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Dump and Chase (Nashville Assassins Next Generation 1)

Page 53

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He groans loudly. “One more time.”

“That’s what you said last time!”

“I mean it. One last time, and then I’ll never ask again. I miss you, Shell. So damn much.”

I roll my eyes. “You miss the way I give head.”

“So fucking bad.”

I laugh. “No, Nico. Plus, I’m kinda seeing someone.”

“Ugh. That lucky fucker.”

I giggle. “He is,” I say, and then I bite my lip. “Let me tell him I’m having dinner with a friend tonight and see how he takes it.”

“Fine, but know I’m terribly jealous.”

“You shouldn’t be.”

“But I am. See you tonight. Send me the address of the bar you’re working at.”

“Will do.”

We hang up, and I exhale heavily. In another world, another place, Nico would be a great guy to be with. But he isn’t the guy I want. Great lay but terribly self-absorbed. He only likes me because I can tell him how great he is on the ice. I shake my head and get out of bed, passing by all the boxes of Aiden’s stuff as I head to the bathroom. There are more boxes in here, and it makes me itch. I hate clutter, and I know Aiden’s been here long enough to unpack. I don’t know what he is waiting for, but it’s driving me nuts.

I brush my teeth and then shower quickly. I put on my dress from last night without my bra and panties. I have some workout stuff in the truck I could go get, but I would like to be naked when he gets home. Work him as hard as he worked it on the ice. I need food, though. I ignore the boxes as I walk to the living room, but then I’m met with more boxes. The need to scratch my itch gets greater. Why hasn’t he unpacked? He has been so busy, but why haven’t Fallon or Stella and Emery come over to help? Maybe he hasn’t asked.

Then an idea dawns on me.

I can unpack his stuff and have it done before he gets home. I remember how he had his place decorated in New York. I can do this, no problem. I can also cook a great lunch. He would love it. It would blow him away, and he’d have no choice but to fall head over heels in love with me.

I’m a great lay, a great cook, and my organization skills put Marie Kondo to shame!

I’m frying chicken when Aiden comes through the door. Music blares from the speaker in the kitchen, 5SOS singing their latest banger. I only had short shorts and a bra in my bag, but I doubt he’ll mind. I sure didn’t mind because it was easy to get his unpacking done. It took me a moment to get started since I had to find his tools and then develop a system, but once I began, no one could stop me. I grin over at him as he drops his bag to the floor, his eyes not on me but everywhere else. I turn off the music and shut off the stove as I hold out my hands.


He still isn’t looking at me. Aiden’s eyes are locked on where I hung his two badass guitars by his piano. In the middle is that weird art he likes, but it does bring the whole area together. I put together his bookshelf that I’m pretty sure he got from IKEA. Damn thing took an hour to assemble. I put his books on it, along with a bunch of pictures of his family. Everything is exactly where it was in New York.

“Before you think I’m weird, I pay real close attention to detail.”

He swallows hard. “You don’t say.” Aiden finally looks at me. “So, you were bored?”

“No, I wanted to do this for you,” I say, coming around the bar. “I love this kind of stuff, and it bugged me you hadn’t unpacked. I don’t like clutter.”

“I haven’t had time.”

I wave him off, trying to ignore the furrow of his brow and the way his lips are pressed together. “I get it. I totally don’t mind.” I go to him, kissing his mouth. “Hey.”

His eyes meet mine, and I don’t think he likes what I did. But he hasn’t seen the closets yet. “Hey.”

“Come on,” I say, lacing my fingers with his. We walk into his office, and I show him where I stored the boxes in case he still needs them. I unpacked all his memorabilia from his years with the New York teams, and then I cleaned up his computer area and hooked everything up. “It’s all ready to use.”

He doesn’t say anything, just looks around as I take him to the spare bath. “I didn’t really do much in here but hang the shower curtain and store the toilet paper. I also bought these little beige hand towels, but if you don’t like them, I can take them back.”

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