Sick Fux - Page 114

“Will I ever meet them?” I asked, pouting. I wanted to be friends with Mr. Chapel, and Messrs. Henry and Hyde.

“Maybe one day,” Rabbit said and pocketed his cell. “They both have their own journeys to travel first. Their own bad men to kill.”

I sat back in a mood and sipped at my tea. “I’m bored,” I complained, heaving out a deep sigh. I turned to Rabbit. “I miss killing, Rabbit. I miss sinking my blade into people’s flesh and making them bleed.” I thought about all of our lovely kills. I smiled fondly. “I rather miss hearing the loud screams our wickedness causes too.”

Such sweet, heavenly sounds . . .

“I do too, darlin’,” he replied, and I giggled into my cup when his naughty part got hard in his pants. I knew he was imagining all that lovely blood on his hands.

I busied myself with drinking my tea. I had taken only four sips, Rabbit had taken only two, when a loud smack could be heard from the public beach beside us. Our heads whipped to the side. A man had a little boy—no older than eight—by his neck. His mouth was at his ear . . . then he ran his hand down the boy’s back and over his bottom.

The boy cried.

My teacup shook in my hand at the sight. At the man licking along the little’s boy’s neck. The little boy froze, his head dropping as the man led him to a car that waited at the beach’s edge.

“Dolly,” Rabbit’s cold voice said as we watched the car drive out of sight.

“Yes, Rabbit?”

He turned to me, his eyes just as furious as mine. “We’re going on a new adventure.” I felt the blood surge through my veins. I nodded in delight. He finished his tea, and then sat on the edge of his lounger.

I jumped to my feet, readying to race after the car.

Rabbit reached out and stopped me with his hand on my wrist. He messaged someone on his cell. “Chapel will have his address in ten minutes. Stupid fucker let me see his registration plate.”

Smirking, he stood and yanked me to his chest. His eyes were wild, his hard cock pressing against my leg. “Go get your gun and your blade—”

“And my dress and socks and boots and lipstick,” I said, interrupting him. “I can’t kill without all my favorite things.” My eyes widened. “Oh! And my Alice dolly too. She just loves to watch us kill.”

Then I waited. I waited for the White Rabbit . . . my White Rabbit . . . to signal the start of our new adventure.

I watched him, breath held. Watched as a slow, vicious grin pulled on his lips. Watched as he reached into his waistcoat and pulled out his pocket watch.

My heart raced as he looked into my eyes. I locked my stare on him as he raised the watch to his ear.

Tapped on the metal.

And with malice in his heart and darkness in his veins, smiled and said, “Tick tock.”


Tags: Tillie Cole Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024