Dare to Stay (Dare Nation 4) - Page 59

“There’s really no choice to make. I have a wife who’s pregnant.” He lifted Evie’s hand to his mouth and kissed her. “I want to be there to raise my kids, not let my brain turn to mush and lose the rest of my life because I chose playing over my family.”

Evie sniffled and tears dripped down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry, Damon. But I can’t deny how glad I am you’re choosing us.”

“I’ll deal, you know? It won’t be easy to leave it behind, but I’ll figure out a new path.” He winked at his wife.

“Alex Dare has programs that help players who have to retire early, but I think you’re going to be just fine. Think about your path and talk to Austin. Or Ian about a front-office job.” Braden pushed himself to his feet. “Okay if I give the family the news?”

Damon rested his head back against the pillows. “Yeah. And send them home. I promise I’ll be in touch. Right now I just want to talk to Evie, okay?”

Braden nodded. “I’ll try but you know they’re going to want to see for themselves that you’re okay. Call me if you need me,” he said more to Evie than to his brother because Damon would never admit to weakness.

He walked out of the darkened room, where no lights were on because it hurt Damon’s eyes, and nearly bumped into Willow. He was so grateful to see her, he opened his arms and she walked right into them.

“God, I’m glad to see you.”

She tipped her head back and smiled. “Rough day. How’s Damon?”

He filled her in and she sighed. “That’s awful. He’s so talented and is such a presence and idol for the younger players on the team.”

“I know but I give him credit for doing what’s best for himself and his family. Still, I don’t think Ian’s going to be happy, though he will support Damon’s decision.”

“Do you think he’ll go to work with Austin at Dare Nation?” she asked.

He shrugged, unsure what his brother would do. “Time will tell, right?”

She nodded. “I promised your mom I’d see if I could find out what’s going on.”

He took her hand, squeezing tight. “Let’s do it together.”

As they headed back to the small room where Braden’s family waited, his cell buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out, glanced at the number, and declined the call.

“Anything important?” she asked.

“Nothing that can’t wait.” He shoved his phone back into his pocket, and together they went to talk to his family.

His mother had cried, not because she cared what her sons did for their careers but for the disappointment she knew Damon must be feeling. Austin had gone into big brother/agent mode and had immediately begun plotting alternative jobs for his sibling, starting and ending with Dare Nation if Austin had his way. Everyone else grew silent and sad, digesting the information and probably figuring out what they’d say to Damon when they saw him.

Despite Damon wanting to be alone, his mom had gone back to see her son and everyone else would file in and out over the next hour, so Braden had no problem deciding it was time to go home. Today had been a long fucking day, and Braden wanted nothing more than to climb into bed and crash, but he didn’t want to do it alone.

When he’d looked up and seen Willow coming toward him, the weight on his shoulders had lifted. Having her by his side when they’d broken Damon’s career-ending news to his family had given him the strength to deal with everyone’s myriad reactions.

He glanced at her, leaning against the wall, looking as beat as he felt.

“Ready to leave?” he asked.

She nodded then yawned, covering her mouth with her hand. “Excuse me,” she said. “I’m just wiped out.”

“Me, too. Let’s go.” He grasped her hand, called into the room that they were leaving, and led her out.

They wound their way through the hospital corridors and out to the parking lot in tired silence.

“My car is over there,” she said, pointing to the opposite side of the lot from where Braden had left his vehicle.

He changed directions and walked her over, pausing when she reached her door and unlocked it with her key fob.

“Stay at my place tonight?” he asked, needing to fall asleep with her in his arms.

She glanced up at him and wrinkled her nose, her expression torn. “We have to work tomorrow and I don’t have clothes.”

“I promise we’ll be up in time for you to go home, shower, and change.” If he had his way, she would start leaving clothes at his house, but tonight wasn’t the time to get into a serious conversation. “I need you,” he admitted though it wasn’t easy.

Until now he’d kept things light, but after the day he’d had, the fear for his unconscious brother, he wasn’t above taking things deeper.

Tags: Carly Phillips Dare Nation Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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