The Lyon's Cub Caitlin (Lyon The Next Generation 1)
Page 150
“Yeah, I don’t see what harm it would do.” Asshole Davey again with his shit.
Shut up asshole, you don’t have a dog in this fight. I didn’t say that out loud but I know he could read the look on my face. I’m pretty sure he knows them well by now. “She could look like a princess on our wedding day.” You could hear a pin drop.
“And on that note, come walk me out Caitie I need to go home and rest.” I didn’t dare laugh at the look on my father in law’s face, but I did like the look of pleasant surprise on his wife’s and the blush on my girl’s as she tried not to smile.
I took her hand in front of the whole room and walked out. I kissed her by the door too before walking out and hopping in the Ranger. I’m sure tomorrow I’ll be hearing from one Colton Lyon.
I sat behind my desk the next morning still reeling from what the kid had said the night before. He’d just left to take her to school like she didn’t have her own car and a license. The SEALs had shown up early this morning because we had shit to do.
“So how’re we doing this?” Tyler asked as we sat around the office. We have a shit load of stuff to do still before Mengele goes playing detective but this shit was just as important as far as I’m concerned.
“First we have to get our nosy ass wives out of the house and I know just how to do it. We’ll send them for a spa day, that should get them out of the house for a few hours at least.” They started reaching for their wallets.
“Don’t be assholes, this is my treat, you’re my guests remember?”
“Yeah Colt but something like that’s gonna set you back at least a few grand.”
“Logan I think I can afford to send my wife and her friends on a day out. We should add shopping too, that’ll really keep them the fuck out of our hair.”
I picked up the phone and called Elena. “Ma, I need a favor. I need you to set up a spa day at that place you and Kat likes for all the women.”
“Whoo-hoo when did you want to do this?”
“In about an hour.”
“Colton, that’s too short notice, there’s about eleven or twelve of them.”
“That’s why I’m calling you. Why don’t you… and Char?” I looked at Mancini for verification and he just nodded his head. “And the rest of your hen pack join them, make a day of it my treat. There might be shopping involved.”
“I’ll call you right back.” I knew that’d get her. They don’t need shit her and my wife, but mention shopping and they can come up with a hundred things that they just have to have.
“Are we allowed to give our women money to shop at least?”
“Listen, Elena and Kat have open accounts at every luxury boutique between here and the next state, they’ll be fine. When I start hurting for money I’ll let you fucks know. Get off my ass Logan. Mancini hang up the phone, this is my deal.” I looked for the number to the limo service and dialed. Might as well have someone else drive the girls around for the day.
“How do you know what I’m about to do?”
“I know you.” I ordered the stretch limo for them, then called the security team who had nothing to do all day but stare at my house and told them what the deal was.
“So here’s what we’re gonna do.” I turned back to the room when I was through. “I’ll wait for Elena to call back then we’ll tell the women we’ll watch the kids for the day while they go out and have some fun.” They all nodded as I expected, domesticated fucks that they are.
“They only need about half an hour, that should be enough time to get themselves together. I saw a shit ton of milk in that special fridge Kat got when the trips were born so we’re set for food for the little ones, sounds good?”
“How long before the kid gets back.” Law was ready to put the fear of Zeus in the boy. I looked at my watch. “About ten minutes give or take.”
“I’m taking notes for when baby Zak’s time comes.”
“Ty, my kid’s just barely out of nappies.” Ty just waved Zak off.
The phone rang and Elena was happy to give me the news that her friend was more than appreciative for the business. “We’re on boys let me go tell the wife.” Who knows what fuckery she’s up to now.
I hunted her down in the kitchen with her posse, drinking coffee and telling lies about us men no doubt. I’d had to fuck her ass to sleep last night to get her to shut up about the boy and Caitiebear getting married. Her ass is worse than Elena when it comes to weddings.