Wild Tendy (IceCats 2) - Page 15

“You changed your hair.”

Oh, that deep voice. It’s raspy and oh so sexy. I blink, and I notice he’s looking at my head. I move my bangs out of my eyes. “I brushed it.”

“You didn’t have bangs earlier.”

I refuse to be impressed he noticed. “They were pinned back, and I didn’t want customers asking me what happened, so I covered the cut.”

“By the way, thanks for not being an asshole to my sister,” Callie says then, and I set her with a look. But Nico, Greek god-looking dude, he flashes her the sweetest grin.

“Don’t you have something to do? Cut something, Callie.”

Callie’s eyes are teasing as she grabs the bin of almost empty tomatoes. I look back to Nico, resting my foot on my calf as I lean into the counter. “What brings you in? Didn’t get the info you need earlier?”

“I got the info, but I wanted more.”

I furrow my brow. “More?”

“Yeah, a sub for me and my friend. She picked me up from the wreck, so I owe her.”

Her must be his girlfriend. Lucky bitch. Not that I have time for that. Nowhere in this shittastic life of mine is there time for a dude. Dudes need attention. They’re like cute little puppies. Gotta feed them, pet them, and love on them. I hardly have time to love myself. Someone else? Please. But man, what it would be like to be loved on by this fantastic beast of a man. “Two subs coming up, on the house.”

“No way. I’ll pay.”

I wave him off as I grab two pieces of French bread. “What can I get you?”

“What’s your favorite?”

I look back at our menu. My mom and Callie painted it when we opened the place. I refuse to change it. If I have special subs, I usually put them on the board. “The I Need a Hero is the best sub here. It has this amazing sauce that is fantastic.”

“Can I get two of those and then a Carlton?”

I look at him in confusion. “I thought you were getting one for you and your girl?”

“My girl?”

“Yeah, the one who picked you up.”

“My best friend’s wife-to-be. Amelia.”

I swallow around the lump of embarrassment in my throat. “Oh, my bad.” Then I blink and ignore the heat that creeps up my neck. “Still two Heroes?”

He nods. “Yeah, one for me and you.”

I hold the two pieces of French bread in my hand as I stare at him. He leans into the glass guard that protects my fixings. His eyes are dark, like two sweet pieces of chocolate, and the way the side of his mouth turns up is downright wrong. “While I do need subs, I’d really like to sit down and get to know you.”

“Get to know me?”

“Only you.”

He’s messing with me. I cock my head. “What’s your game here?”


“Yes, this is the second time you’ve asked me out in one day, and mind you, I still look like vulture food—”

“I think you’re magnificent.”

I put down the bread and start to wipe off my arms.

He brings in his brows. “What are you doing?”

“Wiping off the spray from the game you’re spitting. I mean, holy hell, dude. You don’t even know me.”

“I don’t have to know you to think you’re beautiful.” His voice drops an octave. Within seconds, heat runs up into my belly and ignites. “There is no game here. I just want to get to know you.”

I blink. “Okay, skipper—”


I shrug. “Everything else isn’t appropriate to say in front of my sister.”

I hold up my hand as Callie snickers. “That hasn’t stopped you before.”

“Shut it,” I call to her as I cut my eyes back to Nico’s. “I’m pretty sure you’re the one who hit your head today—”

“I didn’t hit my head, and even if I had, I’d still want to get to know you.”

Wow, his bluntness is a little surprising. And those eyes are unstoppable. They’re locked with mine, daring me to look away. “There is nothing to know.”

“I don’t agree.”

Our gazes lock, and I swear I feel him all over me. I really need to get laid—but not by him. He’d break me in two. Figuratively and physically. “I’ll get your one Hero and Carlton,” I say then, dragging my gaze from his. I get to work on his subs, and I can feel his gaze on me. I won’t give in to it, though. I can’t. When I’m done, I hand them over to him and meet his gaze, even knowing it’s a bad idea. “Come again.”

His laughter fills my shop. It’s raw but sorta dorky. Something I didn’t expect from such a big man. “You’re gonna make me work for it, huh?”

“Work for what?” I ask with a grin. His laughter makes me smile.

“Your time.”

I look up then. “I don’t have time. In all reality, I’m saving you time. My life is this shop and that snot-nosed brat behind me. You’d be wasting your time trying to get mine.”

Tags: Toni Aleo IceCats Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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