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Dump and Chase (Nashville Assassins Next Generation 1)

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“With clothes on, Aiden. Goodbye.”


But then the guy stands, and damn it, he towers over me. “Listen, dude, she doesn’t want to talk to you.”

“I will knock your head off your fat neck if you don’t get out of my face,” I warn, and he laughs.

“She doesn’t want you.”

“Shut up, Nico!” she yells, pulling him down into his chair. “Just go, Aiden.”

I look over at Shelli, but she won’t look at me. “Fine.”

I sulk out, my body vibrating with anger. I don’t get how she can jump from me to someone else so damn quickly. I can’t even think of another female right now, yet she’s out fucking some dude like she didn’t just have sex with me and rearrange my house! Talk about mixed signals.

Once I’m outside, I take out my phone, shaking as I dial Asher’s number. When he answers, I say, “She’s here with someone else.”

“Okay? What did you think would happen when you basically made her feel like shit for doing something nice for you?”

“It was too much at once.”

“Yeah, but girls are girls. She’s always been Miss Clean Up. Don’t you remember when she was like nine and started that cleaning business to make money for her singing lessons? She likes that kind of stuff.”

“It’s weird.”

“Sure, but she was trying to do something polite. Was she a little overzealous? Sure, but that’s Shelli. She’s a big personality with a huge heart.”

I cover my face. “What the fuck do I do?”


“I should go back in there. Force—”

“Aiden. No. Give her some space.”

“I don’t want her with someone else.”

“Should have thought about that before you basically told her she was just a fuck.”

I cover my face. “I didn’t say that!”

“Dude, you did.”

I shake my head as I close my eyes. “What do I do?”

“Give her time and then call her.”

“And say what?”

“You’re a sorry bastard,” he says, and I hear the annoyance in his voice. “You can’t treat people like that and expect them to want to be with you.”

“She deserves more than that.”

“Yeah, so grow up and be that—or let her go.”

“Wow. That was a very Dad thing to say.”

“Well, I learned from the best. So did you. So get your head out of your ass and do right by her, or leave her alone.”

I swallow hard. “It just all freaks me out.”

“That’s love—”

“Whoa. No need to bring that word into this.”

“You’re pathetic,” he says under his breath. “Relationships are hard. They’re scary, but they can be great. If you really like her, like I assume you do, get over yourself and tell her that.”

“I should go back in there.”

“No, you need to go home and sleep it off. I can hear it in your voice. You’re too emotional right now.”

“I am not.”

“You are. Go home.”

Maybe he’s right. I really want to go back in there, demand she talk to me because I want to work this out. I need to apologize, but she probably won’t even hear it.

Because even though she has a big heart, she can also hold a grudge.

I feel like shit.

I didn’t sleep well. I wasn’t hungry when we went for our pregame meal, and my nap wasn’t good. I feel so fucking off. I wanted to call Shelli so many times last night. I wanted to go to her house, to beg her to listen to me, but I knew it would do no good. She’s stubborn, and I was an asshole. I don’t blame her for being upset, but I sure as hell blame her for moving on to some jackass without even a second thought. I don’t know how she can be so ready to move on after all we’ve been through.

Probably because you’re a moron, you fucking idiot.

As I skate around, playing with the puck while I warm up, I keep going over and over again everything that’s happened. I could blame my parents for my poor communication, but truth be told, it’s me. I don’t know how to express what I’m feeling when it comes to anything more than sex. I’ve never had to, and now it’s biting me in the ass. I just want to talk to her. Tell her what is happening inside my head, and maybe she’ll forgive me.

Or she won’t.

While it would be for the best if she completely blows me off, I don’t want that.

I want her.

The crowd is cheering us on, welcoming us, but I can’t even hear them. I’m too in my head. I shoot mindlessly, and I know this is not good. I can’t play like this. I gotta put all that to the side. It is what it is. I’ll call her after the game and ask her to come over. She’ll say yes or no, and that’s my answer. Right now, I gotta win this game.

We’re playing the IceCats, and they’re on one hell of a winning streak. Ten games in a row. And they’re a Stanley Cup favorite. But that was before I joined the Assassins. That Cup is ours. I fall to the ice and stretch my hips. When I tuck my leg beneath me to stretch it, I look over to where the IceCats are warming up, and my brows come together. By the bench is that asshole who was with Shelli last night. His goalie helmet is hanging on his head as he laughs with one of the players.

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