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Dump and Chase (Nashville Assassins Next Generation 1)

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He didn’t mean to say that last part; I can see it all over his face. But for me, it sets butterflies free in my belly. He coughs. “Yeah, I’m gonna go find my mom.”

He walks past me, but I reach out, taking his wrist without really thinking. Heat runs up my arm as our eyes meet. “Thanks again.”

He turns his hand so I lose my grip and then laces his fingers with mine, his thumb moving along the back of my hand. It takes my breath away. In a low, very dangerous voice, he says, “It was a pleasure.”

He squeezes my hand and then walks away. He doesn’t get far before everyone is on him, welcoming him home and telling him how proud they are of him.

Me, I can’t move because I just realized there might be no getting over Aiden Brooks.

Chapter Sixteen


The party is in full swing. Everyone is drinking, laughing, and having a great time. I walk through the living room, chitchatting and enjoying everyone’s company. It’s almost like a party from when I was younger. The team family is here, and it’s nice. I thought this was going to be awful, but it’s actually kind of fun. I pick up cups as I head toward the kitchen. For some reason, I always need to clean when there is a mess. I don’t know why, but it drives me crazy. With over fifty people in the house, it’s gotten messy in a hurry.

As I gather things, I head to the kitchen, passing by Aiden. While I haven’t talked to him the whole time, I always know where he is. I don’t know if it’s some kind of sixth sense or what, but every time I look around, I see him. Man, it’s hard to act like he isn’t the most gorgeous thing in the room.

And he’s standing with some very fine men. Even in their late forties, they’re hot as all hell. I can only hope my future husband ages like these men have. While some are rocking that hot dad bod, some are still fit as ever. Like yummy Benji. I’m still so jealous of his wife, and he’s more than twenty years older than me. Hmm, maybe I need help with my older men thing. I don’t even know where it comes from.

Probably my ridiculous crush on Aiden.

I bite my lip as I drink him in. He looks so good in those damn pants. His ass is so tight. I’d bounce a quarter off that sucker in a heartbeat. A sneaky little grin pulls at my lips at the thought of doing just that. Or seeing it again. I sigh deeply as I hear my mom’s voice.

“Shelli, honey, come in here.”

I stand up, throwing a paper plate in the trash before I head to where my mom is standing by the piano with Karson King, Fallon, and Aiden. I twist my fingers together as I rock back on my heels. “Yeah?”

“Karson never got to see you on Broadway.”

I glance to him. “Sorry?”

He laughs as Mom smacks my hand playfully. “So, sing for us.”

My shoulders fall. “Now?”

“Now,” she says with a grin.

“Shelli, please do Frozen,” Emery begs, and Mena Jane nods eagerly.

I want to groan, fall on my face, and die. “Please do not make me.”

“I love Frozen,” Aiden says, and I glare.

“Oh, you do?”

“Biggest fan ever. Especially for Elsa. She’s hot.”

My mom laughs. “That’s who Shelli played.”

His eyes widen in mock surprise, but when he looks back at me, there is nothing but heat in those gray eyes. “No way.”

Fallon shakes her head. “I told you that you should have gone.”

“Yes! She had this awful white-blond wig. She didn’t even look like herself,” Mom says, and the look that comes across Aiden’s face irks me.

“You don’t say. A wig, hiding someone’s identity.”

I glare. “Yes, but anyone who knows me, knew it was me.”

“Well, of course. It’s your eyes.” Fallon cups my jaw. “So blue and so pretty.”

I almost stick my tongue out at Aiden, but Emery pulls me to the piano, and I laugh as I sit down. I move my fingers along the keys, and soon the melody to a song from the popular Disney movie starts. “For the First Time in Forever” is my all-time favorite to sing. I know more people are fans of “Let It Go,” but “For the First Time in Forever” is where the magic is. As my voice carries, singing both parts, all the kids gather around. Soon, they’re singing along, even the adults, and it feels just like it did onstage. I get that rush of excitement, that tingling feeling in my gut, and I feel good. There is no pressure on being perfect either; I can just do it because I love it. When I finish, the room erupts, and all the girls ask for more.

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