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Dump and Chase (Nashville Assassins Next Generation 1)

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I grab her, wrapping my arms around her tightly. “I won’t ever hurt you again, Shelli. I promise.”

“Good, because next time, I’ll be the one jabbing a stick in your groin.”

As our mouths meet, I know she’s not playing.

And it turns me on beyond belief.

Chapter Twenty-One


My ass is hanging off the couch, but there is no way I’m moving.

Once Aiden and I started kissing, I assumed we were heading to the bedroom, but instead, he laid me down on the couch. We’re facing each other, my feet at his knees as he holds my waist with one hand and his other trails along my jaw. His lips are sinful against mine and I’m burning from within, but I like this. I like the closeness. He smells divine, and he hasn’t shaved, giving him a rugged look. His eyes are so gray, his lashes so dark, and I feel right. Good.

“I have a question.”

I open my eyes to meet his. “Yeah?”

“What’s going on with that fucker, Nico?”

I laugh softly. “That fucker, huh?”

“I wouldn’t mind slamming my fist in his face. Again.”

I shake my head as I trace along the bruise on his jaw. “I don’t think that would be a good idea. He kicked your ass.”

“Shelli! What the hell? My pride.”

“What? He did. You flew off the handle when you went to swing on him after he jabbed you in the jaw.”

“You weren’t supposed to see that.”

I giggle. “But hey, look, you’re with me right now.”

His face changes instantly as he gathers me closer, touching his lips to my bottom lip. “You’re right.”

“I am,” I say, moving my nose with his. “The thing with Nico is nothing. It was always just supposed to be fun. I never wanted a relationship with him. I just wanted to have sex and hang out. He’s funny and very nice, but he’s so obsessed with himself, it’s pathetic. We hardly ever talked about me. It was always him. Even when you walked away after we got into it at Brooks House, he didn’t ask what was wrong, why we were fighting. He asked why didn’t I just forget you and be with him. That he would be better for me. He never cared about what I was feeling. Only himself. I told him that, and he didn’t like it. Which is why I think he said what he did to you. Though, I haven’t talked to him.”

Aiden’s eyes search mine, and he looks worried. “I’m self-absorbed.”

“No, you’re not,” I say quickly. “You took care of me when I was drunk. You made sure my mom wasn’t worried. You like to talk to me about things that don’t concern you. You care about what I think.”

“Well, yeah.”

“You’re different.”

He presses his nose into mine as his lips move along the side of my mouth. “He said you’re caught up on me.”


He grins. “So, it’s true.”

“Obviously, Aiden. I’m here, aren’t I?”

His eyes soften. “I’m glad you are.”

“Me too.”

“I’m sorry I’m an idiot.”

“It’s okay,” I say, kissing his nose. “You’re super hot, so I go with it.”

His face breaks into a grin, and I smile back. “You’re really beautiful, Shelli. Really. So damn gorgeous.”

“I like this saying what you’re thinking thing,” I inform him, and his grin grows.

“It’s kind of freaking me out.”

I giggle. “But doesn’t it feel good?”

He shrugs. “Nope, it’s terrifying.”

I laugh. “At least you’re honest.”

“I don’t want you to think I’m dumb.”

“I don’t,” I stress, kissing him. My eyes hold his as I cup his face. I move my thumb along the hair on his chin and whisper, “I promise.”

“Okay,” he says, nuzzling his nose against mine and closing his eyes.

We lie still for a moment, neither of us saying anything as my mind goes wild. I have so much to ask. Since I never beat around the bush, I jump right in. “Hey, Aiden. Can I ask you something?”

“Yeah,” he says with his eyes still shut.

“Did you know her?” I ask, and his finger stops at my chin.

He pulls back a bit so our eyes can meet. “Who?”

“That girl in New York. What was her name? Trish or something?”

“Trisha.” He swallows hard as he nods. “I didn’t know her, know her. But I met her at a bar, we hit it off, and we went back to my place.”

I watch him intently as I ask, “How did it go so wrong?”

He shakes his head, disdain making his face rigid. “I don’t even know. I think I messed up asking her back over the next day. She left her number on the counter. And I thought, hell, why not? I should have known better, but I enjoyed her, and I didn’t want to find someone else to sleep with.”

“Because going a day without sex is completely out of the question,” I say dryly, and he grins.

“You love sex just as much as I do, thank you very much.”

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