawyers here.” He gestured as four suited men walked in. Three were black and the tallest one was white. “They have a radical idea, but I’m not sure if you or Gio would like it.”

“What is it?” I turned to the men.

The tallest spoke, wearing glasses and clearing his throat. “This has become a high-profile case. Utah’s judges, commissioners, mayor, and even the governor all have their hands in this now. Election year is here. Everyone wants their face on this, so they’re dragging it out for all the spotlight.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?”

The black man holding the briefcase spoke next. “It’s a sad truth, but I believe we have a creative way to push them along.”

“What can I do?”

He set the briefcase down. “Right now, the news is spinning this as jealous rage coming from a twisted love affair between the three of you.”

“That’s not true at all.”

“I’m aware of that, but no one knows this. We could read a statement to the media...from you, but still...”


He looked uncomfortable as he said the next words. “I know you’ve been through a lot, but we think you getting on camera and talking about your sexual assault will push their hands to give Gio justice.”

I swallowed and let out a long breath. “Okay. How do you want to do it?”

“If you need a day to think—”

“A day?” I shook my head. “Gio’s been in there long enough. I want to do it now.”

The lawyers exchanged glances.

“What?” I asked.

Midnight stepped forward. “It’s all about impact, Simone. Right now, GioKnights have practically pilgrimaged to Utah and are camped outside the jail. Cameras have been recording every moment. Social media is watching. This has been trending every day and the crowds are getting larger and larger.”

“So, what do you want me to do?”

“Let us get you dressed,” Midnight said. “And then we take you down there to talk to all of his fans. Now, I know Gio would go crazy if he knew about this. He would like to protect you and keep you away from any media scrutiny. And understand that after you tell your story, there will be a backlash. Some will call you a whore, slut...” He held up his hand. “I’m not calling you that.”

“I know.”

“I’m just saying. Ru has his little fans from back in the day and his people. I’m sure they’ll paint you as causing it all. He’s going to want his legacy to remain strong and nothing ruins it like being a rapist. From what I understand, he still gets good money off his kid movies. Once you tell your story, he can kiss that and any job in the industry goodbye. He’ll be untouchable.”

“Good. He shouldn’t be managing any women. I don’t even want him walking the streets.”

“But are you sure about this, Simone?” Midnight asked.

I turned to his lawyers. “Are you all sure this will help Gio?”

They nodded.

“Then let’s do it.”

It took a good hour for me to get ready. Midnight’s stylist brought in tons of new clothes. The lawyers picked an outfit that would make me more relatable to the crowd, yet also not have people judge me. I thought it was crazy, but understood what they were saying. People loved Ru and Gio. I was just a nobody female that had caused them to hurt each other. Many would be watching me, waiting to find something they didn’t like to justify the craziness.

My nerves rattled.

I could hear the possible accusations that would get slung at me.

“She’s a slut.”

“She was probably fucking them both.”

“How could she not have known Ru would do that? There’s no way this is true.”

“Why would someone as famous as Ru do that?”

“I don’t believe her.”

“She’s lying.”

“She’s lying.”

I closed my eyes as Midnight’s makeup artist did my face. I had no idea how he’d happened to have this whole team already on call. I figured he must’ve traveled with them.

Midnight looked at my feet and asked another girl named Cookie to take care of them. Next, she did my nails.

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