Ethan and Ava (Redwood Falls 4) - Page 10

Her brain shut down as she went into freefall. The only thing holding her up was Ethan's body pressed against hers, and the only thing she could register through the tumult of emotion rushing through her system was that this was it. This was the guy. Maybe she was only sixteen—but this was it—she'd found him. There wouldn't be another guy on the face of the earth who would make her feel like this, ever again. The realization was only a glimpsing thought, a tiny shred of knowledge that touched her brain before she fell into his kiss.

His lips were firm, his hands tight as he kissed her repeatedly, his tongue going deep and exploring every inch that he could possibly reach. Her nipples hardened against his chest, and having no input into how her body was responding, she let her purse slip from her shoulder to land on the floor. She entwined her arm over his shoulder as her fingers sank into his hair.

God. She had her fingers in Ethan Jackson's hair. Could anything ever get any better than this? Just as she had the thought, he released her cheekbone with one hand and dropped his fingers down, where they enclosed her breast. She sucked in a breath as he squeezed and then, unerringly, found her nipple. Every bit of reason she might have retained fled in that instant.

Her nipple turned into a sharp point of arousal as his touch triggered an intensity of pleasure that landed between her thighs in a cataclysm of heat. His kiss turned ravaging, his tongue twining with hers and moving in wild circles. Their breathing splintered and the strokes against her nipple turned infinitely more sexual as he pinched her flesh between his fingers and thumb.

She couldn't catch her breath and abruptly turned her face from his so she could pull in some much-needed oxygen. Instantaneously, his mouth found her ear and he bit into her earlobe, the feel of his warm, sultry breath in her ear almost making her knees give out.

Abruptly, without warning, he pulled back and held her at arm's length.

"Goddamn," he muttered as he released her breast and closed his hand around her shoulder as if to steady himself while keeping her solidly in place. "Son of a bitch."

Ava opened her eyes to find him staring at her, his cheekbones flecked with red heat, his body stiff, as he seemed to try to control his breathing. She swallowed hard and whispered in return, "Son of a bitch."

Her words brought one side of his lips up in a parody of a smile, but his eyebrows drew down into a frown. "You need to go while I can still let you."

Her eyes clung to his. She never wanted to leave his arms. "Okay," she said, but she didn't make a motion to move away.

"I mean it, Ava. Go." His head tipped to the door even as his hands clenched over her shoulders as if refuting his own words.

"I'll go when you take your hands off me," she bargained, her eyes dropping as her breathing remained heightened.

He seemed to freeze, holding her all the tighter. Slowly, he began taking calming breaths as she tried to do the same. Finally, with exaggerated, drawn out movements, he removed one hand from her and then the other. Ava could see his fingers clenching into fists at his sides as if he wanted nothing more than to sink them around her again.

Christ. She felt the same.

She took a stabilizing breath and leaned down to pick up her purse. She felt delayed heat reach her cheeks and she knew she was in a full-blown blush. Not looking at him, she edged away and slowly began making her way to the door.

He stopped her as her fingers began to twist the knob. "Ava." Her name on his lips was harsh and authoritative, making her stop and tense—but she didn't turn to face him.

"This changes everything. You understand that, right?"

Dizzy delight rushed through her veins as she nodded her head.

"I'll give you tonight to tell your parents. Tomorrow after football practice—I want to see you. You'll let me know before then if you have any problems with your folks, okay?"

"Okay," she said softly and continued to stand still.

"Go on now."

Her pulse banging forcefully through her veins, Ava twisted the knob and walked from the room.


Ava dried the last dish and bit her lip, turning to her mother who was putting away the leftovers. She took a deep breath and spilled the beans. "Ethan asked me out today."

Her mother closed the refrigerator door and spun around, looking a little shocked, but not upset, which surprised Ava because her mother was so freaking strict about boys. "Really?"

Wow. Was that actually a smile of her mother's face? Her mother so did not care for boys. "Yeah," Ava answered, still on edge. But there was no other way, she had to tell her parents what was going on.

Her mom leaned against the counter and grasped the edge behind her with both hands. "Well it took him long enough, didn't it?"

Ava was shocked but pleased by her mom's reaction. Her mother was strict but loving, as long as everyone towed her line. Her mom enjoyed making cookies and sewing hems in clothing—and treating her children as that—very young kids. She lived in a make-believe world where both Ava and Ty remained young children and everything was fine as long as Ava and her brother didn't do anything crazy, like grow up.

So her mom's question pleased Ava. Maybe this was a new beginning of a more mature relationship she could have with her mother. "Aren't you going to ask me what I said?"

Her mom tipped her head to the side and grinned. "I already know what you said, honey."

"You do?"

"You've had a crush on him for how many years now?"

Ava let out a pent-up breath and relaxed a smidge. "I don't know, I lost count."

"Since middle school, right?"

"Yes, ma'am." As her mom searched her eyes, Ava asked, "Dad's going to be okay with it, right?"

"Well, I should think so. Ethan's a good boy, we've known him forever and his parents are good church-going people, even if they don't go to our church. The real question here is going to be your brother. How do you think Ty's going to handle it?"

Ava rolled her eyes. "He already hit Ethan. Several times, evidently."

Her mom grimaced. "Ouch."

"I know—he's so stupid."

"Your brother loves you. I know y'all have a normal relationship where y'all fight and mostly ignore each other, but you have to know that your brother loves you. Ty and Ethan have been friends for a long time. I just hope this doesn't affect their friendship, you know?"

Ava hadn't ever really worried about that, although she probably should have. But she hadn't because if only one of them could have Ethan Jackson, she was determined that it would be her. Maybe that was selfish, but Ty could find other friends, but there was no other guy who would ever make her feel the way Ethan made her feel. "Well, it shouldn't affect their friendship," she said now. "But you know Ty. He's the king. He thinks he rules the world and everything in it and everybody better march to the beat of—um—whatever."

Her mom cracked up when Ava couldn't think of the entire saying. "Yeah, your brother's a bit cocky. I have no idea where that came from. We didn't raise him that way. We had nothing to do with Ty's arrogance."

Ava had to smile. "I know. Thanks, Mom."

"No problem, kiddo. You want me to tell your dad?"

"Would you?"

"Of course," her mom said with a smile. But then her tone changed and the strict, no-nonsense mother she'd always known came roaring back. "You be careful, though. He's a boy, Ava, and boys, even the good ones, seem to have only one thing on their minds. So, even though I know you're a good girl and would never let him touch you, be aware that he might try."

Really? Was her mother for real? But Ava only muttered, "Yes, ma'am," and then went to her room to text Hannah in private, infinitely glad she'd jumped that particular hurdle and had put the confrontation behind her.


Ava didn't see Ethan the next day at school, but that afternoon, when he brought Ty home after football practice, he came inside the house with her brother. Her parents were both still at work. She was in her room with the door open, and as Et

han passed by behind Ty, he glanced inside her room. His eyes caught and held hers, her stomach flying into a somersault as he eyed her up and down before silently looking away and following Ty into his room. She heard her brother's bedroom door shut on a snap.

She could make out the low rumble of their voices and about ten minutes later, Ethan walked out and stood at the threshold of her door, seeming to have all the time in the world as he casually leaned against the frame. Crossing his arms over his chest, he watched her with a dark, penetrating look.

The oxygen stalled in her throat but she managed, "Do you want to come in?"

With an intensity that weakened her, he studied her for several moments before standing to his full height and then slowly strolling inside her room.

"Shut the door," she mumbled, out of sorts.

"Can't do that," he muttered as he stood in the center of her bedroom and looked around as if he'd never really seen it before.

Tags: Lynda Chance Redwood Falls Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024