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Dump and Chase (Nashville Assassins Next Generation 1)

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She cuts me a look like I’m ten. “Come say hi first before you go outside.”

“I was going to,” I protest as I follow behind them. I notice the girls go outside, and I’m totally jealous. I want to play hockey too.

“Where did the girls go?” Elli asks as I enter.

“You know they went out there to see Evan and Owen. Oh, and Maxim,” Mom says, drawing out his name. “Stella is convinced she is going to get him to go to the dance with her, and Emery just wants to beat up Owen.”

A grin pulls at my lips. My sisters are insane.

“Oh, Shelli! It’s so wonderful to see you!” my mom gushes.

I come around the corner just as Elli’s gaze falls on me, and her face lights up. “There is my center.”

“Hey, Elli. Shea.”

“Hey, bud,” Shea says, and then my mom turns to me, her arm around…

I swear, it’s like being hit by a Zamboni.

No. No. No.

It’s her.

Mom and Elli are grinning, as if the girl who is standing between them isn’t the one I just fucked not even forty-eight hours ago!

“Aiden, you remember Shelli, don’t you?”

Shelli Grace Adler. How do I know this? Because when Elli is mad, she uses her kids’ whole names. Oh my God. Shelli’s in a cute little shirt and a pair of jeans, and her hair is up in the same messy bun she left my penthouse in. Her eyes are as bright as I remember them. I mean, it wasn’t even that long ago that I was staring into them and watching her come all over my cock. She may appear confident and sexy as fuck, but I can see the worry in her eyes. How did I not put two and two together?

Alcohol. Lots of alcohol.

But then it dawns on me.

I had sex with my new boss’s daughter.

Shea Adler’s daughter.

Oh, fuckety fuck, he’s gonna kill me.

And then, the next thing I know, I drop the eggs.

Chapter Six



I can’t even care that there is egg all over my overpriced shoes. Or that my mom is yelling at me and everyone is staring at me like I killed the chickens instead of just dropped some damn eggs. My heart is in my throat, and I feel like I’m about to have a panic attack. What the hell did I do? And why do I still find her utterly irresistible? I don’t know how she can make a pair of jeans look naughty, but she does. Those lips are still dangerous as fuck, but she looks like a damn angel. But for the love of God, she’s like, ten? Wait, she’s legal, right? Oh fuck, I’m going to die and go to jail all at once.

Whelp, there goes my career.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Mom complains as she moves to clean up, Elli right there with her, but I’m staring at Shelli, and she’s staring at me. Her eyes are wide, full of worry and anxiety but also a bit of rebelliousness. A slow grin pulls at her lips and—wait, did she do this on purpose?

Is she out to ruin my life?

And not in the good way like she did in my bed.

I tear my gaze from hers, my heart pounding as I drop down to help clean up the mess. “Sorry. My hands slipped.”

“Hope you don’t do that on the ice. Shit, babe, maybe you made a bad trade,” Shea jokes and Shelli laughs. Everyone does.

But I’m still processing what I did.

Fantastic sex. With my boss’s daughter. Who I think is still a minor.


“Sorry, Elli,” I mutter, and she grins as she pats my bicep.

“No biggie. I know she’s gorgeous,” she says with a wink before standing. “She has that effect on me all the time,” she teases as she throws the eggs into the sink.

“Yeah,” I mutter as I glance over at Shelli, who is watching me. “I didn’t think you were old enough to have a…?”

Elli waves me off. “I know. I can’t believe my baby is twenty-one either. Mind-blowing, right?”

I almost drop to my knees and cry. Shelli, though, she just grins. “Crazy, huh, Aiden?”

I narrow my eyes. “Yeah. Wow, you’ve grown up.”

“Yup. It’s good to see you.”

“Yeah, you too.” I’m glad I’m only going to die when Shea finds out. I don’t think I’m made for jail; they don’t have an ice rink.

“It’s so wonderful to have both our firstborns home! I think this calls for a party to celebrate the both of them!” Elli gushes as she wraps an arm around Shelli’s waist.

But Shelli rolls her eyes. “Mom, that’s silly.”

“No, it’s not,” she argues. “I love parties. You hush.”

“I doubt Aiden would want a party. He’d hardly recognize anyone.”

Oh, she’s got jokes.

“Oh, he’ll fit right in. He’ll love it!” Mom says, and I want to die.

I don’t want to be anywhere near Shelli.

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