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Dare to Stay (Dare Nation 4)

Page 19

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She nodded. “The diner where I work lets me eat for free.”

“Yeah? Is the food good?”

She treated him to a small smile. “Not bad. Merry’s husband, Sonny, is a pretty good cook.”

“What’s the name? Maybe I’ll check it out sometime.”

“Merry’s,” she said.

“After Merry. Got it.” He tucked the information away and decided to push a little further. “What about your living arrangements?”

This time she pulled her lip into her mouth before letting go. “I’m fine.”

He cleaned off the transducer and hooked it onto the side of the machine, covering her belly with a sheet before meeting her gaze. “Just tell me you’re not living on the street, because if you are, I can help you find a safe place to stay.”

She shook her head. “There’s a back room in the diner. Merry and Sonny let me stay there. They’ve been good to me.”

“I’m glad.” He wondered about the baby’s father but decided to let it go for now. “Any family?” he couldn’t not ask. As much as it was his job to treat the patient, he had a driving need to be sure she was safe, as well.

She shook her head. “I aged out of foster care. I was already pregnant at the time. But I get by,” she said defensively, her foster care story reminding him of a different blonde he knew and whose walls he was also trying to breach.

“I’m sure you are. Do you have a plan for post-delivery?” She couldn’t continue to stay in the back room of a diner with a baby.

“Am I finished? You said the baby’s okay, right? So what’s with the contractions?”

She put a barrier up between them, and he took her words as a no. No plan for herself and her child once she was born. Since he’d be working here, he hoped he could see her more often and help her figure out what she was going to do. For now, he’d pried enough.

He rose from his stool. “You’re not in preterm labor, which is good news. What you’re experiencing are called Braxton Hicks contractions. It’s the body’s way of getting ready for delivery,” he assured her. “But you did the right thing coming here.”

She released another heavy breath. “Okay, good.”

“You can get dressed now. I think you should come back once a week.” At this stage and with a normal pregnancy, an obstetrician would see a patient every two weeks, but with her precarious living and support situation, he’d feel better keeping an eye on her.

Her hand came to her stomach. “But I don’t have insurance.”

“We’ll work things out. Just make an appointment and come back. Please.”

She eyed him warily and didn’t answer, so he started for the door. “Nice to meet you, Aurora.” He smiled warmly and hoped he’d see her in this clinic again next week.

They rolled up their sleeves, so to speak, and stayed for the day, during which Braden learned how much they were needed here. He left feeling more productive than he had since leaving MSF.

Back at their apartment building, he and Hudson parted ways, Braden making his way upstairs to his unit. He tossed his keys onto the counter and pulled his phone from his pocket, checking his messages. His sister wanted to meet for a catch-up lunch, and his mother had checked in.

But the one person he wanted to hear from remained stubbornly silent.

* * *

The players had all gone home for the night, and Willow took the time to type notes onto the computer about the patients she’d treated, long-term plans, and her thoughts on their ability to play. After finishing up, she sent the file to both the head orthopedist and Braden for the upcoming week’s game. She knew Cole was staying late, as well, so as soon as she finished work and shut down for the night, she drew a deep breath and headed to find him.

She discovered him in an office he shared with the other team doctors, but he was alone.

“Hey there,” she said, announcing her presence so she didn’t startle him.

“Hi!” He turned from his computer, a smile spread across his face.

He was obviously happy to see her, but that wouldn’t be the case in a few minutes, once she said what she had to say.

“I was just finishing up for the night.” He rose to his feet and came around the desk. “I didn’t expect to see you.” He reached for her hands, but she kept hers at her sides.

“I’ve been … busy,” she murmured.

“Busy avoiding me?” He nailed her behavior completely and she sighed.

There was no doubt Cole was a handsome man, and maybe, given time, she could have developed feelings for him, but she’d never feel that explosive desire for him that Braden elicited inside her. And after seeing Braden again, experiencing that out-of-this-world kiss, she knew she wanted much more than companionship with any man she chose.

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