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Dare to Stay (Dare Nation 4)

Page 62

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“Come on in and sit down! What are you doing here?” Braden gestured for his friend to sit while he leaned against his desk.

Adam, tanned from working in the sun, wore a pair of khaki pants and a short-sleeved shirt. His sandy-blond hair was long, as usual, but he’d cleaned up his beard to a short scruff.

He leaned one arm over the back of his chair. “I came to say hello … and to try and convince you to return with me. I can’t tell you how short-staffed we are and how much we miss you and Hudson.”

He shook his head. “Not happening,” he said, without needing time to think. “My family and my life are here.” Not to mention Willow was, as well. And if there was any reason to stay put, she was it.

“Come on. You loved your time with us,” Adam said, his tone imploring.

“I did. And I learned a lot about myself while I was with MSF. But it’s not my life’s calling. I found other ways to give of myself right here.”

“Treating athletes who earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year?” Adam asked skeptically. The man always had a chip on his shoulder about the wealthy. It had taken Braden and Hudson time to win him over and gain his trust, to prove they weren’t rich boys running away from home but men looking to make a difference.

Still, Braden stiffened, straightening his shoulders. “I’ll have you know these men work damned hard, but that’s not what I’m talking about.”

He went on to explain about the downtown clinic and his and Hudson’s dream for the place, effectively ending Adam’s hope that if he couldn’t convince Braden, maybe Hudson would want to return. Though Braden promised to relay the offer to Hudson so the man could make his own decision, they both knew the answer.

Thirty minutes later, Adam had accepted defeat gracefully. “Well, it was worth a try. I’ll continue my recruiting elsewhere,” he said, resigned. He rose to his feet.

Braden walked over and slapped him on the back. “I wish you the best.” He walked him to the door, figuring he’d go see if Willow wanted to join him and Bri for lunch before grabbing his sister and heading to the deli. He’d fill them both in on his talk with Hudson and their desire to improve the health care center. Bri would use her PR brain to find a way to gain donations, he was sure, and he could use her help.

Braden stepped out the door and into the hall first, immediately bumping into Cole. “What the fuck are you doing hanging around outside my door?” He really needed to talk to Ian about letting this asshole go.

Cole eyed him warily. “I came to talk to you, to see how Damon was doing, but I realized you were busy with someone.”

Braden moved aside so Adam could leave the office and the other man left with a brief wave.

As for Cole, Braden couldn’t exactly get pissed at him for wanting to check on the team’s star player. They hadn’t made his decision to retire public yet nor would they spread the word around the staff.

“He’s as well as he can be with a severe concussion,” Braden said.

“Well, wish him my best.” Cole turned and walked away, leaving Braden to shake his head at the man. Whatever had Willow seen in the guy?

Speaking of Willow, he pivoted and headed toward the training room, but when he saw her deeply involved with one of their linebackers, he knew she wouldn’t be able to make lunch. He’d just bring something back for her since she had a tendency to skip the meal in favor of work. The protein bar she ate instead didn’t fill her, leaving her starving for dinner.

He shook his head and went to find his sister.

* * *

Willow finished up with Leon James, who had a high ankle sprain and wanted to play this Sunday when they both knew he couldn’t return yet. His frustration was palpable, but no matter how much work she did with him, time was his best friend. Not that he wanted to hear it.

She washed her hands at the scrub sink in the main area, hoping she had a few minutes to grab lunch before her next patient.

“Hi,” a voice said from way too close.

She jumped in surprise, spun, and came face-to-face with Cole. Her heart pounded too hard in her chest, and despite the fact that she was in a room with other trainers and therapists spread around various tables, her nerves screamed inside her.

She backed away, hitting the sink behind her. “Cole. What do you want?” She breathed in but he was still too close, and the scent of his cologne made her sick. “And could you please get out of my personal space?”

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