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Her First Choice

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She lingered by the stairway as her heartbeat went into overdrive.

“You ready?” he asked, his question salient, punctuated.

Chapter Eight

She stood without answering, her hand on the banister for support.

He pushed to his feet and stalked toward her, one purpose radiating from him.

Jenna felt helpless as he wrapped a brawny arm around her middle, lifting her torso into his, and went for her mouth like a starving animal.

She hung in his grasp as once again, he began to dominate her physically, sexually.

He was blatantly male, his erection pushing against her, the need to mate consuming him in a way that left no room for anything else.

It was too much. It was too soon. She fought back.

She began pushing against the hands that held her, driving her arms between them, trying to wedge herself away from him. She squirmed against him in an attempt to get free, she ripped her mouth from his and turned her face away. “No.”

He growled low in his throat and pulled her mouth back around to his.

She sealed her lips tightly together and stiffened her body in negation.

“Why?” he questioned in a voice that was guttural, a raspy noise low in his throat.

Her body went limp in his arms as suddenly, she lost all energy, all will to fight. She sagged against him and answered him softly. “I can’t deal with anymore tonight. I’m so tired. I want to go home. I shouldn’t have done this, shouldn’t have agreed to this marriage.”

David’s mind reeled as he wrapped his arms more tightly around her. His need for sex was intense. His need for her total acquiescence was more so.

He heard a small sob in his shoulder and was pissed at himself for making her cry. He reached down and lifted her in his arms, shouldering the door open and walking into the master suite. Putting her in the middle of the bed, he switched off the light and gathered her in his arms.

She went stiff against him, but he soothed her with small sounds. He ran his hands over her in gentle movements, trying to calm her.

She sobbed softly again, and he kissed her hair gently.

“Shh, shh. Don’t cry, baby. It’ll be okay.”

“I want to go home.”

His body went rigid and his voice roughened. “No. It’s too late. Just go to sleep.” He kissed her brow and smoothed his hands over her stomach. “I’ll leave you alone so you can sleep.”

His intentions were noble but her scent was driving him crazy.

She turned her face toward him and began to try to reason with him in a small whisper. “This isn’t going to work. I can’t take the money.”

Jenna watched him in the dark, trying to make out his features. She was lying on her back, and he was on his side, hanging over her. It was too dark to see anything more than the outline of his face and the width of his shoulders. She waited in silence, her announcement in the air between them.

She gasped out loud when she felt his hand fall unerringly on the softness between her thighs. He ignored what she said as if it held no importance and squeezed her mound in a statement of possession.

David shoved her blouse up until it was scrunched around her belly. His palm moved to her soft stomach and brushed against the feminine flesh under his hand. God, she was so tempting. So soft, so lush, her flesh and her scent inflaming him. Her argument was dismissed from his brain; he would handle her concerns tomorrow. She wasn’t getting away from him, and for now, she either needed to go to sleep immediately, or get ready for what was about to happen.

He heard another small whimper, and mindful of her tears, set out to calm her down. He smoothed his hand over her stomach, down to the soft, sweet mound between her thighs. Her legs were closed, and he pushed against her pubic bone, swirled his hand up and away, and back again. She sucked in her breath. His mouth went to her ear and he began to whisper to her. “I want to touch you.” At the same time, he put his hand between her knees and pushed her legs apart. His hand smoothed up her thigh and gripped the hot flesh that was driving him out of his mind. “You drive me crazy. I want to touch you, Jenna.”

His finger went to her slit and he carefully, gently opened her. He heard her catch her breath as she trembled against him.


His finger moved to her clit and pressed. “Why not, baby?”

“We shouldn’t have done this,” she answered, her voice a mere whisper.

He ignored her statement and kissed her ear, swirling his tongue over the delicate lobe and gently tugging it between his teeth. His hand left her thighs and moved to her soft stomach, worshipping her flesh, sliding his hand up her torso until it fell on a firm breast. Her nipple was tight and stabbed at his palm. He rubbed it, tweaked it, moved his hand to its twin and did the same until she was softly undulating against him.

