Davy Harwood in Transition (The Immortal Prophecy 2) - Page 39

Emily looked around, but there was a waiting look in her. That's when I realized that she knew what he was. She had asked for him to come and she thought it was him coming.

Pippa ran to our door and braced herself. "What's going on?"

Brown screamed, "Something's coming."

Then it stopped and the air felt eerie. I had a moment to wonder what stood outside our door before three bursts of light exploded from the hallway. Pippa fell to the ground. Emily crumbled. And Brown dropped. All of them were unconscious.

"What?" I gaped.

Saren stood in the doorway, in blue leather this time. The fire in her eyes was blazing and it smoldered in the air. A burning smell filled the room. "We have to go. Now."

"What did you just do?" I couldn't look away from their fallen bodies.

"They aren't dead, but they will be soon if I don't get you out of here."


She grabbed my hand and both of us teleported. The room wrapped around us and we were on our feet in an alley somewhere.

I threw down Saren's hand. "What just happened?!"

She ignored me and scanned our surroundings. "We're safe. For now."

"Saren!" I clipped out. "Fill me in on what's going on or I'm going back. I'll figure it out for myself."

A burst of fire exploded from her eyes. It zapped and burned me before she retracted it. "Don't threaten me. I am still your superior and you need me if you're going to survive the near future."

"What?!" My mouth hung open. Again. "What are you talking about?"

She stopped and turned to me. "Do you know what kind of wolf you're roommate is mixed up with?"

"Like Pippa? She's harmless."

"The girl is. He's not. Pete Young is the next leader of the werewolf nation. He's at your school to unite the werewolves for an uprising against the vampires."

"They're going to war with them?"

"The werewolves have laid low for thousands of years, but they're strong. Their power is ancient, more ancient that the vampires and it's rising again. Pete Young is meant to bring them together. They don't want to replace vampires, but they want to usurp them. And this guy is the equivalent of your vampire to their species."

A part of me was proud of Emily. "But what does that have to do with me?"

"She called him. He was going to her, fast. The second he got there he would've felt your power and tried to drain you from it. He wouldn't have been able to stop himself."

"Vampires can't sense my power. Why could he?" Pippa hadn't sensed my powers.

Saren sighed in frustration and paced up and down the alley. She was tense, ready for a fight. "We should be moving and not talking. He probably sensed your trail and could be coming after us."

"Stop!" I held onto her shoulders and made her stand still. "He's just a werewolf, right? Right?"

Saren shook her head. "He's not just a werewolf. He's got power, magic in him. He was created using the essence of the Immortal thread from a dead Immortal."


"Her mother. The wolves took her mother after Lucan and Lucas had left her. They took the essence of the thread that was still in her body with magic."

I had no idea how to figure this all out. "What, huh?"

She rolled her eyes and sighed in disgust. "It's like a boat that makes waves in the water. They caught the waves that remained after the boat had left. Does that make sense to your little human brain?"

Tags: Tijan The Immortal Prophecy Paranormal
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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