Dare to Stay (Dare Nation 4) - Page 39

“You scared me.” Her pulse sped up and she placed a hand over her chest. “Where did you come from?”

He’d walked around her and stood beside her car as he tipped his head toward where he’d come from. But neither was his vehicle and she narrowed her gaze. “I need to get going.”

“You shouldn’t walk to your car alone. It’s not safe.” He leaned against her Ford Focus, blocking her way.

Cole, who’d always been an easygoing guy, was starting to frighten her. “It’s perfectly safe. There’s a security guard at the entrance to the lot,” she said, as much to remind him as to reassure herself.

“I used to walk you out,” he said, his gaze never leaving hers. “Is your new boyfriend too busy to be bothered?”

“Braden isn’t my boyfriend. And nothing about me is your business anymore. Now if you’ll excuse me, I want to get to my car.”

Taking his time, he stood straighter and walked toward her. She held her ground, and he stepped aside only when he would have knocked into her.

She didn’t know what kind of game he was playing but she didn’t like it. And though she didn’t want to, she glanced over her shoulder to make sure he was walking away, only to find him watching her.

A shiver raced through her, and she unlocked her vehicle, climbed in, and locked the doors behind her, letting out a relieved breath. Maybe it was a coincidence he’d been standing by the cars … even if it seemed like he’d been waiting for her, but he’d shaken her up anyway. She had a hard time believing Cole was dangerous, but his behavior was odd at best, stalkerish at the worst.

Once she calmed down, she pulled her car out of the spot, avoided driving by the facility’s side entrance, not wanting to see if Cole still stood watching her. Instead she took the long way to reach the guard station.

She relaxed on the highway home, and by the time she parked her car and entered her apartment, she’d decided Cole was just put out about Braden and had acted out of character. It was best for her to put the incident behind her.

The apartment was empty, and she caught sight of a note on the small kitchen table. Aurora had gone to visit Merry, her old boss, and her husband. She wouldn’t be home for dinner, something Willow hadn’t given a thought. She’d been away over the weekend, and the food in the fridge wasn’t fresh since she usually grocery shopped on Saturday morning.

A glance in the fridge told her she was wrong. Aurora must have gone shopping, because the inside was filled with healthy food. Looking in the freezer, she saw premade store-bought meals she could heat in the microwave. From the amount of food, Aurora had obviously bought for two, probably wanting to do something to pay Willow back. And though she hadn’t had to, Willow appreciated her efforts especially since she was so hungry.

She took a quick shower and grabbed her clothing for tomorrow from her bedroom. Wearing a pair of matching pajama shorts and a tank top, she opened the freezer to take out an easy meal when the doorbell rang.

She padded over in her bare feet and suddenly remembered her run-in with Cole. Worried he might have decided to pay her a visit, she glanced in the peephole, relieved and surprised to see Braden’s face.

Opening the door, she realized he had a pizza box in his hand. “Braden! I’m so glad it’s you,” she said, expelling a sigh of relief.

Curiosity and concern etched his features.

“Were you expecting someone else?” he asked, brows furrowed.

“I– No.” She didn’t think he needed to hear about her run-in with her ex. “What is this?” She gestured to the delicious-smelling food in his hand and asked, despite it being obvious.

“I thought I’d surprise you and Aurora with dinner. I called but no one answered your cell. Hopefully I’m not too late?”

He looked like a hopeful boy with his sheepish grin, but in truth he was all man in his gray sweats, which, it went without saying, showed off his attributes. His Thunder tee shirt hugged his muscles. And the day’s growth of beard gave him a scruffy, sexy appearance. His hair was messed as if he’d been running his hands through the strands, and if he’d had a day like she had, she understood the desire. She had the impulse to touch the soft strands, too.

She cleared her throat. “Actually you’re just in time. Come on in.” She waved him inside and locked the door behind her, unsure if she was happier to see him or the food. “But Aurora is out. She left a note she went to visit Merry, the woman who owns the diner where she used to stay.”

Tags: Carly Phillips Dare Nation Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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