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Dare to Stay (Dare Nation 4)

Page 55

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Willow tilted her head toward the bathroom, where the noise of the blow dryer sounded. “If it means she’s happy and has a support system? Absolutely.” Although she’d miss Aurora’s presence, she couldn’t deny her happiness made Willow ecstatic.

“You do realize we didn’t tell her she’s related to a rock star and a famous actor?” he asked.

Willow shrugged. “Something tells me it’s just going to be icing on the cake. And here I was worried about how she’d take the news,” she said wryly. “Of course, it probably hasn’t sunk in yet about her mother.”

“Or she’s already come to terms with not having a mother in her life, and the fact that she was abandoned already told her all she needed to know about the woman who gave birth to her.”

Willow nodded. “That I can relate to, and it makes sense to me. I hope she never goes looking for the woman, because the only thing down that path is heartache.”

He pulled her into his arms, and she sighed, leaning her head against his chest. “Regardless, she’s excited and that’s what matters.”


Not long after Aurora finally finished getting dressed and made up, she joined them in the living room, looking the best Willow had ever seen her. In the very short time she’d been working for Dare Nation, she’d blossomed into a pretty young woman wearing makeup, clean clothing that fit, and a light in her eyes she hadn’t had when Willow met her that day in the diner. Tonight the glow was even more prominent.

As were her nerves. Lincoln Kingston had better be a good, decent man, Willow thought, glancing at the poor girl pacing the room. If the doorbell didn’t ring soon, there’d be a hole in the carpet.

“What if he judges me for being pregnant and not knowing who the father is?”

“He won’t,” Willow assured her. Braden had vetted him damned carefully on that. He’d promised while they waited for the young woman to get ready.

“You mentioned they’re wealthy?” A conversation Willow had had with her when she’d gone in to check on her only to find four outfits on the bed.

She’d helped Aurora pick one while giving her information about her new family. Select information. If she’d told her about Dash Kingston, the rock star, and Xander Kingston, the actor, Aurora’s freak out would be even worse.

“You’ve been around Braden’s brothers, and they all have money. Not to mention the athletes who come into Dare Nation. You’ll be fine,” Willow continued to reassure her.

She met Braden’s amused smile and shook her head. It wouldn’t help for either of them to make light of such an important situation, but the truth was Aurora’s reactions were so sweet.

When the ring sounded, all three of them startled, despite being ready for their guest’s arrival. Aurora smoothed her hand over her belly, her pretty blue top matching her eyes.

“Ready?” Braden asked and she nodded.

He opened the door, and an extremely handsome man stood on the threshold, wearing a pair of dark jeans and a pale blue collared short-sleeve Polo shirt. His dark hair was perfectly and expensively cut, and an air of self-assurance surrounded him. If she hadn’t been so far gone for Braden, she’d definitely be attracted. After all, she wasn’t dead and her hormones reacted.

But the most striking thing about him, at least for Willow, was his blue eyes that were so like Aurora’s and the similarity in their facial features. Defined but full lips, a perfectly straight nose, and a strong jaw on him, less so on her. They certainly were related.

“Lincoln Kingston?” Braden asked.

The man who was as tall and broad as Braden nodded. “Braden Prescott?”

With a nod, Braden extended his hand, and the men engaged in a power handshake that was obvious even from a distance.

“Call me Linc,” he said.

“Come on in, Linc.” Braden stepped aside, and the other man entered, his intent gaze zeroing in on Aurora.

“This is Willow James, my – the woman Aurora’s been living with recently.” Braden gestured to Willow and she gave him a smile and a wave.

He nodded, appreciation in his gaze. “A pleasure to meet you.”

“And this is your sister, Aurora Michaels.”

Aurora stared at Linc wide-eyed, a mixture of awe and fear of rejection in her eyes and expression.

Willow held her breath as Linc strode over, and though she expected this stern man to extend a hand to Aurora for a shake, he placed his hand beneath her chin. “You have our eyes,” he said and pulled her into his arms for an embrace.

A lump rose to Willow’s throat. Because she had experienced the loneliness and fear of being an unwanted foster through the age of sixteen, she literally felt Aurora’s initial panic and now the complete release of emotion as she received Linc’s unconditional acceptance. So much so that Willow’s own knees nearly buckled.

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