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Dump and Chase (Nashville Assassins Next Generation 1)

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“Shelli, I said you were just a fuck. Like, twice.”

“Did you believe it?”

“No,” I say softly. “But you didn’t know that.”

She shrugs as she gives me a bashful grin. “I may have been a bit stubborn, but I always believed that you didn’t mean it. That you were just scared, which may make me an idiot and might be setting me up for failure—”

“No,” I say once more, gathering her closer. “You were right. You are right.”

She cups my face, pressing her nose to mine as her eyes stare playfully into mine. “I also love, very much, when you say I’m right.”

“Unfortunately, you’re way smarter than me in the whole relationship zone. I would have cut you out and been lost.”

She grins against my lips, and her eyes capture me. “See, it’s when you say things like that, that makes me so confident in us. You don’t even realize how important those words are to me.”

I stroke my fingers along her hair, pushing it back behind her ears as my heart beats hard and strong in my chest. I love the rosiness of her cheeks and the gleam in her eyes. Her sex hair drives me wild, and I love how swollen her lips are. I especially love how she makes me feel.

I just used the L-word plenty of times and no warning bells whatsoever.

Man, do I love her?

Chapter Thirty-Two


I’m checking my messages and emails as Aiden drives toward the arena. We’re in my truck since we’re coming straight from the airport. He’s gonna get a ride home with Wes since I gotta go to my parents’ and act like I wasn’t with him. I’m kind of over the whole hiding thing, especially since Fallon and Lucas already know. I get that Aiden doesn’t want to upset my parents, but isn’t he sick of keeping this a secret?

“So, the gala…”

He glances over at me and then returns his gaze to the road. “Yes, it’s this weekend. I didn’t know Amelia was going—or staying, for that matter.”

“Yeah, she wants to come and enjoy the masterpiece I’m putting on. With Chandler going on a road trip, she figured she could have time with my aunt and go baby shopping.”

“Fun,” he says, getting off the highway. “So, the gala?”

“Can we go together?”

He looks at me out of the corner of his eye as a silly grin pulls at his lips. “You got someone else in mind?”

I flash him a dark look. “No, I want to go with you.”

“Well, that was kind of a given. I don’t understand.” He doesn’t have to say that; his face reads his misunderstanding perfectly.

“I mean I want us to go together as a couple.”

He blinks twice and then glances over at me. “Everyone will be there. Your mom and dad.”

“I know.”

“And I like my legs, Shelli.”

I roll my eyes. “My dad won’t do anything to you.”

“You can’t guarantee that,” he laughs and shakes his head. “I thought we said after the play-offs.”

“You said that.”

He ignores me. “They’ll be so happy we won the Cup that they won’t be mad.”

“They wouldn’t be mad anyway,” I insist. “I’m tired of hiding.”

“I know, but it’s only for a couple more months. We know. Who cares about everyone else?”

I feel his gaze on me as I stare down at my phone.

“Okay, you do. But you get where I’m coming from, right?”

“Yeah, but I just want to tell my parents. I don’t want to hide this. I like this,” I say, gesturing between us. “And I know they will.”

He nods, chewing his lip. “I hear you, and I do too. Let me think on it, okay?”

“What exactly are you thinking?” I ask just as I open an email from the casting director.

He parks. “Right now, I’m thinking, if I wear my gear, will it still hurt when your dad takes me out?”

I know he wants to make me laugh, but I’m too engrossed in the email. “‘Ms. Adler, I was pleased and delighted to hear your glorious voice at the audition. You are the first I am emailing because even though you tried out for the part of Roxie Hart, I feel your voice is too powerful for that role. I know it’s not considered the ‘lead,’ but it would be a great pleasure if you would consider the part of Velma Kelly. I happen to think you’ll be the best Velma Kelly to date.’”

It’s always a rush when I get a part, but in all honesty, even though I tried out for Roxie, I really wanted Velma. I think the only reason I tried for Roxie is because she was the lead. I’ve been the lead in the last four shows. I figured I had to, but it’s kind of exciting to know they want me for the part I originally wanted.

I beam over at Aiden, and he has the most handsome look on his face. “I agree. I think you’re going to be the best Velma Kelly. Ever,” he says, and then he takes me by the back of the neck before kissing me hard on the lips. His nose smashes into mine as I squeeze my eyes shut. “I’m so proud of you.”

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