When Worlds Collide - Page 21

Who knows, maybe it won’t be as bad as all that. If I have my way, it won’t be. I will not allow it to be. Her parents love her, that’s obvious, so it’s not like she won’t have anyone.

And you’re making way too much of this Ethan. No one would dare fuck with what’s yours. Besides, she’s tough, I don’t see her taking shit from anyone, least of all any of the snobs in this town.

I should probably be more worried about what she’d do to them if they got in her damn face. That last thought made me grin and the remaining bit of worry evaporated as I went in search of my dear mother.


I found her in her dressing room sipping tea as if she hadn’t a care in the world. The woman I’d just fired was still lingering, so I knew which way the wind blew. Too bad for both of them I was the one directing the storm. “I thought I told you to get out.” I walked casually into the room and took a seat not even looking at her.

“Don’t be crass Ethan dear, of course Jill doesn’t have to leave. Now what’s all this about?” And that’s how she’s always done it. That smooth unaffected act while she ran over whoever or whatever was in her way. Too bad it wasn’t gonna work for her this time. I took a page from her book and played it cool; for now.

“Mom, I know you’re accustomed to having your way in everything, including my life, and I’m partly to blame for that. But trust me, you do not want to fight me on this.” I turned my attention back to the Jill person who was standing like a sentinel at mom’s side. “You, leave, now.” There was no mistaking the intent in my voice.

She wasn’t brave enough to withstand the look of anger I gave her and mom was too shocked to say a word. “How dare you. Since when do you direct my staff?” I ignored her long enough to watch the other woman gather her things before turning my attention back to her.

“Since they work in my house. If you want to hold onto your little henchman, then you can move into the apartment in town, or any of the other residences we own in the four corners of the earth.” She took umbrage to that I saw, and opened her mouth to speak, but I was in no mood.

“You had no right, and only yourself to blame for her termination.” She didn’t need me to explain. She knew damn good and well what I was talking about. Now I let her see some of the anger that I was barely keeping in check. Had she not been my mother this would be much worse. But as bad as she is, I have to give her a chance.

“See here Ethan, I will not be spoken to in that manner…”

“And I will not have you meddling in my personal life, that ends here and now. Why did you send her to threaten Lucia and her family?” I guess my anger wasn’t in the mood to be brushed aside. Not when it comes to Lucia.

“Oh I see. Helen just called and informed me of this madness. Typical man, you’re just like your father. Only he had the good sense to keep his filth away from the family. If you want to have a fling with the little urchin, then by all means, do. Helen has agreed to look the other way. But if you think that I will let you sully the Sullivan name by marrying her, you’re sadly mistaken.” She could’ve been discussing paint for the fucking walls.

I think this was the first time I gave serious thought to my mother’s mental state. Had I really been this blind all my life not to see it? Had she always been this way? I knew the answer to that and my own guilt kept me silent. I’d let this go on. Even those times I knew she was wrong in so many ways I never stepped in and put a stop to her tyranny.

I listened to all she had to say, as she wasn’t quite done there. She had my whole life mapped out nice and proper, down to how many kids I was allowed to have, and even when they were to make an appearance. Unfucking-believable.

I didn’t feel anything as I listened to her diatribe. I thought I would feel something, regret, dishonorable, something. But as with Helen, the more she spoke the less guilt I felt. And she just kept digging that well deeper.

“Do you hear yourself? I think I may have given you the wrong idea all these years when I kept my mouth shut and let you have your way. But make no mistake mother those days are at an end. I will not be having an affair; I will not treat her like a dirty little secret. As to dad and his mistress, I will never marry anyone who was okay with such a disgusting proposition.” She opened her mouth to argue but I silenced her with a raised hand.

Tags: Jordan Silver Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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