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Her First Choice

Page 13

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He switched the light off and took her in his hold, wrapping his arms around her, holding her back clasped to his chest. His arms tightened possessively as he growled low in her ear. “Go to sleep.”


Jenna opened her eyes to the sound of running water. She sat up and looked at the clock on the bedside table. Six in the morning.

The guy was crazy.

She looked around for her clothes, but realized most of them were still in the living room. She grabbed the towel from last night off the floor, wrapped it around to cover herself, and hurried into the other room to retrieve her clothes. She found them, minus her bra that was in the bathroom, and hurriedly dressed. She found a comb in her purse and was standing in front of the dresser trying to make herself presentable when the shower cut off and thirty seconds later David walked naked into the room, casually drying himself with a towel.

She stood still, and watched him in the mirror. He first searched for her in the bed, and then around the room until he found her. His eyes clashed with her gaze in the mirror, then moved down her body, noticing her clothes in place like armor protecting her.

He hooked the towel around his hips and stalked towards her. His hands landed on her shoulders, and she felt his erection pushing against her through the towel. “Good. You’re dressed already.”

Her eyes became wounded at that comment and dropped from his.

He continued. “We’ll stop at your place for fresh things before we hit the airport.”

She lifted her eyes back to his. “Airport?”

“Yeah. We’re going to Vegas.”

“Why?” Her voice held confusion.

“Why do you think?” he bit back.

His reason dawned on Jenna. “I’m not marrying you in Vegas this weekend if that’s what you’re thinking.”

“Yeah, you are.” His confidence was absolute.

“No, I’m not,” she argued.

“Why not?”

“It’s too soon. I need time to think about it first.”

“What’s to think about?” he asked with impatience.

She looked at him with an edge of anger. “My life. Does that mean anything to you? Or do you not give a shit about my feelings in any of this?”

“I give a shit, Jenna. This whole situation is going to be good for you. You need the money and you’re still young. A couple of years at this stage in your life won’t matter in the long run. You’ll leave the arrangement with no debt, and money in the bank. Hell, you could even go to school during the day and get a couple of years under your belt.” He studied her intently. “Have you ever considered trying to get a bachelor’s degree?”

Blood pulsed through Jenna’s veins at his condescending attitude. She wanted to throw her education in his face so damn badly she almost couldn’t see straight. But she couldn’t. She had lied on her resume. It was all so ridiculous. How many people lied and disclaimed the education they had? But that’s exactly what she had done. She hadn’t had a choice. Eating and paying rent had seemed slightly more important at the time. But he wouldn’t know anything about that. His last name was Bennett, and he’d never suffered a day in his life because of it. So now she couldn’t throw her education in his face. Couldn’t or wouldn’t? Surely that wasn’t pride that was keeping her silent.

Sudden anger came up and clouded her thought process. Why shouldn’t she take the money and run? Two years would pass, she would be out from under her debilitating debt, and she could move on with her life. She could even move back to Texas to be with her family.

Coin tossed, decision made, she sucked in a breath and answered his question. “Yeah, I’ve thought about it.” That wasn’t another lie, was it? She had thought about getting an education. And done it.

“Good. There won’t be anything stopping you, then. As long as you’re with me, I’ll pay for it.” He crossed his arms over his chest and continued. “I don’t mean this to be a one-sided relationship, only for my benefit. I’m not a complete asshole. I want you to get something from it, too.”


His posture relaxed slightly. “You agree to the trip? To the marriage?”

“Yes.” She hissed the word out contemptuously.

He reached out and pinched her chin between his fingers and thumb. “Why so angry?”

“Because you’

re getting your way.”

“Yeah, I am.” A smug look encompassed his features and he lowered his mouth to hers in a swift, savage kiss.

Chapter Seven

Jenna sat in first class and fiddled with the platinum band on her left ring finger. She watched David sitting next to her from the corner of her eye. His hand still held hers loosely even in sleep, his fingers laced between hers in a hold of ownership, a hold of possession that he had rarely allowed her away from the entire day.

They were approaching the Greater Cincinnati airport and her mind raced over the day that had just passed. It was almost midnight, and everything had been accomplished in one day. When they left his house that morning, the first thing they did was meet with his lawyer, the handsome blond man that had been with David in the break room that day, and she had signed a pre-nuptial agreement.

He promised her a hundred grand when the knot was tied, and she took him at his word. That had been accomplished in less than an hour. A quiver ran through her stomach when she realized the pre-nuptial agreement had already been drawn up. He must have planned it all ahead.

Then they had left to board a flight to Vegas, and the minute they’d gotten there, he’d hustled her into a twenty-four hour wedding chapel. There were no Elvis impersonators that she saw, but it was almost as garish. Bright neon lights and fake flowers were everywhere. They were married quickly without benefit of rings, but he found a jewelry store when they left the chapel and had one on her finger with what to her now seemed to be an obscene lack of consideration and time. He’d picked out platinum bands to match, and that was that.

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