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Dare to Stay (Dare Nation 4)

Page 14

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She swallowed hard. “Hi.”

“Hi. I ordered us dessert.” He turned and gestured to the small room-service cart behind him. “Your favorite. Vanilla ice cream brownie sundae. Your room or mine?” he asked.

Her stomach rumbled, completely on board with his gesture. Her emotions were much more wary, but she wasn’t about to let the dessert melt. “Come on in.” She swept her arm toward her room.

With her help, they maneuvered the cart into the small room and settled it in front of the double beds so they could sit down and eat. There wasn’t enough room to pull up two chairs, and they wound up side by side on the edge of one bed.

“You really didn’t need to do this,” she said as she picked up a spoon.

He shrugged. “I wanted to. Besides, I figured you wouldn’t slam the door in my face if I came bearing food.”

He knew her too well. “You’re right. This looks delicious. Thank you.”

“Can we consider it a peace offering?” He met her gaze, sincerity and a genuine need to make things right in his expression, and she sighed.

She certainly couldn’t go on with an angry wall between them. He’d lived his life as he chose, and she couldn’t hold that against him any longer.

“Peace,” she murmured in agreement.

He held her stare, his answering smile full of warmth in a way that spoke to her soul.

It unnerved her, and unable to look into his eyes any longer, she focused on the ice cream, taking a spoonful, making sure to get the brownie on it, too. She put the treat into her mouth and moaned at the mixture of chocolate, cold vanilla flavor.

“What did I tell you about that sound?” he asked, his voice a low growl.

Her stomach flipped at the distinct memory. Do not make that sound around me unless you’re prepared for what happens next.

The following moments were sexually charged, her body suddenly tingling with awareness with his gaze still hot on hers. Mesmerized by the intensity sizzling between them, she couldn’t break eye contact, memories of the past colliding in her mind. His hands cupping her face, his mouth devouring hers, their bodies meshing perfectly in bed. A hot flush rose to her cheeks, and she felt the puckering of her nipples beneath her flimsy tank top.

Watching her, he cupped the back of her head. She didn’t pull away, so he urged her to lean forward, his breath warm and oh so close. A voice in the back of her head asked her what in the world she was doing, but she couldn’t stop what was happening between them.

And when his mouth touched hers, all thoughts, good and bad, fled completely. His tongue slid across her lips and she moaned. He stiffened at the sound and then began to kiss her in earnest, their tongues tangling as he tasted her, devoured her. He kissed like a dream, even better than in her memories, and she melted into him, wanting more, and he seemed all too willing to give her what she needed.

He tipped her head to the side, giving himself deeper access, and he swept his tongue throughout her mouth. They stayed that way for a long while, making out like two people who’d been apart for a long time. And that was the thought that brought her back to her senses. They had been separated because he’d easily walked away.

Who was to say he wouldn’t do it again?

She was about to pull back when he did it first, but not before sweeping his tongue over her lips once more.

“You taste like the sweetest dessert,” he said, running a hand through her hair.

He tasted so delicious she wanted to dive in for more. But her heart reminded her of all the reasons she shouldn’t. “Mind if I finish the ice cream before it melts?”

“Go for it.” He released her, and she felt his stare as she took another bite of the brownie, the vanilla already melting over the warm chocolate.

“You didn’t get yourself one?”

He shook his head. “Still full from dinner.”

She nodded. “So what are your plans beyond working for the team? I know most of the doctors have practices they’re at when they aren’t needed at the stadium.”

Leaning back on one hand, he said, “Hudson and I found a health center downtown that’s in need of doctors. We’re going to stop by this week and see if we can donate our time now and add more hours when the season is over.”

Interesting, she thought. “So you liked the humanitarian aspect of the work you did for MSF?” She tilted her head, truly curious about how he’d changed since his time away.

He nodded. “I want to help people who need it, and I can do that here, too.”

She admired his dedication to helping others. He’d done charitable work all through his med school years, and it had ultimately led him to Doctors Without Borders. He was a good, compassionate man, and knowing that made it even harder to remain angry. The hurt still remained, duller now but no less present.

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