Sick Fux - Page 67

His breathing hitched as he watched my skin stain red. “It is the covenant one makes with the devil himself.” He lifted his head, eyes locked on mine. “A covenant you are making with me.” Rabbit’s thimble climbed north. The sharp tip balanced on a precipice, forcing me to trust him.

I did. I would always trust my Rabbit.

“The devil will lie.” He kissed my inner thigh. “He will cheat.” He edged closer to my core, his mouth moving up and sideways until his cheek brushed the spot between my legs that made me fall apart. “And he will trick.” He moved ever closer, and I shifted on the bed, needing him to take me. Needing him to relieve me of the pressure building at his touch. His eyes softened. “And he will kill, and travel miles to get to the one who holds his fucked-up black heart in her palm.”

“Rabbit . . .” I whispered as tears filled my eyes.

“He’d kill anyone who hurt her, just to make her his. He would punish anyone who got in his way.” His eyes flared with something so dark it seemed to blot out the dim light of the lamp. “He will awaken, through blood, what lies dormant in her soul. The darkness that had lurked hidden for years, sleepily waiting for the time to strike. To be born.” I yelped as he pierced the skin on my upper thigh. I looked down and saw blood between my legs.

Rabbit flicked out his tongue. In one long swipe, he licked my core from the bottom to the top.

“Rabbit!” I screamed as his touch sent a wave of pleasure soaring through my bones.

My eyes closed, only for Rabbit to command, “Open!” My eyes snapped open. He licked his lips. “Watch. Watch me as I drink from you. As you split apart from my touch, with your blood staining my mouth.”

I remained silent, need and incessant want stealing my voice. Rabbit’s eyes darkened. “Answer me, little Dolly. Answer the devil who is taking your freedom with the pact of blood.”

“Yes, Rabbit.” My skin burned, waiting for him to bring me to the light that only my Rabbit could show me.

With a savage growl, his head plunged between my legs and he licked me. He licked and licked, taking my blood into his mouth, down his throat. And I screamed. I screamed and cried out as he took from me.

I gripped his hair as tightly as I could. I moaned as his tongue moved faster, as he took and took from me. My skin flushed—the blood under my skin rushing faster than the blood that escaped through the pinholes and slices Rabbit had made.

“Take it . . .” I felt my cheeks blaze with heat, as the shivers that brought the pleasure zipped around every inch of my skin. “Take it,” I ordered. Rabbit snarled, his mouth against my core, tongue sliding more and more deeply into me. With every slash of his sharp thimble, my pleasure built and built like a storm on a scorching day, ready to thrash the skies and bring the relief of thunder, lightning and rain.

Rabbit moved his thimble to the bud that broke me apart. He pushed the tip so slightly that it barely touched me, but it was enough to splinter my body in two. A scream ripped from my heart as I yanked on his hair and my eyes squeezed shut. Rabbit sucked and pulled at the new piercing, and I shook my head as the pleasure surged through me. It came and came like a rainstorm sweeping through dry lands. He licked and licked until I could take no more.

I pushed his head away. I fought for breath as my back hit the mattress and sweat dripped between my breasts. The beads of sweat mixed with a drop of blood and fell down my stomach. Rabbit lurched forward, as if in attack, and his mouth landed over the pink drop. I stilled, gasping as his eyes met mine and he swallowed.

And we didn’t move. We stayed that way, frozen. Rabbit’s breathing was uneven as he stared at me, full from feasting on my blood.

I’d left my life in his hands.

Gave over to him the power of life or death.

He exhaled a long breath. “You gave me your blood.” He blinked, as if he couldn’t believe I had let him have me that way. My hand was shaking as I ran it down his face. My fingertip stroked across his spade tattoo, drawing a groan from Rabbit’s mouth.

He waited, breath held, for me to speak. When I did, I said, “Now it’s my turn.” Rabbit’s lips parted, and his eyes widened then hooded as my words sank in. A low rumble sounded in his chest, and he crawled up my body. His eyes never broke from mine. My heart slammed in my chest. Rabbit’s face met mine, his lips, cheeks and chin covered in crimson. His teeth were coated with blood.

Tags: Tillie Cole Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024