Dump and Chase (Nashville Assassins Next Generation 1) - Page 70

I smile, braiding his hair. “Nothing. Just thinking.”

“That can be dangerous with you.”

I snort. “What does that mean?”

“That mind of yours is lethal. I may need to put a stop to this thinking to spare the world from your domination.”

I giggle as he turns his face, nibbling at my nipple. I cup his head and tilt it back to press my lips to his. “I’m just thinking how great this has been.”

He’s heavy-eyed, bless him, as he gives me a sleepy grin. “It’s been really great.”

I move my fingers along the stitches under his eye. “I’m sorry about this.”

He opens his eyes more before he narrows his gaze at me. “You didn’t fight me, so why are you apologizing?”

“Because you fought over me.”

“So? That’s my choice.”

“You don’t regret it? That’s a nasty cut.”

He shakes his head. “I’d do it again.”

I kiss his nose, but his hand comes up, clutching the back of my head before he presses his lips to mine. I get lost in the kiss, savoring it since I won’t see him for over a week. When he pulls back, his eyes meet mine as he kisses me once more. Little kisses. Sweet ones that curl my toes. He nuzzles back into my chest, and I hold him close.

“Can I text you when you’re gone?”

I feel his lips turn up. “You better.”


“Yeah,” he says, kissing the side of my boob. “Why wouldn’t you? I’m going to text you.”

“I don’t know. Don’t want to freak you out.”

He chuckles. “I’m a walking ball of anxiety right now, but if I don’t hear from you, I’m pretty sure it will get worse. I’ll stay up thinking, ‘Did she use me?’ ‘Was I not good enough?’ ‘Is she really pissed about the plates?’”

I laugh out as we tangle our legs. “Fine. I’ll text.”

“And call.”

“And call.”

“FaceTime me too, especially if you’re naked.” I sputter with laughter as he bites my breast lightly. “You’re supposed to say, ‘Yes, Aiden. I’ll do just that.’”

Still giggling, I say, “Yes, Aiden. Only when I’m naked.”

“That’s right, angel.”

A shiver runs through my body as I wrap my arms around his neck, closing my eyes.

“Hey, did you text your mom?”

I smile without opening my eyes. “Yeah, she knows I’m staying the night with someone I’m seeing.”

“So she doesn’t know about us?”

“No.” A silence falls between us, and I wait for him to say something. When he doesn’t, I ask, “Do you want me to tell her?”

“See, the issue is, I think that’s something we need to do together. I respect and love her, and I think it’s something I should tell her. But I am not ready for that because I can’t even really accept that something has happened here.”

“That shouldn’t piss me off, right?”

He turns his head, putting his chin on my breastbone. “If you were to say it to me, I’d be annoyed. So I know it’s bullshit, if that helps.”

I nod. “It does help a bit.”

“I’m sorry. But I can promise you I don’t want anyone else.”

My lips quirk at the side. “I know. I’m pretty great in bed.”

His eyes darken. “And you’re smart, beautiful, and know all my stats. So, I need you around.”

I fight back my grin. I love his sense of humor. “Such a smooth talker you are.”

He winks, and my stomach goes nuts before he lies back down. I can’t sleep. I’m too amped up. This is exactly what I wanted, and it all seems like it could go real wrong at any second. “I don’t want to tell my parents yet. Or yours. I really don’t want to tell anyone.”

He opens his eyes but doesn’t look at me. “Okay?”

“I think we need to navigate this ourselves before we involve everyone else.”

“And what are we navigating?”

I roll my eyes. “A relationship, Brooks.”

He acts as if he’s choking. “I was afraid you were going to say that.” I yank on his hair, and he laughs as he looks at me, his eyes still so heavy. He’s exhausted, and I’m such an asshole for keeping him awake. “Yeah, the R-word. I like the idea of navigating that with just you for a while. Especially since it freaks me the fuck out.”

I ignore the last comment and go with my first thought. “Because you know if we get everyone involved and it goes to shit, my parents will hate you and yours will hate me.”

He nods. “You’re right.”

“So I think it’s best we just enjoy this. Us.”

“If you’re okay with it, I am.”

I bite my lip. Am I making the right decision? “Let me ask Amelia.”

“Who’s Amelia?”

“My cousin. Ryan Justice’s sister.”

“Oh, that’s right,” he says, and then he sets me with a look. “What happened to not telling people?”

“Amelia isn’t people.”

“Then Asher isn’t people.”

“That’s fine,” I agree, and then I smile. “So, you’re gonna tell your brother about me?”

Tags: Toni Aleo Nashville Assassins Next Generation Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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