Dump and Chase (Nashville Assassins Next Generation 1) - Page 49

I roll my eyes. “Let me change my shoes.”

“You don’t need them. Come on,” he says, and then he grabs my wrist, but I pause.

“My lipstick.”

He moves his thumb along my bottom lip and then gives me a warm smile. “As beautiful as ever.”

I lean my head on his chest. “Thanks, Dad. Let’s get out there.”

Before you find the boy in my closet.

Chapter Seventeen


* * *

I lean my head over the back of my couch as I exhale heavily.

I run my hand over my bare chest and down into my open slacks. I can still feel Shelli’s mouth on mine. I can also feel the sting of pain in my elbow from where she shoved me into the closet. For such a small girl, she sure does have some power. But damn if she isn’t exquisite. The dress she wore today fit her perfectly. Even though it was flowy, her ass was unstoppable. The neckline dipped down in the front, showing off those perfect breasts of hers… Hot damn. There is something about her hair that makes me want to wrap it around my fist. I want to tip her head back, take her mouth with mine, and never stop.

I can’t believe I kissed her. I don’t know what got into me. Especially in her parents’ house. It’s like I wanted to get caught. That’s not like me, but I couldn’t resist. Her lips were so pink, her eyes so blue, and something about the fact that she thought I was returning feelings that night did something to my chest. I don’t know. She does something to me.

When my phone rings, I look at it where it’s vibrating on my coffee table. It’s Asher. I lean forward and answer it before bringing it to my ear. “Hey, bro.”

“Hey, how was your party?”

I scoff. “A fucking shitshow.”

“I figured. I saw the pictures.”

“It was so embarrassing.”

He laughs. “Well, I had to call and say how adorable you and Shelli are. I mean, goodness me, you two need to be on a magazine,” he says in a higher-pitched voice.

“You done?”

“Yeah, I guess. But for real, the picture was cute.”

I bring in my brows. “Where did you see it?”

“Mom’s Facebook.”

I pull my phone away from my face, hitting speaker so I can look through Facebook. I go to my mom’s page, and there it is—a damn good picture of Shelli and me. Like a lot of the other photos displayed in the house today, she’s looking up at me so sweetly. This time, though, I’m looking down at her. Our moms were onto something; we do look like we’re together.

“Well, that’s a cozy pic.”

“Very much so. Anyone who doesn’t know you two would think you’re together.”

“That’s what Mom and Elli said,” I say as I save the picture. I’m not sure why I’m doing that, but I want it. “I kissed her tonight.”

“No way. Tell me more,” he teases, and I laugh.

“You’re such a jackass,” I accuse, and he laughs along with me. “I don’t know what happened, really. Elli and Mom were saying how Shelli was in love with me when we were younger, and it all came together. That was why she didn’t push me away when I kissed her in New York. She thought I was returning her feelings.”

Asher clicks his tongue. “Damn, that’s awful. No wonder she wasn’t nice to you. You embarrassed the shit out of her.”

“Yeah, I think that’s why I kissed her this afternoon.”

“Or you kissed her because you like her.”

I shake my head. “I mean, I’ve always liked her. She’s cool.”

“Yeah, but I think you might have developed a little crush yourself.”

“No way. I don’t do that.”

“Before. But maybe Shelli is different.”

“Eh, I don’t know,” I say, leaning on my knees and moving my hand through my hair. My fingers get caught in my curls, but I welcome the pain. It’s better than this ache I have in my chest. What the hell I’m aching for, who knows, but it’s there.

“You know, every time we’ve talked, it’s been about her.”

“No, I called you about Dad.”

“And that led into Shelli. Might need to wake up there, buddy, and notice what you got.”

“I got nothing. I haven’t even spoken to her. I kissed her, and then she pushed me into the closet and left. It felt like she avoided me the rest of the night.”

“Probably because she likes you still and is scared you don’t feel the same and that you think she’s just a fuck.”

My face squishes up. “Where the hell are you getting this shit from?”

He laughs. “When you left for New York, I had to deal with Stella and all her drama. Believe me, I know way more about girls than I want to, but in a way, it helps with my own relationship.”

“Good for you,” I grumble as I let my head fall back once more.

Tags: Toni Aleo Nashville Assassins Next Generation Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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