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The Lyon's Cub Caitlin (Lyon The Next Generation 1)

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So I’d pretty much spent my day in a place of euphoria and feeling like I was detached from all the bullshit for the first time in years. But first my cousin had revealed who Flanagan’s wife is, something I would’ve known had I done my homework, and now I’d shown my hand in front of the others. Of course they have questions.

Now I’m gonna have to explain this shit to Lyon and the others sitting here and that damn Wilson has been on my back with his shit. Dammit! He wants to retire, has been wanting to for the past year or so, but I’m not ready to sit behind a desk and delegate and he or the organization aren’t quite ready for their head to do things my way. I have to keep my hand in, there’s just too much to be done.

I could feel Lyon staring holes in my head as I played with the water bottle to gain some time. “Fuck it. I’m gonna head over there now, it’s only ten o’clock.” I looked at my watch before getting to my feet. “But I need you to let me tell you what’s going on in my own time. Let’s deal with this thing in front of us first and then I promise I’ll tell you everything you need to know.”

“Does this involve us in anyway?” I should’ve known Lyon wouldn’t leave well enough alone.

“Yes, but it’s a good thing and that’s all I’m prepared to say right now.” He shifted in his seat and the three of them just shrugged their shoulders making me take a sigh of relief. It’s a sure sign of how far we’d come that they were willing to give me some time.

“Fine! You need us to come with?”

“Nah, this won’t take…long. Incoming!”


I looked around when he said that and saw my baby girl coming into the kitchen. “Catalina, what’s up baby, you had another bad dream?” I held out my arm for her to come to me and only then realized she had her computer in her hand. This kid…


“Yeah baby.” She walked over and put the computer on the table in front of me. “Look daddy!”

I looked at the screen and it didn’t take long to see what had spooked her.

“Where did you get this baby?” She rubbed her eyes sleepily.

“I sent Nia the video I recorded from the drone, oh sorry daddy I borrowed Aiden’s drone without asking.”

“Don’t worry about that now, tell daddy the rest.”

“Ok, so I sent the recording to Nia and she just sent that back.” There was an image of a truck bed with what was obviously the outline of a body inside a sack. The body of a young girl or a very small woman. “She cleaned up the images daddy and that’s what she saw, I didn’t see anything when I was watching. Are we too late?”

I looked up at Mancini, Law and Creed who were all waiting for me to tell them what was going on. “You’ve got to see this; baby, go get in bed with mommy daddy will be right there.” I kissed her little forehead and almost broke into tears.

“What is it Lyon?” Law asked as soon as she cleared the door. I turned the screen to the three of them and watched the blood drain from their faces. “Is that what I think it is? Do we know where this happened?”

“I’ll have to get the recording she took from the drone.” The image on the screen was a still shot.

“I guess I can make that trip tomorrow.”

“No, no you can’t, you go do what you have to, because the sooner you do that, the sooner you can tell me what the hell is going on with you. We’ll get started on this.”

“Are you going to call in the others?”

“Not yet, they’ve been going all day. We’ll work it and then let them in on it in the morning. I doubt we’re gonna find anything useful tonight, that truck is in motion.”

“Yeah, and so is the body in the bed.”

Yeah, somewhere right now, there’s a young girl or woman in these people’s hands. It burnt my ass that I could do nothing but sit and wait, but I’d learned a long time ago that sometimes waiting, biding your time and doing shit right, garners better results.

“You two head up to the office we’ve got work to do. I’ll go tuck my kid in and be right there. Mancini you know where you’re going I presume.”

“Yes, I won’t be long.” He went to kiss his wife and kid I guess before heading back downstairs and out the door.

I left Law and Creed going one way once we reached upstairs and headed in the opposite direction to my room. The way the place is built, there’s a curve in the hallway so you can’t see the office from the master suite and the guest bedrooms are separated from the family space by a long hallway around another curve, all flanked by windows.

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