Dare to Stay (Dare Nation 4) - Page 57

Aurora pressed her hand against her forehead. “This is so much so soon. Braden’s right. I need to think. And to get to know you more.”

“How much longer can you fly? In your pregnancy, I mean?” Linc asked Aurora.

She lifted her head and shrugged her shoulders. “I never asked. There was no reason to.”

“Up to thirty-six weeks,” Braden said. “I’ve been her doctor, in case you didn’t run your own checks on the people in her life.”

“Of course I did,” Linc muttered.

Braden smirked, obviously having guessed right. “She has two weeks before I’d prefer she didn’t get on an airplane.”

Linc drew a deep breath and nodded. “I’ll stay for a week. We’ll get to know one another and then you can make a decision. Fair?” he asked, but it was clear he intended to sway her to return home with him.

“Yes. Thank you,” Aurora said. “I’d like that.”

“Now that that’s settled, why don’t you two make plans for the week, and then I’d say Aurora and the baby need some rest.” Braden’s voice brooked no argument. He wasn’t about to let Linc roll over him, and Willow admired him for standing up to this commanding presence.

Braden rose from his seat. “If you two would like to come to the Thunder football game on Sunday, I can get you box seats,” he offered.

Linc had stood as well. “That sounds fun. Would you like to go?” he asked Aurora.

She nodded.

Willow thought it would be a good ice breaker to talk while watching the game.

“Willow, walk me out? It’ll give them time to make plans,” Braden said.

“Thanks,” Aurora said to them both, her eyes gleaming with nervous energy.

Braden smiled at her and Willow nodded. “I’ll be back in a few minutes,” she said.

She accompanied him to the catwalk, shutting the door behind them. The humidity and heat hit her immediately. “That went better than expected.”

He nodded. “But Lincoln Kingston is a man used to getting what he wants.”

“But in this case, I think it’s in Aurora’s best interest to go with him,” she said sadly. “I’ll miss her, but to find a family this late in life? And one who doesn’t resent how she became one of them? Who would want to deny her that?”

He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her close. “It’s not like you’re losing her for good. You can visit any time and vice versa.”

She breathed him in, taking in his solid masculine scent. “I’m glad you’re here.” When Aurora left, she’d be alone again in her apartment, and while a part of her wouldn’t mind the privacy and her bed back, a larger part would miss the young girl.

“I’m not going anywhere,” he said, tipping her head upward and placing his lips on hers, his tongue sweeping through her mouth.

She kissed him back, her heart pounding in her chest, hoping he meant it. He was slowly regaining her trust, but her heart couldn’t handle the pain if he left her again.

* * *

Braden stood on the sidelines of the Thunder game on Sunday. Fourth quarter with five minutes left to play, one time-out remaining for the Thunder, two for the opposing team. For Florida, the day had a light feel, less humidity than they’d had lately, and he appreciated that fact as the sun baked down overhead. He adjusted the brim of his cap and watched the play unfold on the field. Milling around were the doctors assigned to today’s game. Unfortunately that group included Cole Walsh, because despite the fact that Braden despised the man, he couldn’t prevent him from doing his job unless he had a valid reason.

And he wished the man’s watching Willow bend over one of their rookie players was on the list of justifiable grounds. Only he had the right to ogle his girl.

“Walsh!” Braden all but barked at him. “Go check out Reilly’s ankle!”

Cole scowled at him but did as he’d ordered, enabling Braden to turn his gaze back to Willow for a brief moment.

Her hair had been braided and hung down her back, and just watching her filled him with a sense of satisfaction and pleasure. They were finally on a solid path, and he had every intention of keeping them there.

A whistle blew and the defense ran off the field. Damon and the offense took their place. Damon called out the play and darted left. Just as he threw the ball, the defensive end from the other team slammed into him, tackling him and taking him down, the sound causing Braden’s stomach to churn.

Panic hit as it always did when one of his brothers was injured, and Braden held his breath as he waited for the men to separate and stand on their own. Except when the defensive end rose to his feet, Damon remained still on the field.

Tags: Carly Phillips Dare Nation Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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