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Dare to Stay (Dare Nation 4)

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She nodded, but from her stiff demeanor, it was clear she didn’t want to join him for dinner. He was serious when he said it would be good for the team. They needed to work together without resentment getting between them.

“Let’s go and I’ll follow you there.” He wished he could get her alone in his car just to have her near, but he knew she drove to work. They were stuck with two vehicles.

She stepped past him and walked out of the room. Once he joined her, she locked her office, and they headed to the parking lot in silence.

He had questions about her life, but he was saving them for the restaurant, where nobody they knew would disturb them.

* * *

Willow slid into a booth at El Toro and placed her purse between her outer thigh and the wall. Before she could process his intention, Braden slipped in next to her, the warmth of his big body pressing against hers.

“What are you doing? Go sit across from me,” she said, inching away because everything about him was so powerful and overwhelming.

He slung one arm behind her and turned her way. “This is my seat, remember? We’d share our guac and chips sitting side by side.”

“That was the past.”

“And this is the present.”

Before she could reply, a waitress stopped at their table. “Can I get you something to drink?”

Willow was going to need one to get through this meal. “A margarita, please.”

“Whatever beer you have on tap,” Braden said. “And can you please bring guacamole and chips when you get a chance?”

“Of course.” The brunette smiled at them. “I’ll be back to take the rest of your order,” she said and stopped at another table.

Left alone again, Braden turned back to her. “So how am I doing at work?”

Willow blinked in surprise. “You want my assessment?”

He nodded. “I value your opinion and you’ve been around the team for years. So let me have it.”

She bit down on her lower lip and, for the first time since his arrival, allowed herself to really think about Braden and his first week with the team. He’d blended in seamlessly, the other doctors and therapists deferring to his expertise when necessary. By the same token, he had no problem handing off a player to another doctor if the injury fell under their specialty. He listened and learned the procedure and protocol and asked when he wasn’t sure instead of charging in and giving orders.

Even Cole had mentioned to her how much he liked the team’s new head doctor. Of course, he wouldn’t feel the same way if he knew she had history with Braden, but that was irrelevant to Braden’s question.

So as much as she wanted to tell him he’d done a shitty job, she couldn’t. “You seem to be fitting in well, actually. No criticism from me.”

“I’m glad you think so. Your opinion means a lot to me.” His grin was so hot, gave him such a sexy look, she’d be shocked if it hadn’t incinerated her panties, and she squirmed in her seat.

“Here are your drinks.” Their server returned and placed Willow’s glass down, then Braden’s bottle on the table in front of him. “Can I take your orders?”

“We haven’t had a chance to look at the menu.” He glanced at Willow. “Has it changed?”

“No. I’ll have the pulled pork soft tacos. Thank you,” she said to the server.

“An enchilada for me, thanks.” He ordered his usual choice from when they used to come here as a couple.

Their server picked up the unopened menus and walked away.

Not wanting to sit in uncomfortable silence, Willow decided to start their conversation. “So … how has the adjustment been from being abroad to being home?”

He shrugged. “Not bad. I’m renting an apartment in the same building as Hudson. I treated myself to a new bed, and I have to say it’s been great to be comfortable again. Cots in tents were hard on my back.”

“Are you glad you went?” As soon as the question was out, she wished she could take it back. She didn’t want him to know she wondered if he had any regrets.

He met her gaze, his expression somber. “I’m grateful for the experience,” he said, obviously speaking with care. “I wish I’d handled certain things differently. Like us.”

“It’s in the past,” she said, wishing she didn’t have to keep repeating the refrain.

“Except you’re still hurt and angry.” He lifted a hand and dropped it again.

She knew from their history what he’d intended. He’d liked to play with her hair, and she’d enjoyed it, too. He’d curl a strand around his finger and tug lightly. The sensation would start in her scalp, but she’d inevitably feel the pull between her thighs. She was glad he’d cut off the impulse. She didn’t want to make a scene.

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