Cut to the Bone (Body Farm 8) - Page 16

“Well, cut marks, for sure,” he went on, with maddening indirection, “but not saw marks or knife marks, best I can tell. I compared ’em to all the examples we’ve got in the reference file. I finally found one photograph that matched the pattern.”

“So what was the tool?” I looked down and found myself drumming my fingers on the desktop, unconsciously aping Brubaker’s gesture of impatience.

“It was labeled ‘Unknown.’ From a case you worked in Alaska two years ago.”

* * *

“Sexual serial killers don’t do that,” Brubaker said, with an assurance born of a quarter century of experience studying violent, twisted murderers.

“But why else would he cut her up that

way,” I persisted, “with a tool that I would recognize — that only I would recognize — if he’s not trying to taunt me, or threaten me?”

“You said it yourself,” he went on. “Even you don’t know what the cutting tool was — not in this case; not in that Alaska case.” He was pummeling not just my hypothesis but my confidence, too. “And you said the Alaska killer hung himself in prison, so we know he didn’t kill this stripper. Not unless you missed the time-since-death estimate here by a lot more than ten days.” That felt like a low blow, and it stung. When did the conference table turn into a boxing ring — and how had my forensic colleagues been transformed into spectators, watching me take a drubbing? “How the hell would some truck driver in Tennessee know about this cutting tool that’s so mysterious even you can’t figure out what it was?” I had no answer to that.

“Serial killers don’t go after cops,” he went on, “and they damned sure don’t go after anthropologists. They go after their dream victims. Bundy? He went after brown-haired women who looked like the girlfriend that dumped him. Gacy? Boys and young men. The Green River Killer, up near Seattle? Forty young women so far, nearly all in their teens and twenties.” I nodded, grudgingly.

“Look,” he added in a more conciliatory tone, “there are only so many ways to kill somebody. Put a hundred million killers at a hundred million crime scenes for a hundred million years, and sooner or later two of them will pick up the same cutting tool.” I liked the reference — a riff on the old saying about monkeys and typewriters and the works of Shakespeare, which was really a saying about how random genetic variation eventually, inevitably, turned primordial slime into human beings — but I disliked the swiftness and certainty with which he’d rejected my idea: my suggestion that the Stinking Creek killer was somehow — somewhy—echoing one of my prior cases.

“You’re the expert,” I said, hoping my voice didn’t convey the sullenness I was feeling.

“These guys go after victims that feed their sexual fantasies,” he repeated. “Don’t take this the wrong way; I mean, I do find you a very attractive man, Doctor”—he said it with a sly grin and a wink, to let everyone know it was a good-natured olive branch of a joke, as well as a signal that the discussion was over—“but I doubt that this guy’s fantasies extend to you.”

I prayed to God he was right. I hoped like hell he wasn’t wrong.



She was leaning against a streetlight — one foot propped on the post, the knee raised and her back arched, accentuating her curves — when the blue Mustang sidled to the curb and stopped. She waited until the passenger-side window came down, then pushed off from the post and sauntered to the curb. Music spilled from the car window — Elton John pleading “Don’t let the sun go down on me”—then the volume ramped down, and she heard the guy inside call out, “Hey, good-lookin’. What’s your name?”

“Desirée. What’s yours?” He didn’t answer.

Desirée was her street name, the name she donned along with the clothes; it made it easier to be who she had to be, to do what she had to do. She was wearing her Friday night outfit: a slinky gray top, worn off one shoulder; black spaghetti-strap bra peeking out from underneath; spiky red heels; fishnet thigh-highs; and a denim skirt so short it left an inch of toffee-colored skin exposed above the tops of the fishnets. Both stockings were torn — the front of the left thigh, the back of the right knee. She had two pairs of new ones in her dresser, but she’d noticed that she turned more heads — turned more tricks — looking like this. Men liked the ripped stockings; they seemed to get turned on by the idea that she’d been pawed or manhandled by other guys already. Made the sex seem dirtier; kinkier, she guessed.

Still standing on the curb, Desirée leaned down, forearms on the windowsill, giving the guy a good view of the lacy bra and the pale brown breasts. It was dark inside the car — a blue car with tinted windows — and the driver was wearing mirrored shades, so his eyes were hidden. But from the small reflections of herself dead center in the lenses, she could tell that he was eyeing her, or at least part of her. After she’d given him a long eyeful, she purred, “So, baby, you just lookin’, or you want a date?”

“How much?” His voice all cool, like he didn’t really care if he got any or not.

“Twenty if all you want’s a quick hand job. Forty for oral. A hundred for a full-on, un-for-get-able ride.”

He looked away briefly, then back at her, his fingers drumming the steering wheel in time to the music. “I’ll give you fifty.”

