Juicy Rebound (IceCats 1) - Page 61

The ringing of my phone is what wakes me up. When I reach for it, again over my head on the armrest, I pull it down to see that it’s Chandler.

“Hey, you.”

“Hey. You just wake up?”

I nod as I sit up, stretching my arms above my head. Sadie stays in her spot across my lap. “Yeah. Catnap.”

“Nice. I’m a bit jealous.”

I stand up, going to the window to see them still working. “What are you doing?”

“Just got done with morning skate and videos. Now about to go to lunch with the guys.”

“Cool. They’re still here working.”

“Wow. This is taking a while.”

“Yeah, but it’s okay. I have nothing else to do since my boyfriend is gone.”

He chuckles. “You like this boyfriend guy?”

“Oh, I do. A lot.”

“Good. He happens to think you’re pretty great.”

“Even when I forget everything?”

“That’s his favorite part. He made forty bucks.”

I laugh as I lean into the window. “That’s very unfair.”

“Eh, it’s life. Dollars make me holler.”

I snort. “That’s not the only thing that makes you holler.”

He groans softly. “Fucking hell, I miss you, Amelia Grace.”

I pause, unable to swoon back at my sweet boyfriend because I don’t know his middle name. “Chandler…”

He laughs. Hard. “I don’t have a middle name.”

“You don’t?”

“Nope, Mom and Dad couldn’t afford one after all the adoption fees.”

“Oh my God, shut up,” I giggle, and he laughs.

“I mean, that lie is better than my middle name, so let’s go with that.”

“Tell me!”

“Ugh. Fine.” I keep giggling until a red Camaro pulls up outside. I cock my head in confusion as a very leggy blonde gets out of the car. “It’s Eugene. Chandler Eugene Moon.”

The blonde walks up to the older man I talked to, and he hooks his thumb toward the house. She looks at the house, an irate look on her face.

Something isn’t right here.

“Why aren’t you laughing? My name is so unfortunate.”

“Hey, Chandler, do you know someone who drives a red Camaro?”

He pauses. “With black racing stripes?”


“Yes, I do.”

“Who is it?” I ask as she walks up the steps in heels so damn high, they make my ankles hurt. Her face is all scrunched up, and she looks pretty upset before she pounds on the door.

“My ex-wife.”

Just as he says that, the lady yells very loudly, “Chandler! I know you’re there! Answer the damn door!”

Well, hell.

“This should be a blast.”

“Don’t open the door,” Chandler says quickly, but I’m already reaching for it, pulling it open. “What the hell is she doing there?”

Lana looks at me as I look back at her. Her eyes widen as I arch one of my brows. She is my total opposite in every way. She’s very tall, about Chandler’s height in those heels, and very skinny. Blond hair, brown eyes, and is slathered in all the makeup from Sephora. She’s wearing the tightest jeans I’ve ever seen, with a crop top that shows the bottoms of her breasts. I’m all for a crop top, but if my mom saw my boobs hanging out, she’d smack the shit out of me.

Doesn’t matter that I’m twenty-three years old.

“Who are you?” the woman sneers, which pisses Sadie off.

Sadie pushes between my legs, growling, so I hold her back by her hips.

“Who’s asking?”

“Chandler Moon’s wife.”

Well. Okay.

Chapter Twenty


You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.

I’m five seconds from calling my mom to go over there and kick Lana off my porch, but then I remember she’s here in Houston with me. That would be a problem.

I hear Amelia laugh through the phone. “Y’all are divorced. Have been for a while.”

“I’m still part of him.”

“Actually, you’re not.”

“What happened?” I glance over at Nico as he sits on my hotel bed.

I move my phone to put it on speakerphone just as Lana says, “How so?”

“That paper you signed legally separated you two,” Amelia says, cool as a cucumber.

I hear Lana make her really annoyed growl that means she isn’t getting what she wants. “Whatever. That plumber guy told me Chandler’s wife was inside.”

Wife? Nico mouths, and I shrug.

“That’s me,” Amelia says.

Nico and I look at each other, him in shock and me totally okay with her statement. I’d marry her now. This second. Because I love her. God, I love her. I think I always knew I had strong feelings for her, but the day we danced outside my truck and then had sex inside was the day I fell for her completely. I just haven’t found the time to tell her, and since I’m on this massively long road trip, I refuse to tell her over the phone. I was going to tell her at Thanksgiving, but then she told me about that fucking asshat Drew, and I knew I couldn’t say the words. They’d be tainted by the memory of that fucker.

“He married you?”


I can hear the rage in Lana’s voice. “He never spoke of you.”

Tags: Toni Aleo IceCats Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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