He left the heaven of her breasts and caressed his way back down to her feminine core, found the wet nirvana that awaited him, and sunk a long, thick finger into her.

He hissed in her ear. “I want to touch you. I want to make you come.”

Her arms wrapped around his head, and her legs opened further, allowing him access. When he felt that small acknowledgement, his mind almost splintered completely and he had to viciously rein in control. He needed to woo her, make slow love to her, not hold her down and ram her like his body was screaming for him to do.

His guts in knots, he fought ferociously with himself. He felt a small, smooth hand touch his cheek and a whispered plea. “Please.”

It calmed the raging fires within. He allowed her to turn his face, take the kiss, opening her mouth against his. Her tongue came out, dipped into his mouth and swirled inside. His grip tightened on her unconsciously.

Jenna was swimming under a multitude of emotions. She had gone from panic to arousal in no time at all and couldn’t seem to concentrate on why she should keep saying no. Currents of pleasure were running through her from the smooth strokes of his hands. He was being so gentle. She liked it. Her body awash from the slow, caressing strokes, it was all the more shocking to her when he suddenly stiffened, pushed her legs apart and rose over her in one swift moment.

She was knocked from sweet desire back to distress in seconds.

David felt the moment he lost it and lost her at the same time.

Jesus Christ! He needed to learn some control with her, and fast. What the fuck was it about her that made him respond this way? His mind felt separated from his body, and the animal inside was winning.

He hissed in a breath, reached for her hips, flipped to his back and brought her over him, straddling him, all in one quick motion. He lay still beneath her, his hands on her hips, his breathing ragged. His cock was thick and engorged, and it pulsed against her, riding up between the silky cheeks of her ass. He was about to explode. He gritted his teeth and began reciting pi in his brain. Three. Point. One. Four. One. Five. Nine. Two. Six.—

Jenna’s breath hitched as she found herself spread out over him, her hands on his chest. Her feminine core was parted against his stomach, and his shaft pulsed against her, hot steel nestle

d against her butt. It was an intimate position that was blowing her mind.

She sat still and tried to assimilate the changed position and situation. Her eyes were adjusting to the darkness, and she could see the feral look on his face, even though his eyes were closed. Goosebumps slid across her skin as he lifted his hands from her hips, slid them up on either side of his head, palms up, in an act of submission.

Then he slowly opened his eyes.

Their gazes clashed in a tangle of need, his pulse beating under her hands, and from his shaft pushing against her cleft. Her heart was beating so hard it hurt. They continued to stare at each other.

His hand slowly reached up and slid to her shoulder, cupping it in his rough palm. “Do you have any fucking idea what you do to me?”

Need coursed through her at his vulnerable tone.

She shook her head softly, her hair whispering over her shoulders, over his hand. “No, I only know what you do to me,” she answered, her voice trembling.

His hand tightened on her flesh. “What do I do to you?” he demanded, his free hand reaching to the nightstand and picking up a condom.

Jenna could feel what he was doing in the dark, she knew he was rolling a condom on behind her. How could that be sexy? She hated that he knew she would give in to him.

He reached for her hips and demanded again, “What do I do to you?”

“You tear me up inside.” She held herself stiffly over him while he rubbed her hips with smooth, circular strokes and listened. “You make me want you and you take my body but I don’t think—I don’t think that’s enough for you. I think you want my soul.”

His hands tightened involuntarily. She was right. He wanted everything. But he knew that was crazy. It was too soon to be feeling shit like that with her. He refused to think about it.

He didn’t answer, just continued to take strokes of her body. His hand swirled over her breasts, down the valley between them, and around her nipples, but without touching the peaks. He heard her inhale sharply. He swirled his hand down to where her femininity was stretched open on his stomach. He put his finger over the spot he knew she wouldn’t be able to resist.

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