Hard Hit (IceCats 3) - Page 27

It’s the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen.

Guess there will be no round two.

I’m not certain how that makes me feel, but one thing is for sure.

I’m feeling something.

Chapter Twelve


* * *

Celeste has a habit of squeezing my neck when she’s sleeping.

Sometimes I think it’s her making sure I am still there, and every time, I whisper, “Yeah, baby girl, daddy is here.”

Her grip lets up as my eyes flutter open. Shit. Did I fall asleep? I look at the Echo Show I have in her room to see the time, and I groan. I did fall asleep. Shit. I want to call out for Jaylin, but I don’t want to wake Celeste. In all honesty, this is Jaylin’s fault. She worked me entirely too hard. I wasn’t ready in the least. I could have worked out, jacked off, done mental exercises to have sex with Jaylin, and I still wouldn’t have been ready. Her body is downright sinful. Thick thighs, thick hips, and an ass to match. God, I loved it. I loved the feel of her juicy ass in my hands. I loved squeezing her and pulling her cheeks apart.

But the best part? Kissing her.

I hope she’s awake.

I hold Celeste by the back of her head to keep her close to my chest as I slowly stand up. I make her she doesn’t stir before I walk her to her crib. I’m not a huge fan of the butterfly room that Aviva and Callie created, but when they added hockey sticks and my numbered jersey with Celeste’s name on it above her crib, I was appeased. It’s hard being a girl dad. I’m so used to all the dude shit I do that butterflies and princesses have never been my jam.

They are now, though.

And I bet Jaylin would be good at this girly shit… Whoa, buddy. Don’t get pussy-whipped after the first time.

I am. Fully pussy-whipped, and I have no regrets.

I just want more.

I make sure Celeste is settled before heading out of the room. I shut the door behind me as I quietly call out Jaylin’s name, checking the kitchen in case she’s there. When I see she’s not, I head down the hall, a little pep in my step and a shit-eating grin on my face. Round two is bound to be even hotter than round one. I dreamed up some things I want to do to her, and I know she’ll have no complaints. She may be a lady on the streets, but in the sheets, she’s a straight-up freak.

And I want so much more.

I call out her name once again. When I get no answer, I head toward my bedroom, only to find she isn’t there. I also notice that her clothes are gone from where I threw them. Wait. Did she leave?

I head back toward the kitchen, and to my dismay, her purse and shoes are gone from beside Celeste’s baby bag. Well, fuck. Is this really happening? Was it not good for her? I go back to my bedroom to retrieve my phone, but just as I grab it, I remember I don’t have her number.

I check the time, and I see it’s well past midnight. Shit. I open my mail to look for her email before I remember I deleted it to keep myself from obsessing over it. Since I’m one of those crazy people who don’t like reminders, I also deleted my trash. Why can’t I just be normal? Damn it. I check the time once more, and maybe, just maybe, I can email Willa and she can get me Jaylin’s number. But what if Jaylin doesn’t want her office knowing I want her number? Why did she leave?

It had to be because of Celeste. She was ready for round two, I was ready, but of course, my child comes first. Jaylin isn’t about that life. Never has been and I knew that, so why am I in my feelings? I got mine; she got hers. We’re square. Problem is, I don’t want to be square. I want to be circled so we can continue to do it over and over again. I want to hold her. I want to be with her.

Isn’t this some shit?

I fall back into the counter, the hard edge biting into my back, but the pain isn’t anything compared to the dent her leaving has made to my pride.

But I’d be damned if she thinks she’s getting away that easy.

I didn’t sleep a wink last night.

I tap my foot against the island in my kitchen as Celeste happily eats her oatmeal. It’s more a hot mess of oatmeal everywhere, but she’s having fun learning how to use a spoon. As I help her, I wait for Nico to answer my call. I’ve been calling him since seven a.m., and he’s bullshitting me by not answering. I tossed and turned all night, trying to figure out what to do to get ahold of Jaylin. I was going to ask Willa for her number, but I don’t want to get her involved. I thought about calling Aviva. But I don’t know if Jaylin is truly blowing me off, and if she is, I don’t need more people knowing about it. What I need is the opinion of my buddy who has no filter and will tell me the honest-to-God truth, even if I don’t like it.

Tags: Toni Aleo IceCats Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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