Hard Hit (IceCats 3) - Page 39

As she reaches for CC, picking her up out of her high chair, I stand up. “I can do that so you can head out early.”

She shakes her head. “Nope. She needs to get used to me doing it,” she says sternly. “I know you want to help, but why pay me if you won’t let me work, Mr. Litman?”

I scoff. “I told you about that Mr. Litman shit.”

She grins. “That’s what I’ll call you when you won’t let me do my job.”

I laugh. “Are you trying to say I’m annoying you?”

“Yup,” she says, holding out CC toward me. “Now, kiss your girl so I can put her to bed.”

“Okay, new trait. Passive-aggressive,” I accuse, and her laughter is sweet as I kiss my baby girl. CC squeals happily as she grabs my face, but on cue, she yawns widely. “She’s going to be easy to put to sleep.”

Jean agrees as the doorbell rings. I glance at the clock, and then the door opens as the three pains in my ass walk in. “You guys are early,” I call to them as they walk through the living room. I’m a big dude, but these three make me look short. Massive kids. Corn-fed, as Chandler calls them since the twins are from Nashville and Dart is from Wisconsin.

I invited D’Artagnan, Owen, and Evan over because I feel like the more they hang with me, the more likely they won’t get mixed up in something they shouldn’t be. As a rookie, it’s so easy to get caught up in drugs, women, and alcohol. I know firsthand, and I don’t want them ruining their lives. All three of them have bright futures.

And they’ll continue to be bright as long as they keep their mitts off Jean.

At the sight of her, Owen and Dart go slack-jawed as she beams over at the three of them. Evan, my good dude and my favorite of the three, doesn’t seem to be affected by her. As usual, he looks uncomfortable, and I hate that. He’s a really cool kid; he shouldn’t look like he hates life twenty-four seven. Maybe he doesn’t like me?

Okay, reel that in, Kirb.

I then remember that two out of the three are checking out my nanny, whom I have to protect so she doesn’t leave me. I clear my throat as a warning, and all three look right at me. Even CC and Jean look at me. I guess that was a bit aggressive. “Guys, this is CC’s nanny, Jean. Jean, these three are trying to play for the IceCats. This is Evan, Owen, and D’Artagnan, or Dart, which is what we call him ’cause his name is a mouthful.”

Dart beams in a suggestive way. “That’s not the only thing about me that’s a mouthful.”

“Jesus Christ,” I mutter, and Jean laughs.

“Wow, okay,” she says, nodding toward the guys. “Nice meeting you guys. Excuse me. I got a princess to put to sleep.”

The boys all nod as she passes by, but Dart adds, “Good night, princess. Remember, Uncle Dart is your favorite.” He then checks Jean out, top to bottom, licking his lips, much to Owen’s amusement. Evan is already heading toward me as I set Dart with a look.

He shrugs innocently, when there is nothing innocent about that dude. “I am. CC doesn’t like these two,” he says, cocking his thumb at the twins.

Owen takes offense. “Whatever. CC loves me.” Evan pulls out a chair and sits down as Dart hops up on the island and Owen seats himself on CC’s rideable fluffy unicorn he got her. He made sure it held his weight before he bought it because he wanted to ride it too. The kid isn’t right, but I do have to admit, the three of them adore CC and are good entertainment. Just young and horny. I can’t hate on them, though. I was the same, and lord knows I’m still horny when it comes to Jaylin. Dart pulls out his phone, taking a picture of Owen, and they laugh at the image, while Evan just looks bored.

“You all right, bro?”

He swallows hard, and I feel bad for the kid. “Yeah, I hate flying.”

Oh, that’s right. “What time are you guys heading out?”

“Our plane should be here around three.”

“Your plane?”

Owen grins confidently. “Oh yeah. Our family is loaded. I mean, my mom owns the damn Nashville Assassins, and my dad is a legend. We’re rolling in the dough.”

Evan gives him a long-suffering look. “We aren’t. They are. For us to be rich, they’d have to die before we get anything.”

Owen mulls that over. “I don’t like that narrative. In mine, we’re rich.”

“Jesus,” Evan mutters, and I chuckle at his dismay. “But yeah, our plane. The wedding is this weekend.”

“It’s your oldest sister who’s marrying that jackass Brooks?”

Bastard juked the shit out of me in game four, which led to the game-winner, so I dislike him. Also, Nico has some beef with him, so I hate him on principle.

Tags: Toni Aleo IceCats Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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