“Aww, don’t lowball me, baby,” she cooed. “Let me show you what I am talkin’ about.” She straightened, turned her back to the car, and planted the high heels wide, then slowly folded forward and put her hands on her knees, shimmying her legs and causing the skirt to creep up her thighs and buttocks. It was a trick she’d learned when she was dancing at the Mouse’s Ear, the strip bar in West Knoxville where the suburban guys with money went when their wives were away or their big-spender customers were in town. Once the skirt was riding high and she knew he had a good view of her thong and her business, she began to undulate, rotating her head and her hips in opposite directions. Her hair radiated from her head in shimmering golden spokes — an ironic, hypnotic halo, one befitting a fallen saint seeking a paying partner in sin. Stopping mid-sway, she arched her back and blew a pouty kiss over her shoulder into the cavelike interior of the car. “Best hundred you will ever spend, lover boy.”

“You remind me of somebody special,” he said.

“I am somebody special.”

“A girl in San Diego. My first time. A night I’ll always remember.” Desirée felt her hopes rising. “So I’ll go sixty,” he added.

She breathed a quiet sigh and clambered into the Mustang, the skirt still riding up as she settled into the low bucket seat. “Two blocks up, on the right, there’s the Magnolia Inn. Go around back and pull in behind the Dumpster.”

He turned toward her and shook his head. “No way, sister. I am not doing it behind a Dumpster in back of some hot-sheet motel.”

“It’s not about the Dumpster, baby,” she cajoled. “It’s nice and quiet back there. Dark. Private. Five minutes from now you will be in heaven.”

“Forget it.” The car wasn’t moving. A bad sign.

She needed the sixty. Really, really needed the sixty, and if she didn’t have it by midnight, she’d be headed down the rabbit hole of withdrawal. She tucked her hands under her thighs so he wouldn’t see that she already had the shakes. “You wanna get a room, honey?” Trying to keep the desperation out of her voice. “That’s cool. I’ve got a deal there. Twenty bucks for an hour. King-size bed. Clean sheets. I can do a lot more for you on a nice big bed.”

He shook his head. “Naw. I got someplace better. Five minutes from here. No cops, no drunks, nobody. Just me and you. I got some pot, if you want to get high. Got some blow, too, if you’re into that.”

She felt a tingle of excitement mixed with relief. Sixty bucks plus a ride on the white horse? That was as good as a hundred in cash. Nearly, anyway. “Customer’s always right,” she said. “I need payment up front, though.”

He laughed. “So you can snort the coke, snatch the dough, and run for it? Nice try, darlin’.”

“Show me the money, honey. I need to know you’ve got it.”

“Suspicious little thing, aren’t you? You’re hurting my feelings.” He reached into a back pocket and fished out a wallet. Flipping it open, he riffled through the bills for her. She saw four or five twenties, maybe more; shit, she shouldn’t have settled for sixty. But maybe she could squeeze another twenty out of him, once she had him revved up. All johns had a special itch, she’d found, and they’d usually pay extra to have it scratched. The trick was to find the itch without giving away the scratch. He plucked a twenty from the wallet, held it in front of her face. “Here. Earnest money. I’ll give you the blow — the blow’s what you want, right? — once we get there. You get the other fo

rty bucks once you’ve made me happy.”

He wasn’t bad looking — not bad at all — and built, too. Strong looking, clean-cut. But that worried her: muscles and a short haircut. “You aren’t a cop, are you? You look like a cop. How do I know you’re not a cop?”

“Search me,” he said, and laughed at his joke. “Too late, anyhow — you’ve already offered me sexual services for money. If I was a cop, you’d be busted already. But I’m not; I’m a soldier. Navy SEAL, just back from Iraq. Operation Desert Storm.” He showed her his right forearm, which was tattooed with what looked like a bird of some sort — an eagle, she guessed — clutching a three-pronged spear. His other arm had a tat, too — what was that, a snake? God, she hoped not; Desirée hated snakes. “You oughta do me for free,” the guy said. “One patriotic service person to another.” He laughed again, and acted like he might take away the twenty.

“You serve your country for free, soldier boy?” She plucked the bill from his fingers and tucked it into her bra, then settled back in the seat and closed her eyes, anticipating the hum of the cocaine. She needed it — not just to quiet the jangle in her nerves, but to dull the ache in her tooth, too: a big abscess at the base of a molar, getting bigger and hurting like a sonofabitch. Jamming a bit of blow into the hole—down the hatch, that’s what she thought now every time she tamped in the powder — would put out the fire in her jaw. Dull the jagged, broken-glass edge of the pain, at least for a while.

It was a long five minutes. She felt the car make a couple of stops and a few turns, but mostly it was thrumming along a straightaway, the tires singing and the exhaust pipes purring like a big cat. When the car stopped, she opened her eyes. Straight ahead she saw tree trunks and leaves, the greens and browns washed-out looking in the glare of the headlights. Closer, between the car and the woods, rusting I beams reared from the ground; leaning forward, she saw a billboard looming over them. COMFORT INN, the fading letters read, but there was no hotel in sight. Off to the left, through the driver’s window, she saw four lanes of cars and semis whizzing along a freeway, their headlights and taillights dimmed by the window’s deep tint. Through a glass darkly, she thought. Bible verses still popped into her head sometimes, even after all these years. Always in her daddy’s voice, big as God’s, booming down from that pulpit. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face. She turned to see his face. “Where we at?”

Tags: Jefferson Bass Body Farm Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025