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Dare to Stay (Dare Nation 4)

Page 38

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Sitting back down and leaning against the sofa, Aurora smiled, and for the first time since Willow had met her, it reached her eyes. “Amazing. I relaxed in a comfortable home and bed.” Gratitude filled her gaze. “I don’t know how to thank you.”

Willow joined her on the sofa. “Just seeing you looking rested is enough. And work?”

“Work was amazing. Sitting at a desk is a blessing compared to waiting tables, and I’m really learning things. One of the secretaries is teaching me Excel, and it hasn’t been too hard answering phones and transferring calls.” She sighed and her happiness was real.

“Have you thought about what you’re going to do after the baby is born?” Willow asked gently. She didn’t want to bring up uncomfortable subjects, but they were important.

Placing her hand on her stomach, Aurora shook her head. “I mean, yes, I’ve thought about it. No, I haven’t come up with any solutions.” She rubbed her belly, tears in her eyes. “I want to keep her. I just don’t know how I can.”

Willow placed a hand over hers. “I didn’t mean to upset you. We’ll talk about it when we have more time. But I have to ask. What about the baby’s father? Does he know you’re pregnant?”

Aurora shook her head hard. “It was a one-night thing. I don’t even know how to find him. And I never knew his last name.” She blushed at the admission.

“You are not the only woman to get pregnant from one night. And don’t beat yourself up over it, honey. Let’s get some sleep and we’ll talk more another time.” Meanwhile she’d look into federal subsidy programs and other options for single moms. Although, one way or another, Aurora would need child care while she worked.

“Thank you, Willow.” Reaching over, Aurora wrapped her arms around Willow and hugged her tight. “I’ll give you your bed,” she said, pushing herself back and standing up. “Oh! How was your weekend?” she asked.

Which part? Willow wanted to ask. Her time with Braden? Hot, incredible, and better than she could have dreamed. Keeping her expectations in check was going to be even more difficult than she’d hoped. “The game was great. If you didn’t watch, the Thunder won.”

“I saw! It was a fun game.” She was standing now, folding the blanket. “It’s amazing having a television to watch, too.”

Willow smiled. “Let me do a quick unpacking in the bedroom, and then I’ll be out of there.”

After tossing her dirty clothes into the laundry basket and grabbing pajamas to sleep in, she washed up in the bathroom. To her surprise, Aurora had pulled out the sofa bed and set up her extra pillows and comforter she kept in the closet.

By the time she lay down, she was already exhausted from a long weekend of travel and game day. Not to mention she’d tossed and turned after leaving Braden’s room the night before, pleasurable memories consuming her.

Before she could relive the time in her mind yet again, her phone buzzed, and she reached over, picked up the phone, and checked the screen.

Braden had texted her. Did you and Steffy get home safely?

She wrote back, We did, thanks. She wasn’t used to someone looking out for her.

The other night meant something to me.

She sighed. It had meant something to her, too, but she hesitated on how to answer, and he replied again before she had. Sleep tight. See you tomorrow.

She typed back, Night, Braden. She sighed and put her phone on the end table beside her make-shift bed, knowing her alarm was set for the next morning. Though she expected to toss and turn and worry about what was going on between herself and Braden, to her surprise, she fell right to sleep, and when she woke up, she felt rested.

She performed her morning routine and rushed out to the team facility in order to work on everyone’s pulled and stiff muscles and injuries from the game. As per usual on a Monday, her day was jam-packed, as were all the trainers on staff.

She didn’t see Braden, which meant he was tied up with more serious injuries and filling the coaches in on each situation. By the time she had a few minutes for lunch, it was two o’clock.

She gestured with a tip of her head for Steffy to join her, and they locked themselves in Willow’s office for a few blessed minutes of peace and quiet. Unfortunately it didn’t last long, and soon they were back working with the team.

By the time she grabbed her bag to head home, she was exhausted. The parking lot was devoid of people but filled with cars of those still working. She approached her vehicle, about to hit the open button on the key fob in her hand.

“Working late?” Cole popped out of seemingly nowhere, from between two cars, one next to hers.

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