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Dump and Chase (Nashville Assassins Next Generation 1)

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“Thank you. That means a lot to me, Elli. Honest.”

She smiles a sweet smile that almost makes me feel better, but then I feel the but coming on. “With that being said…” she starts, and I brace myself. “We do need to discuss something.”

“Okay?” Here it comes. I feel it. I’m dead.

She leans on her hands, her eyes like green lasers burning into mine. “Do you know I’ve been trying to get you on my team for almost five years now?”

My lips curve at the side. “No, ma’am. I didn’t know that.”

“I have. I’ve wanted to bring you home for a very long time.”

“I’m honored, Elli, really. That means a lot to me.”

“I know you’re one badass player. You’re an amazing center, your passing is beyond compare, and your shot is a gift from the hockey gods.”

“Thank you,” I say, feeling pretty damn good about myself.

“You remind me so much of your father. He was a gritty player and fast. You mirror his game, and we need that on our team.” I smile, and before I can say anything, her smile falls. She speaks again. “Do you know why I was able to acquire you the way I did? If the Rangers had been smart, they wouldn’t have let you go. You aren’t even in your prime yet.”

I press my lips together and look down, a disappointing feeling taking over. It’s the one I get when I know someone is going to bring up the past. “Unfortunately, I think I do know why.”

She nods slowly. “The incident from ten months ago is still heavy on the GM’s mind—”

“I know,” I say, holding up my hands. “But the allegations were thrown out, and I had the chance to sue her, but I chose to close the book on the situation altogether.”

“They were thrown out because you had a wonderful lawyer.”

“Yes, but they weren’t true,” I stress, my eyes pleading with her. “I would never do that to a woman. She was stalking me and trying to extort money from me.”

She looks down at her desk as she holds her palms up at me. “I believe you, which is why I put you on my team.” When she looks back up at me, I swallow hard. She does believe me, I see it in her eyes, but I know that the Rangers weren’t too happy with me. Even though I hadn’t done what that girl said. “Either way, their loss is my gain. But I do have some restrictions.”

Oh, this is gonna be great.

“You will keep your nose clean. You will not tarnish my team’s name. I am not naïve… I know what it’s like for you guys. Girls throwing themselves at you and living life in the fast lane. Shea did it—hell, your dad did it. But now, it’s time to slow down. Settle down, if I can be so bold. You’re almost thirty.”

I make a face that causes her to laugh. “I’m only twenty-seven.”

“Almost thirty.” I don’t agree, but she goes on, “If the lady you want to hook up with is crazy, get rid of her. Be selective. Know what you are doing and with whom. Do not get involved with someone who can ruin your career. Do you understand me? You will not only disappoint your parents again, but me, and I don’t do well with that. You were raised right. You know how to act. You are too damn talented to be fucking up off-ice. Do you understand me?”

I nod slowly, though I don’t hesitate to agree. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Good. We are so glad to have you home, and I’m so thankful and excited to see you play for my team. But please hold my words in that thick skull of yours.”

I swallow hard as I look down at the floor, inhaling deeply.

Do not get involved with someone who can ruin your career.

She doesn’t know about Shelli. Okay. Good. Because that girl could ruin my career. As much as I want to trust that Elli does believe me and knows I wouldn’t ever be guilty of the allegations that were made against me, I also know she wouldn’t want someone accused of that to be with her daughter. Especially with how special Shelli is. I just gotta make sure no one finds out. I gotta make sure Shelli keeps her mouth shut. For both our sakes.

And I gotta resist her.

For my sake.

Chapter Seven


“What are you doing?”

I throw my sister a dirty look and hold my finger to my lips. “Shh.”

She rolls her eyes as she leans on the other side of the door that leads to our mom’s office. She has her resting bitch face on lock, while her unruly, curly auburn hair falls down her shoulders. Her eyes are wide and round like my dad’s, but they’re a gorgeous light hazel color that I swear only she can pull off. They’re so pretty. She has super thick shoulders and thighs, while her waist is very trim. I’ve always been thicker than her because I like candy, but my sister is thick because she hits the gym hard. She’s a beast.

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