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Juicy Rebound (IceCats 1)

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Because it’s the moment my family is whole again.

Chapter Thirty


“Merry Christmas.”

Amelia’s lip curve against mine as my hands move along the small of her back, pulling her closer. “Merry Christmas.”

Our mouths meet, and I slowly shut my eyes as I kiss her. She feels absolutely amazing. Perfect, even, and she looks damn good tonight. Well, every night. As we stand under the mistletoe in the hall where Sofia and Ryan will be married tomorrow, I can’t help but feel like the luckiest guy on earth. In a tight black dress that hugs her hips and thighs, Amelia is stunning. She has on sky-high silver heels, showing off those incredible legs of hers. Her hair is down, just the way I love it, framing her face with curls, while her makeup is dark and sultry.

She looks way different than she did this morning when we sat by the tree and opened gifts with my parents. She wore the Christmas onesie my mom got each of us. The pictures are amazing, but even in a fuzzy onesie that had reindeer on it, I thought she was stunning. My girl just exudes beauty. All the time.

She thought it was cute to get me a Google Home, claiming when I have a tough question about laundry or cooking, I can ask the little machine that holds all the answers. She also got me a really nice watch I’ve wanted to buy, but it kept slipping my mind. When she opened the Tiffany’s box with the gift I got her, her eyes lit up at the sight of the diamond-studded “C” pendant on a beautiful platinum necklace. When I told her it was C for Chandler, she laughed.

“Well, duh. I love it. I love you,” she gushes, kissing me hard on the lips.

I know we have plenty of Christmases ahead of us, but I don’t think I’ll ever forget this one. Our first. She’s wearing the necklace now, and I don’t know why it pleases me so greatly to see it. I don’t need her to wear the necklace to know she’s mine; all I have to do is look at her, and her eyes say it all.

Last night in the Adler household, I got to see the Amelia I remember in full force. She was happy, she was laughing, and she wouldn’t stop smiling. Family does that for you, though—reenergizes you. While I think it was being with her family that woke up the rest of the real Amelia, I have to admit it was also Drew. As much as I hate that fuckface, for her to get closure was huge. I still want to rip the guy’s dick off and shove it down his throat—and I’m not ruling that out—but I know that won’t do anything but upset my love. I don’t want to upset her. I never want to, though I know at some point I will.

I’m only human.

I stroke my fingers along her bare back as she gazes up at me. Everyone is moving around us, setting up and talking about the wedding. When Amelia and I found ourselves under the mistletoe, we had no choice but to kiss. Too bad we’ve been standing here for about ten minutes, not helping at all. Though I know I don’t care. I don’t think she does either. She cups my face as our lips meet once more, and everything inside me catches on fire.

“Jesus, get a room! You’re wearing out the mistletoe!”

I grin against her mouth at Ryan’s words. She opens her eyes, pressing her face into mine as I hold her close. “Maybe we should help?”

I shrug. “I like where we are.”

“I do too,” she says, sliding her hands along my shoulder and cupping the back of my neck. “Though, I doubt everyone wants to watch us make out.”


She grins as she kisses my bottom lip before her eyes meet mine. Such love and admiration swirl deep in her blue eyes. I swear I’ve never seen more stunning blue eyes than those on this beautiful woman who is all mine. Her thumbs caress my neck as she whispers, “Today has been so magical.”

I nip at her bottom lip. “I have to say, it’s one of my top three Christmases.”

Her eyes light up. “What’s your number one?”

“When Santa brought me a new hockey stick and skates.”

She rolls her eyes. “Figures.”

I wrap my arms around her tighter, wanting so desperately for her to become one with me. “But this Christmas, with you, has moved up to number two.”

She giggles before pressing her lips to mine, and within seconds, our kiss deepens again. I squeeze her ass in my hands, pressing her into me and wanting so much more than just her lips. I’m tempted to find a dark closet or something, but of course, Ryan has more to say.

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