Dump and Chase (Nashville Assassins Next Generation 1) - Page 78

She waves me off. “You’d sing it way better.”

My heart swells in my chest. She is by far my biggest fan, as I am hers. We share a small smile before she opens up her laptop. I have never thought I couldn’t do something. She always urged me to follow my dreams and never give up. While my dad is my hero, my mom is a role model. I strive to be her, to make her proud. “I love you, Mom.”

Her loving gaze holds mine. “I love you too, honey.” She winks at me, her lashes kissing her cheeks before she says, “So, let’s get started.”

I nod as I cross my legs, opening my tablet and taking out my digital pen. “All right, I assume this is to move me. So where am I going?”

“I want you to work with the foundation.”

My brows come in. “The foundation?”

“Yes, the Assassins Foundation for Veterans.”

A big grin pulls at my lips. “Really?”

“Really,” she says with just as wide of a grin. “I want you to work with our new boys to get them involved in the foundation. I want you to plan some events for the guys to take part in. I think you should do a team fundraiser and then a gala to raise money for a new shelter I want to build for our veterans who need it.”

My mind is blown. I’ve always admired the Assassins Foundation, and this is something I am super passionate about helping with. A new shelter? That’s bomb. “Yes, I am so down.”


“Which new guys?”

“Wesley McMillian, Boon Hoenes, and then Aiden, of course.”

The last name sets my core on fire. “Great. I can do that.”

“You’ll need to really pin the boys down and make them work. They’re all a bit squirrely. Gearing up for the play-offs.”

“I know, but Wes and I are super cool. Boon is nice, and Aiden is Aiden,” I say offhandedly, but Mom sets me with a look.

“You still have a thing for him.”

“No, I don’t…” I try, but she sees right through me.

“Shelli Grace, I know you, and I know it to be true. I don’t blame you. He’s handsome as all get-out, but remember, that boy has made some bad decisions.”

I shrug. “That he’s learned from, I assume, of course.”

Her eyes burn into mine. “Maybe so. He has been on his best behavior. Nothing like what the GM of the Rangers made him out to be. He’s always on time to practice, minus that time he overslept for the plane ride, and he’s a team player. Everyone loves him, he works hard, and he shines on the ice.”

While I think all the good could be because he’s with me, I don’t know that it is. I really think he was lost in New York. The shit with that crazy chick messed him up. Being home, finding his own way, and then me—I think it is all clicking for him.

Since I have nothing to say about that without giving away that I’m totally in love with Aiden, I save the document I have been taking notes in and nod. “I won’t let you down.”

“I know you won’t.” I look up at her, and she smiles as I get up. “Have you thought about asking him out?”

I furrow my brow. “Who?”


I press my lips together, and I know this is the perfect moment to come clean. I tell this woman everything—she’s one of my best friends—but I’m not ready to let her in on this. I don’t want her to get her hopes up for me. She knows how badly I have wanted to be with Aiden, and if something goes wrong, she’ll legit want to kill him. Then she’ll get my dad and his angina involved, and I really don’t need that.

“No, I don’t think he sees me like that.”

She narrows her eyes. “I think he may.”

Her words make my heart pray she is right. “I don’t know.”

“See how it goes working with him. Maybe something will blossom?”

I wave her off. “I don’t know. He seems pretty focused on his job.”

She shrugs. “Maybe he doesn’t have the right distraction?”

Oh, he does.

I have to hide my grin to make sure she doesn’t see that I am it. “I’m gonna head out. I gotta get to the bar for my shift tonight.”

She nods. “Please consider going to the audition.”

“I will,” I promise as I step around the desk to hug her tightly. “Thank you for this opportunity. I’m excited to do it.”

“I know. You’re going to do great. Call Aunt Grace if you need help.”

“Duh. She’s gonna be my planner.”

She kisses my cheek. “Good thinking. Love you, honey.”

“Love you,” I say as I walk out of her office. When I shut the door, I lean against it as I exhale. I have admired this foundation for a really long time, and I finally get to help do something great for it. I’ll be working on it, side by side with Aiden.

Tags: Toni Aleo Nashville Assassins Next Generation Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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